SEO Writing with AI – How to Use AI SEO Content Generators

How to stand out in the ever-expanding sea of online content? That’s a common challenge faced by most marketers and brands today. SEO writing is not just about putting together a few words on a webpage anymore; it’s an art form, a strategy that requires a careful balance between relevancy and discoverability. SEO writing with AI can be the key to achieving this balance. AI article writer can help fine-tune your SEO strategy, pushing the boundaries of productivity and creativity. But how exactly do you harness the power of AI without losing your unique voice in the echo chamber of searchable, SEO-friendly content? That’s what we’re going to cover in this article. We’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide for using AI SEO content generators to make your content a favorite of both your audience and search engines.

What is the purpose of SEO writing with AI?

A step-by-step guide to SEO writing with AI


Best practices for SEO writing with AI


What is the purpose of SEO writing with AI?

SEO writing with AI combines the power of artificial intelligence and search engine optimization techniques to create optimized content that drives organic traffic to your website. AI SEO content generators use advanced algorithms to analyze keyword trends, audience behavior, and search engine requirements. By incorporating relevant keywords and phrases, these tools ensure that your content ranks higher in search engine results pages.

Narrato’s AI Content Assistant offers 100+ AI and SEO tools to generate content for a variety of marketing projects. The AI article writer is especially useful for generating SEO-optimized blogs 10x faster. There’s also an AI keyword generator, SEO brief generator, and various other AI SEO tools to help with SEO content planning, writing, and optimization. You’ll get to learn more about them in the upcoming sections, when we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of SEO writing with AI.

Narrato AI Content Assistant

Narrato AI Content Assistant

So, what exactly is the purpose of SEO writing with AI? Well, it’s all about efficiency and effectiveness. The beauty of AI SEO writing is that it saves you time and effort while still delivering top-notch content. It’s like having your own personal writing assistant that understands SEO best practices to generate well-written, informative, and engaging articles that appeal to both readers and search engines. Using AI in SEO writing can streamline the content creation process, optimize your posts for search engines with less effort, and maintain a competitive edge in your niche. You can even create SEO blogs in under 15 minutes using AI.

A step-by-step guide to SEO writing with AI

SEO writing with AI is an essential skill in today’s digital landscape. It takes away the guesswork, streamlines the content writing process, and maximizes your content’s potential. Let’s break this down and see how it works.

Step 1. Use an AI topic generator to generate SEO-friendly content topics

When it comes to SEO content writing, a great starting point is using an AI topic generator to generate content topics. These nifty tools can save you time and brainpower by providing you with a list of SEO-friendly content ideas to work with. Simply input a few keywords or a general topic you want to build the content around 👇

Entering the keyword(s)/theme for topic suggestions

Entering the keyword(s)/theme for topic suggestions

and watch as the AI does its magic. It will suggest various content topics that have the potential for high SEO value.

AI-generated topic suggestions

AI-generated topic suggestions

You can select the topic you like, and add it to a project on Narrato workspace to create a content task.

Creating a content task using the AI-generated topic

Creating a content task using the AI-generated topic

Coming up with an SEO-optimized title for your content piece is that easy. Here’s a detailed guide on using AI to generate content ideas.

Step 2. Generate the SEO content brief using AI

Once you have your topic, the next step is to create an SEO content brief, that includes suggestions for keywords, questions to answer, headings to consider, and even the optimal content length. This ensures that from the foundation, your article is built with SEO in mind, making it easier to rank and meet your audience’s needs. This is where AI tools shine by providing a roadmap for your content piece.

Creating it on Narrato AI is pretty simple. Click on “Generate SEO brief” on the content task page.

Opening the SEO brief generator

Opening the SEO brief generator

Provide the tool with your primary keyword or the topic title. To find your primary keyword, you can use Google Keyword Planner.

