How to Use AI for Sales Content Generation

The rapid evolution of generative AI technology has ushered in a new era of sales content generation, where artificial intelligence powerfully transforms how you communicate with your customers and drive lead generation. AI for sales content not only streamlines operations but also enhances the effectiveness of the content and personalization of customer interactions.

From generating high-quality sales enablement content to writing sales emails with flair, AI can automate and simplify almost any content creation task in sales and marketing. AI-generated content today is at par, if not better, than most human-written content. AI tools can understand context, maintain consistency, align content with brand voice, and do a lot more. There are even AI tools to bulk generate content in the hundreds and thousands to boost productivity. According to a Salesforce report, of the sales professionals surveyed 82% are already using generative AI for content creation. So how are you integrating these AI tools to enhance your sales content generation?

In this article, we will show how and where you can use AI for sales content generation, along with sharing some best practices to follow when generating AI sales content.

Applications of Generative AI in Sales


Implementing generative AI tools for sales

Benefits of AI for sales content creation

AI for sales content - Narrato

Applications of generative AI in sales content generation

Generative AI is transforming the sales landscape by automating mundane tasks, creating personalized customer interactions, and generating dynamic sales content. Let’s explore how these AI content creation tools are changing the way sales teams operate, making them more efficient and agile.

Using AI for writing product descriptions

Product descriptions are something that sales teams need most frequently. Be it for product pages, marketplace listings, cold outreach, product brochures, or any other medium. However, creating captivating product descriptions requires good copywriting skills and sales professionals may not always have the time to create hundreds of them. This is where knowing how to use an AI product description generator can help sales teams.

By analyzing existing product data and market trends, AI can generate descriptions that not only highlight the features and benefits of products but also incorporate key SEO terms to boost search engine visibility.

This can help enhance the quality of content on e-commerce sites with significant time and resource savings, allowing teams to focus on strategy and customer engagement.

Here’s an example of a product description generated using Narrato’s AI product description generator.

AI for sales content creation - product descriptions

The best part about Narrato’s tool is that it also has an AI bulk product description generator, that lets you create hundreds or thousands of product descriptions in one go. It is great for businesses with a wide range of products, who need product descriptions for e-commerce websites, and anyone who needs product descriptions in plenty and often.

Using AI for sales emails

Imagine drafting personalized and compelling sales emails without spending hours at your desk. Gen AI makes this possible by using natural language generation algorithms to craft relevant, on-context messages based on your inputs about your business, products, and customers. Using an AI email writer for marketing emails and sales emails can make life a lot easier for sales professionals, who need well-crafted emails day in and day out. Knowing how to use an AI sales email generator to get the best output can also ensure high open and response rates while maintaining a personal touch that resonates with recipients.

Narrato has multiple AI templates for generating high-converting sales emails in a snap. The AI sales email generator helps you craft the perfect sales pitch with just minimal input about your product and the recipients. The AI sales email sequence generator can create a complete sales email sequence from scratch. There is also an AI promotion or offer email generator that helps create exciting emails to promote your discounts and deals.

Here’s a glimpse of what an AI-generated sales email sequence on Narrato looks like.

AI for sales content creation - product descriptions - sales emails

Having these AI tools for sales email generation in your arsenal can save your team hours of work, help maintain consistency in the quality of your emails, and as a result, improve customer service and communication.

Alternately, you can also use Narrato’s AI Chat for your emails as long as you have some good ChatGPT prompts for email writing.

Using AI for sales brochure content

Sales brochures are crucial for making a strong impression on potential buyers. AI sales tools for content creation streamline the creation of these important sales and marketing materials by creating compelling copy tailored to target audiences. Using an AI brochure generator for sales and marketing content can eliminate the need to outsource content to professional copywriters. Thus, giving you more control over the process and saving hundreds of dollars. AI-powered content creation for brochures is not just limited to product brochures but can also be used for events, real estate properties, and more.

If you’re wondering how to use an AI brochure generator, the tool is quite straightforward like most other AI writing tools. Narrato has an AI brochure content generator that only needs a few details about the purpose of the brochure and some notes. It can generate up to 10 pages of content at once.

AI for sales content creation - sales brochure

The AI real estate property brochure generator takes a few details of your property as inputs and generates impressive content for property sales, lease, etc.

You can also add AI images or royalty-free CC images to your brochure content wherever they fit, using Narrato’s AI image generator or the images and graphics library.

Using AI for writing customer case studies

Customer case studies are powerful tools for demonstrating value and building trust. With AI for sales content generation, you can automate the process of drafting compelling case studies. AI tools can extract key data from your inputs about customer pain points, your solutions, and project results, weaving this information into narratives that highlight product benefits and customer satisfaction effectively.

