Category :Narrato Workspace FAQs


As a content creator and marketer, your time is invaluable. This is why it is extremely important that you spend your time on more result-oriented and strategic tasks like content planning and content production. Publishing should be a no-brainer for you. But sadly, with manual content publishing, you end up spending a lot more time..


If design is the body, content is the soul of a website. Content plays a crucial role in converting leads into customers and making a website SEO-friendly. For web design and web development agencies, a major challenge often ends up being gathering content from clients or copywriters to add to the site. This leads to..


You can share public links of your content with others from Narrato Workspace. The viewers of the content won’t require to log in – similar to Google Doc Share links. The public content links are particularly useful when you are sharing content with partners or external stakeholders, who are not going to be added to..


With the WordPress publishing integration, you can connect your WordPress blog and website accounts to save, schedule or publish content from Narrato Workspace directly. You can also copy HTML of your content from Narrato’s editor – a useful feature when publishing content on other CMSes. All you have to do is connect your blog to..