Generating the SEO brief with keyword

Generating the SEO brief with keyword

The AI will analyze top content around that theme to create a comprehensive SEO brief, with keywords, competitor references, questions to include, target no. of words, headings, and paragraphs.

AI-generated SEO brief

AI-generated SEO brief

Feel free to modify this SEO brief according to your needs. You have the option to add or remove keywords, tweak the word count, and update the reference and questions sections. If you want to research more keywords to add to the brief, Narrato’s AI keyword generator can give you some excellent suggestions. Simply type in your primary keyword and click ‘Generate’ 👇

Using the AI keyword generator

Using the AI keyword generator

The AI will give you a list of relevant keywords, along with the average search volume for each keyword.

AI-generated keyword list

AI-generated keyword list

You can then add this list of keywords to the SEO brief, along with the count for each.

Adding keywords to the SEO brief

Adding keywords to the SEO brief

Narrato AI SEO brief generator

Step 3. Create a long blog article from the SEO brief

With a detailed SEO brief in hand, it’s time to start writing. An AI writer can take the heavy lifting off this process too. By feeding the AI long blog article generator the essentials from SEO brief, it can generate a comprehensive draft of your article. You’ll find an option to “Generate content with AI” on the SEO brief itself.

Generate content with AI

Generate content with AI

The same option is available on the main content task page too. Once you click on the option, you can select how you want to generate the blog article. You can either generate it using URLs or documents or by simply specifying the topic.

AI long blog article generator

AI long blog article generator

Next, the tool will ask whether you want to include suggested questions from the SEO brief. If you found them to be relevant to your article, click yes, and then “continue”.

Include suggested questions from the SEO brief

Include suggested questions from the SEO brief

The AI will create a blog brief, with keywords, article length, tone, and a comprehensive AI-generated blog outline with H2 and H3 headings. You can edit this brief to suit your requirements, and you can also specify the links to be added to specific keywords.

Editing the SEO brief

Editing the SEO brief

After you’re done making the adjustments, click on “Generate article”.

Generate article using AI long blog article generator

Generate article using AI long blog article generator

The AI will generate your SEO blog in a few seconds, custom-made to match all the details you’ve provided in your blog brief. This handy tool will methodically incorporate your specified keywords throughout the article to ensure it’s well-optimized for search engine visibility. Plus, any links you’ve given will be added to specific keywords too.

AI-generated SEO content

AI-generated SEO content

It will also add relevant images and videos, along with a feature image, meta description, and title, and a social post for promoting the article on social post-publishing.

AI-generated meta description & title and social post

AI-generated meta description & title and social post

Now, your role is to refine this draft and ensure the content flows well and meets your audience’s expectations.

Step 4. Enhance SEO writing with AI

Beyond generating the initial draft, AI tools can help refine your content. They can offer suggestions for making sentences clearer or more engaging, which can significantly enhance user experience. Remember, the goal is not just to please search engines but to provide valuable content to your readers.

Narrato offers an in-line AI writer that simplifies the process of enhancing content. It comes with options for improving, shortening, simplifying, rewriting, summarizing, and expanding text.

In-line AI writer

In-line AI writer

You can also add unique images to your article using the AI image generator. It can turn your text prompts into unique images that would be perfect for your blog article.

AI image generator

AI image generator

Just click on “insert”, and it will be added to your article.

Step 5. Generate SEO meta title and description

An often overlooked but crucial part of SEO writing is the meta title and description. These are the snippets that appear in search results, essentially acting as your content’s first impression. AI tools can generate optimized titles and descriptions that not only contain your target keywords but are also enticing enough to encourage clicks. This small step can significantly impact your content’s click-through rate, driving more traffic to your site.

Narrato offers an AI SEO meta description and title generator that can generate SEO-friendly meta data for your article. Simply input your article topic and keyword, select your desired tone, and hit the ‘generate’ button.

AI SEO meta description and title generator

AI SEO meta description and title generator

You’ll get your AI-generated SEO meta title and description in a few seconds.

