AI in Real Estate Content & Marketing: How and When to Use It

Did you ever imagine a time when artificial intelligence could influence your real estate business? Sounds a bit like a sci-fi film, right? However, the truth is, that time is now! Artificial intelligence (AI) has swiftly sprung from the realms of science fiction into our everyday reality, and yes, even right into the heart of real estate content and marketing. As real estate agents and business owners, you’ll be thrilled to discover new strategies that use AI in real estate marketing. From enhancing your property listings to automated social media campaigns, AI is doing it all.

So, fasten your seat belts, as you’re about to step into the fantastic world of AI for real estate marketing.

TL;DR Here’s a quick video summarizing this article.

Content generation with AI in Real Estate

  1. Automated property descriptions using an AI description generator
  2. Using an AI blog writer to create impactful blog posts
  3. Creating high-converting web copy using AI
  4. Generating ad copy for your property listings using an AI ad generator
  5. Personalized email marketing campaigns using an AI email writer
  6. Creating stunning social posts with AI social media content generators

AI in real estate marketing

  1. Predictive analytics for targeting the right audience
  2. AI-based lead generation and nurturing
  3. Social media management and optimization with AI tools

AI in real estate customer experience management

  1. Chatbots and virtual assistants for enhanced customer engagement
  2. Virtual tours of properties using AR and VR

Successful examples of AI in real estate content & marketing

Benefits of using AI in real estate content & marketing

Narrato AI for real estate marketing

Content generation with AI in real estate

In today’s digital-first world, all your competitors are posting content online. Your customers are looking for properties online. It is safe to say that the real estate industry itself has shifted from brick-and-mortar offices to websites and virtual tours. And that’s where AI in real estate comes in to help you drive results faster.

In the sea of digital content, you need to stand out, be consistent, and answer the right questions for your prospects. Artificial Intelligence can help you do that. It makes it easier to create content faster, deliver it consistently, and hit the right chords with the audience. AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data, from property listings to market trends, and generate compelling content tailored to your target audience. From writing property descriptions to crafting social media captions, AI can handle the bulk of the work, freeing up real estate professionals to focus on what they do best: closing deals.

But when and how should you use AI in real estate marketing? Well, AI is particularly useful for automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. So, to address the “when” of this question, it’s best to use AI in such cases. Now, let’s move on to the “how”. Here, we’ll discuss a few tips and best practices for leveraging AI in your real estate content creation process.

1. Automated property descriptions using an AI description generator

You have a collection of properties ready to be listed, each with its own special design, features, and potential. The challenge? Writing engaging descriptions for each. Sounds like it could take up a lot of time, doesn’t it? Not if you have an AI product description generator to assist you.

As the name suggests, an AI description generator is a tool that can create descriptions of products and services. Narrato AI‘s description generator can generate real estate listings too. Feed it some details about your property, like the type, notable features, and desired length of the description, and voila – out pops a well-structured description that’s ready to go live.

Using Narrato’s property description generator

Using Narrato’s property description generator

When to use it?

  • For bulk listings: When you have several properties to list.
  • For quick turnarounds: When a property is added to your listings and requires immediate marketing.
  • General listings: AI is perfect for handling the bulk of the work when it comes to generic properties that don’t have many distinctive features.

Why use it?

  • Speed: An AI tool that can churn out compelling content in just minutes. Ideal for agents managing multiple properties or rapidly changing portfolios.
  • Consistency: AI brings standardization to property description writing, ensuring consistent quality and style so that all properties are presented in a professional manner.
  • Customization: Many AI product description generators offer the flexibility to make adjustments. If you’re not satisfied with a specific phrase, you can easily edit it, or ask the AI tool to generate more variations.