Narrato’s AI customer case study generator, for instance, can generate a complete, detailed case study about your customers’ challenges, the solutions you offers, and the impact they had from a few simple notes.

AI for sales content creation - customer case study

Imagine how much time you would be saving in your sales content creation process if you could use an AI case study generator to get entire case studies written in seconds. All you have to do now is review the content, verify that the facts are all in place, and run a quick plagiarism check to ensure originality.

AI content tools and templates for marketing and sales - Narrato

Using AI for creating sales enablement content

Sales enablement content, be it training materials and sales playbooks or materials for custom self-service, is essential for every sales teams. Sales enablement could also be some of your marketing collaterals like informative blog posts, how-to guides, videos, etc. Knowledge base articles, whitepapers, survey reports, could all serve as sales enablement content. This supports a more knowledgeable and agile sales force, better equipped to meet the needs of diverse customers.

AI-powered content creation tools can help you create these resources 5x faster while ensuring they are both up-to-date and customized for specific sales scenarios. On Narrato, you will find a template for almost every type of sales enablement content.

Tools like the AI blog article generator let you create complete long blog articles from just reference URLs or documents, such as product review articles or product comparison articles.

The AI social media post generator helps with social media content creation, which may be used for sales enablement too. The AI video script generator can give you detailed scripts for your tutorial videos on YouTube or other channels.

Another versatile tool is the AI content repurposing tool which lets you repurpose any content into any format. So you could easily turn your blog posts into a brief summary for customers, or repurpose videos into a step-by-step written how-to guide. Whatever you need, the AI repurposing tool delivers.

AI for sales content creation - content repurposing

You may also build custom AI templates to create specific types of sales enablement content, for which you don’t find an existing template on Narrato. Custom AI templates let you save your preferred content generation prompts as simple reusable forms where you can simply enter the variable inputs and generate content in seconds.

Or you can use Narrato’s AI Chat with well-crafted ChatGPT prompts for sales content, to generate any type of sales enablement content you need.

AI Content Repurposing - Narrato

Implementing generative AI tools for sales

Implementing generative AI tools within sales processes requires strategy and integration with existing systems to maximize benefits.

Integration with CRM and other existing systems

The integration of generative AI with customer relationship management (CRM) systems can be a game-changer for sales teams. AI for sale content creation and CRM capabilities together can yield extraordinary results, making personalized customer communication even more successful. This deep integration allows for a seamless flow of information, optimizing the sales cycle and improving customer relationships through more timely and relevant interactions.

Narrato integrates with most of the popular tools and apps including email management platforms, project management tools, task management tools, CMSes, social media apps, and more. You can build custom integrations with any platform using Narrato’s API or through Zapier.

Sales teams can leverage AI for sales content creation alongside their existing systems to reduce workload, create high-quality content, and maintain meaningful customer relationships, ultimately driving sales growth and success.

Benefits of AI for sales content creation

From automating routine tasks to crafting personalized messages, the potentials of AI in sales are expansive and impactful.

Increased efficiency and productivity

In any business, time equates to money, and generative AI drastically enhances efficiency, making it a valuable asset for both marketers and sales professionals. Quick generation of sales documents, content repurposing, excellent sales email generation in seconds – these are just the beginning. Generative AI can perform these tasks much faster and with great accuracy, allowing sales teams to focus on more strategic tasks that require human insight.

Generative AI can automate tedious and mundane tasks such as writing follow-up emails or writing product descriptions. This not only speeds up the process but also reduces the likelihood of human error.

AI tools enable rapid creation of personalized proposals, emails, and reports tailored to the individual needs of potential customers, which traditionally would take hours to compile.

Improved lead generation and customer engagement

Generative AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data and generate actionable insights is crucial for lead generation and customer engagement. By understanding customer behaviors and preferences, AI tools can help sales teams craft highly targeted and consistent content that resonates on a more personal level.

Summing up

The power of AI in transforming sales processes cannot be overstated. AI-fueled tools offer a wide range of capabilities from content creation, data analysis, and automating mundane tasks to refining lead scoring and enhancing customer engagement through personalized communications. By leveraging AI-generated content, from personalized emails to compelling sales proposals, sales teams can achieve unprecedented results in terms of customer engagement and lead generation, and eventually improve sales.

Are you ready to dive deeper into the world of AI-enhanced sales content creation? Now is the time to transform your sales processes with the power of AI tools. Explore, adapt, and innovate to level up your sales game today.

Narrato AI Content Workspace