AI-generated SEO meta description and title

AI-generated SEO meta description and title

Here’s a detailed guide on using an AI SEO meta description and title generator.

Step 6. Run final grammar, plagiarism, and SEO checks

The final step involves polishing your article to ensure it’s ready to shine. Grammar and plagiarism checks are essential to maintain credibility and originality. Many content creations tools offer these checks, ensuring your content is error-free and unique. Narrato offers an in-built plagiarism checker, so you can run a plagiarism check right after publishing the content.

 Plagiarism check on Narrato

Plagiarism check on Narrato

The tool also highlights any sections of text that have a readability or grammar issue. To correct these issues, you can highlight the text, open the in-line AI writer, and select the ‘Spelling & Grammar” tool.

Grammar correction tool on Narrato

Grammar correction tool on Narrato

This will rework that specific section to eliminate any grammatical errors and readability issues.

Lastly, look for any areas for improvement or optimization you might have missed, such as keyword density, image alt texts, and more. This last sweep ensures your content is not only high quality but fully optimized for search engines.

Best practices for SEO writing with AI

SEO writing with AI makes it easier and faster to produce content that climbs search engine rankings. But, like any powerful tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. Here are some tips to keep in mind –

1. Do thorough keyword research

The foundation of effective SEO writing, AI-powered or not, is thorough keyword research. It’s about finding the right balance between popular and niche keywords that can drive traffic to your website. AI tools can sift through massive datasets, identifying trends and opportunities that may be invisible to the human eye. It can anticipate shifts in search behavior, suggest long-tail keywords, and even predict the competitiveness of certain phrases. This doesn’t mean you can set it and forget it, though. Combine AI insights with your understanding of your target audience’s needs and preferences to select keywords that truly resonate.

2. Make sure your content has substance

While keywords get people to your page, it’s the substance that keeps them there. AI can help tailor content to your audience’s preferences, but the soul of your message must be genuinely informative or entertaining. AI-generated articles can sometimes lean towards sounding mechanical or repetitive if left unchecked. It’s crucial to infuse your content with insights, anecdotes, or data that reflect an understanding of your audience’s challenges and desires. A mix of AI efficiency with human empathy and creativity often hits the mark, resulting in engaging and valuable content.

3. Add alt tags to images

In the world of SEO, every element of your webpage holds potential value, including images. Don’t forget to add descriptive alt text for images, making your site more accessible and improving SEO. Accurate alt tags help search engine crawlers understand and index images, contributing to the overall relevance and authority of your page. Remember, the key is relevance and clarity.

4. Avoid over-optimization

There’s a fine line between optimization and over-optimization. In the past, stuffing articles with keywords could improve rankings, but today’s search engines are far more sophisticated. They prioritize user experience, valuing content that feels natural and helpful over keyword-saturated pages. AI can help identify ideal keyword densities and suggest synonyms to vary language without reducing relevance. However, keep a close eye on the suggestions and ensure your content remains readable and captivating to your human audience. Over-optimization can lead not only to penalties from search engines but also to a loss of trust from your readers.

5. Do fact-checking and cite any sources

In an era where information is abundant, it’s on you to ensure the information is accurate and to attribute it correctly. Fact-checking remains a distinctly human responsibility. Ensure all claims are verified and any referenced material is properly cited. Not only does this build trust with your readership, but it also strengthens your content’s authority, which is a key ranking factor for SEO.

Embrace SEO Writing with AI

SEO writing with AI has the power to streamline the content creation process, allowing for more efficient optimization and potentially higher rankings on search engines. By incorporating smart AI tools into your SEO content writing strategy, you can stay ahead in the competitive digital space, and ensure your content reaches and resonates with your intended audience.

Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just getting your feet wet, the future of SEO is bright with AI by your side. Now, go out there and start crafting content that’s as smart as it is searchable!

Narrato AI