2. Using an AI blog writer to create impactful blog posts

Blogging is an effective tool for growing real estate businesses, allowing them to share valuable insights, demonstrate their expertise, and connect with potential clients. But when businesses have a lot on their plate, consistently producing high-quality blog posts can get challenging. That’s where an AI blog writer steps in. This AI tool can help you create well-researched, SEO-friendly blog posts at the drop of a hat. If you’re wondering how it works, we’ve got a great guide on using an AI article writer to create an article in under 15 minutes. Here’s a brief overview of the same –

  • Create an SEO brief using Narrato’s AI SEO content brief generator. It will give you a list of keywords to target, competitor references, questions to include, and target word count.
  • Use AI content idea generator to brainstorm blog topics and titles.
  • Generate an entire blog article from scratch using Narrato’s AI writer‘s Long blog article and Short blog article templates. It has over 100 other AI content templates.
  • Refine the blog article using the AI summarizer, Content Omprover, Simplify tool, AI paraphraser, and other tools offered by the AI content assistant on Narrato. You can also add images to the article using an AI image generator, or the GIF/image search tools on Narrato.
Narrato’s AI blog writer

Narrato’s AI blog writer

When to use it?

  • For high-volume content: When you have to consistently publish a large number of blog posts.
  • For quick SEO optimization: AI tools can help with keyword research and better SEO content writing.

Why use it?

  • Time-Efficiency: AI writers can help you save valuable time in research and writing. They can produce a 1,000-word blog post in significantly less time compared to human writers.
  • Consistency: With the help of AI writers, you can generate high-quality content regularly, and keep your blog active.
  • Keyword Optimization: AI tools can help you identify and incorporate relevant keywords to boost your search engine rankings.

3. Creating high-converting web copy using AI

Your real estate website is like a virtual storefront, serving as the initial point of contact with potential clients. This is why it’s so important to make a lasting impression with your website copy. Simply providing information is not enough. Your website copy needs to be captivating, convincing, and able to convert visitors into clients. An AI copywriter can help you with that. It can analyze successful content patterns, user behavior, and current market trends to generate compelling copy that aligns with your input.

Narrato’s AI copywriter, for instance, can generate landing page/web page outlines, and also entire landing pages/web pages from the ground up. It supports popular copywriting frameworks (AIDA, BAB, PAS) and has AI templates for generatint headlines, brochures, and other web content.

Narrato’s AI copywriter in action

Narrato’s AI copywriter in action

When to use it?

  • For new website: When launching/revamping a real estate website or creating a fresh landing page, AI can create attention-grabbing copy that will engage your visitors.
  • High-traffic pages: An AI copywriter can optimize the copy of high-traffic pages, like property listings or contact pages.
  • To scale up content production: When you require a large amount of web copy in a short time.

Why use it?

  • Personalization: AI has the ability to analyze user data and customize web copy for each visitor, helping you create a personal connection with your potential clients.
  • Search optimization: Using an AI keyword generator and other AI SEO tools, you can identify and integrate the most effective keywords in your copy.
  • A/B Testing: With an AI copywriter generating content quickly, you can run A/B tests on different versions of your website copy.

4. Generating ad copy for your property listings using an AI ad generator

In the real estate industry, where split-second decisions can mean a click (or a skip), you need a well-crafted advertising copy get people interested. The perfect ad copy is concise, compelling, and click-worthy, and with AI ad generators, creating them gets easier.

Narrato offers a range of AI ad generation templates for various platforms, like LinkedIn Ads, Instagram & Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Classifieds. You get multiple variations of AI-generated ads on a single click, and there’s also the option to customize your Classifieds ads by selecting the desired word count.

Narrato’s AI Google ad generator in action

Narrato’s AI Google ad generator in action

When to use it?

  • For new listings: To generate interest for any new property listings.
  • For seasonal campaigns: AI can help create personalized ad copy for holidays and seasonal marketing campaigns.

Why use it?

  • Efficiency: With the help of AI ad generators, you can speed up the process of creating ad copy for your listings and get them out
  • Consistency: AI ensures that all your ads have a consistent and professional tone, which is crucial for building trust with potential buyers.
  • A/B Testing: You can find the most effective ad copy for your target audience by conveniently testing out various variations.
AI property description generator

5. Personalized email marketing campaigns using an AI email writer

Email marketing is an essential part of real estate marketing. It’s a great way to connect directly with potential buyers and sellers. But sending out generic, one-size-fits-all emails is no longer enough to capture the attention of your prospects. You need to craft personalized, engaging, and impactful email campaigns, and AI can help you with that too. An AI email writer takes your client data, property information, and campaign goals to create personalized emails. These emails aren’t generic templates with names slapped on them; they’re relevant, thoughtful, and designed to build a connection.

Narrato’s AI email writer offers numerous AI templates for creating email content, like –

  • Email subject line
  • Promotion or offer email
  • Cold outreach email
  • Email from outline
  • Newsletter
  • Event promotion email

It gives you an option to specify your audience, helping you create targeted email content.

Using Narrato’s AI email writer to generate a promotional email

Using Narrato’s AI email writer to generate a promotional email

When to use it?

  • For drip campaigns: AI email writers can deliver a sequence of tailored messages at the right moments, ensuring that prospective clients remain engaged.
  • To keep your clients updated: Keep your clients in the loop with AI-generated emails that provide updates on new listings, market trends, and other important information.
  • Follow-ups: After property showings or inquiries, you can craft and send timely follow-up emails to keep the conversation going.

Why use it?

  • Scale and efficiency: AI email writing tools are perfect for saving time and effort while still delivering personalized messages to a large audience.
  • Personalization at scale: With an AI email writer, the email content can be tailored to your preferences.

6. Creating stunning social posts with AI social media content generators

Having a strong social media presence is more than a ‘nice-to-have’ for real estate professionals today. It’s an absolute necessity. That’s where AI social media content generators come in handy. These amazing AI tools for real estate marketing can help you save loads of time and resources by generating attention-grabbing posts to keep your social media calendar full.

Narrato’s AI social media post generator can curate, create, and suggest content that’s perfectly tailored for various social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter). It has numerous custom social post generation templates (social posts from notes, URLs, themes, and more), and offers a bunch of other AI tools for social media content, like a social profile content generator, a meme idea generator, and more.

That’s not all. Narrato also has a special feature, called the AI Content Genie, that automatically generates social media ( and blog content) every week based on your website URL and themes. And the best part? You can easily edit and publish them right from the platform. Here’s a quick video of the tool if you’re interested in learning how it works – AI Content Genie by Narrato.

Creating a Facebook social post using Narrato’s AI social media post generator

Creating a Facebook social post using Narrato’s AI social media post generator

When to use it?

  • For daily social posts: If agents or agencies want to maintain an active online presence on social platforms, AI can help by generating new content consistently.
  • For event promotions: Planning to host an open house? Let AI handle the task of creating a bunch of promotional posts to spread the word about your upcoming event.
  • Property showcases: Showcase fresh listings with eye-catching visuals and compelling descriptions that captivate and entice potential buyers.

Why use it?

  • Platform-specific content: AI understands the unique needs of various platforms and ensures that the content it creates seamlessly aligns with each platform’s writing culture.
  • Visual enhancement: Some AI social media post generator tools can help enhance your posts with captivating animations, visuals, and short video clips. Imgflip, for instance, could be a great AI tool for generating memes. Picmaker is another great AI tool for this purpose.

AI in real estate marketing

AI is changing the game in ways many didn’t even see coming. From predicting which homes will sell fastest or figuring out who’s really interested in buying a property. AI real estate marketing is bringing greater precision and efficiency to marketing campaigns.

1. Predictive analytics for targeting the right audience

Predictive analytics is a powerful tool that uses market trends, historical data, and various other variables to predict future outcomes. When applied to real estate marketing, it can help you gain insights into your audience’s preferences and behavior. If you’re considering expanding into new markets or areas, predictive analytics can also offer helpful information about the potential success of these ventures.

Top Producer (Smart Targeting Real Estate Farming) and are two great AI tools that could help real estate agents with predictive analytics.

2. AI-based lead generation and nurturing

Real estate lead generation is crucial for your business’s success. You need to find potential buyers and sellers and convert them into loyal clients. The good news is that advancements in AI tools have revolutionized this process, making it more efficient and effective. With the help of AI algorithms, you can easily sift through vast amounts of data to identify individuals who are actively interested in buying or selling property. AI can also monitor lead behavior, such as the properties they view or the emails they open, to tailor follow-up communications. is a great example of one such AI tool.

3. Social media management and optimization with AI tools

AI tools can simplify and streamline social media management for real estate businesses in a big way. Here’s how:

  1. Content Scheduling: AI can determine the optimal times for posting when your audience is most active online. It schedules your posts accordingly to maximize visibility. MeetEdgar could be a useful tool for this purpose.
  2. Content Curation: With AI, you don’t have to manually search the web for real estate news and trends anymore. There are some great AI tools that do all the work for you, finding fresh and valuable content to share.
  3. Sentiment Analysis: With AI tools, you can keep an eye on your mentions and comments, and gauge people’s reactions to your content. This helps you fine-tune your strategy. offers a range of user-friendly tools for automating social media management.

AI in real estate customer experience management

AI offers new ways to improve real estate marketing, making client interactions easier, more personalized and efficient. From chatbots providing prompt responses to client inquiries and virtual property tours offering a lifelike viewing experience, smart AI tools are transforming the future of real estate.

1. Chatbots and virtual assistants for enhanced customer engagement

In real estate, immediate and personalized response is not just appreciated – it’s often expected. This is where chatbots and virtual assistants come in handy. These tools, powered by artificial intelligence, bring together human interaction and automation to deliver outstanding customer service and engagement.

A chatbot is an AI-driven software that can answer questions, engage in conversation, and perform tasks. Virtual assistants take this a step further by integrating with various systems to offer more comprehensive real-time assistance. If you’re not sure where to start, try our and Tidio.

2. Virtual tours of properties using AR and VR

In recent years, technology has completely changed the way potential buyers and renters experience properties. No longer confined to static images or simple videos, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) take property viewing to an entirely new dimension. Zillow, a popular real estate company, recently launched AI-powered home tour feature on their platform.

Basically, AR adds digital stuff to the real world, while VR puts users right into a completely digital world. iStaging if a platform that offers an online virtual tour builder to help you launch your virtual property tour, quickly and easily.

Successful examples of AI in real estate content & marketing



Redfin is a great example of a real estate company that has effectively integrated AI to enhance the capabilities of its human agents. AI serves as a valuable support system, taking care of labor-intensive tasks and reshaping the traditional real estate and property management practices. Redfin has a nifty automated property recommendation AI matchmaking tool that understands what users want, sometimes even better than the users themselves. So, customers often end up being more interested in the recommendations from the AI tool than the properties they were originally looking at.



Trulia, a well-known real estate marketplace, is also using AI to change the way people search for properties. By carefully studying users’ behavior, search history, and preferences, Trulia is able to provide personalized property recommendations that perfectly match their individual tastes and interests.

Benefits of using AI in real estate content & marketing

Here’s a closer look at the numerous benefits AI brings to the table for real estate companies –

1. Time and cost savings through automation

AI-powered tools can generate reports, insights, or content in mere minutes, allowing real estate agencies to respond to client needs promptly. By leveraging the power of AI, agents, and agencies can eliminate repetitive tasks in real estate content marketing. This not only saves valuable time but also reduces the chances of costly mistakes.

2. Improved accuracy and consistency in content creation

AI tools analyze data to generate highly relevant content for specific audiences. This ensures that marketing materials resonate with your target audience. AI algorithms also ensure that the content generated is consistent in terms of tone, style, and quality, which strengthens brand identity.

3. Enhanced customer experiences and engagement

AI can analyze individual user behaviors and preferences to deliver tailored content, property suggestions, and interactions, leading to a more personalized and memorable customer experience. Take AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, for instance. These tools can answer customer questions around the clock, providing immediate assistance even outside of traditional business hours.

4. Data-driven decision-making for marketing strategies

Artificial intelligence has the amazing ability to analyze huge amounts of data, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into market trends, audience behaviors, and campaign performance. These insights are like gold when it comes to fine-tuning marketing strategies.

In the end

Whether you’re starting out in the real estate industry or are a seasoned pro, embracing AI can open up a world of possibilities. It will allow you to develop unique content strategies, provide personalized customer experiences, and save valuable time and money.

And that, my friends, is the magic of AI in real estate content and marketing. It’s a brave new world out there, waiting to be explored. So why not give these incredible tools a try, and see the magic of AI yourself?

Narrato AI