How to Generate Product Reviews with AI

So you’ve come across an awesome product that you know your followers will absolutely love! But there’s a slight hitch. You’re stuck staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with the perfect product review that will do it justice. Sounds familiar? Well, you’re not alone. Writing a compelling product review is not for everyone, and it takes copywriters years to perfect the skill. But now, thanks to Narrato’s AI Content Assistant, you can create better product reviews for affiliate marketing in far less time, while ensuring that they are authentic and appealing to your followers. Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or carving out your niche as an influencer, stick around. We’re about to explore a few different ways to approach product review AI generation. And trust us, it’s a lot simpler than you might think.

TL;DR here’s a quick summary video of this article.

Why create product reviews, and why create them with AI?

How to create product reviews with AI

  1. Create a custom AI template for product review generation
  2. Use an AI repurposing tool for writing product reviews
  3. Turn an AI-generated product description into a product review
  4. Use an AI video script generator for a product review video

Tips for writing better product reviews

Narrato AI Content assistant

Why create product reviews, and why create them with AI?

As customers increasingly rely on product reviews to make purchasing decisions, generating authentic and persuasive reviews has become a necessity for businesses. Having a good number of positive product reviews not only boosts their online visibility but can also drive your sales upward. What’s more, product reviews frequently inspire readers to participate in discussions, give ratings, and express their thoughts on products they may have bought or are considering purchasing.

What are these product reviews? They are nothing but a critical appraisal of a product or service, where the reviewer provides their personal perspective about the product’s characteristics, how well it works, its usefulness, and total worth. In fact, they’re written by both customers and expert reviewers who make a living out of product evaluation and testing. The primary aim of these reviews is to offer prospective buyers an honest and comprehensive evaluation of the item, and they can be added anywhere, like an e-commerce website, blog, social media, and review websites.

As effective as they are in driving sales, writing good product reviews is a skill that takes years to perfect. If you’re a reviewer looking to write better product reviews, AI technology has emerged as a game-changer, offering a new and efficient way to create reviews. Narrato AI, for instance, has various AI tools to help create product reviews. They can quickly analyze the information on the product, its features, and other relevant details to create a well-written product review in seconds. We’ll learn how in the upcoming sections.

Narrato's AI Content Assistant

Narrato’s AI Content Assistant

This isn’t something a human reviewer can easily achieve without spending a great deal of time on research and writing. With AI, it’s almost instantaneous. Moreover, AI ensures consistency and quality in your reviews. It aids in pointing out grammatical errors, repetitiveness, or irrelevant content in a review, polishing it to become more readable and engaging.

By leveraging AI, your end goal of writing a detailed, unbiased, and compelling product review is made easier and more efficient, all while maintaining a high level of accuracy and reliability.

How to create product reviews with AI

Creating product reviews with AI has never been easier. Here are some ways you can use Narrato’s AI templates and tools and templates for product review generation –

1. Create a custom AI template for product review generation

Narrato gives you the option to create custom AI templates for any specific content generation needs. Creating these AI templates is easy, no coding skills required. Just give your AI template a name, and add a brief description.

Naming the custom AI template

Naming the custom AI template

This will take you to the custom AI template creator. Here you can add a prompt for generating the product review, and define any variables in curly brackets. Here, we’ve added no. of words, product type, product name, product specifications, and benefits as the variables.

You can test the AI template to see if it’s working as you want it to.

Creating the custom AI template

Creating the custom AI template

After that is done, navigate to your custom AI template under the ‘My templates’ tab in AI Content Assistant.

Your custom AI template on Narrato

Your custom AI template on Narrato

After the AI tool is open, you can add your product details and choose your tone of voice to generate the product review.

product review AI generation

Generating a product review with AI

That’s it. Your AI-generated product review will be ready.

Image 5. AI-generated product review

2. Use an AI repurposing tool for writing product reviews

An AI repurposing tool can be used to turn customer testimonials into product reviews. These testimonials provide a wealth of insight about your product from a user’s perspective. When these insights are repackaged into a product review, they not only validate your product’s quality but also enhance its value proposition. This can influence potential customers’ buying decisions in a positive way. Moreover, product reviews created using customer feedback are more detailed and narrative-like, providing a story-like account of various customer experiences that potential buyers can relate to.

Narrato’s AI content repurposing tool gives you the option to repurpose any text into any other content format that you want. For repurposing customer feedback, you can choose the input material as ‘Text’. For the output, you can choose the ‘Other’ option and then specify that you want to create a product review.

Specifying input and output in the AI content repurposing tool

Specifying input and output in the AI content repurposing tool

After that, paste the customer testimonial in the input text field, choose the desired tone, and target word count for the product review. You can also add any additional instructions for creating the content if you want. Once you’re done, click ‘Generate’.

Adding the customer testimonial & other details to the tool

Adding the customer testimonial & other details to the tool

Let the AI transform the content into a review, then manually review and edit if necessary to ensure it meets your standards.

AI-generated product review

AI-generated product review

This approach not only saves time but also ensures that the content is aligned with the brand’s messaging and the product’s key selling points.

Narrato AI content repurposing tool

3. Turn an AI-generated product description into a product review

Often, the line between a product description and a review can be thin. With AI, turning a descriptive piece about a product into a compelling review is possible.

Start with quality product descriptions that are detailed, highlighting features, benefits, and unique selling propositions. Narrato’s AI product description generator makes this job easier. It takes the product details and creates a product description in any format that you want –

  • Paragraphs
  • Bullets
  • Paragraphs and bullets

Here’s a detailed guide on using an AI product description generator.

AI product description generator

AI product description generator

AI-generated product description

AI-generated product description

Now, you have a well-written product description to work with, thanks to the AI product description generator. To turn that product description into a convincing product review, turn any factual statements into experiential insights, mimicking how a real user might perceive and benefit from the product. Don’t forget to add emotional responses or outcomes that users might experience, as these can often resonate more with potential customers. The goal here is to turn objective information into subjective experiences. You can also use the AI content repurposing tool to turn these product descriptions into product reviews.

4. Use an AI video script generator for a product review video

Maybe you’ve decided to create a product review video to showcase the features and benefits of a product. With the help of AI, this process can be made even easier. Start by outlining the key points you want to cover in your review.

Narrato’s AI video script generator can help create a script for the product review video in seconds. In the ‘topic’ field, specify what kind of product review you’re creating the video for. Select the video script tone, video length, and number of hosts, and click generate. The AI will give you a script that you can use to create the video.

AI video script generator

AI video script generator

You can edit this AI-generated script to include any personal anecdotes and special features you want to discuss, but the AI will give you a great starting point. Once done, you’re all set to record your product review video.

Here’s a detailed guide on using an AI video script generator.

Tips for writing better product reviews

Creating compelling product reviews is an art that involves a blend of objective analysis and personal insight. With AI’s help, you can streamline the process, but to truly resonate with readers, it’s important to fine-tune your approach. Below are some proven tips that can elevate the quality of your AI-generated reviews –

1. Turn those product specifications into benefits

While it’s important to list the specifications of a product, such as its size, weight, or technical capabilities, these details alone might not fully capture a reader’s interest. To make your reviews more compelling, translate these specifications into tangible benefits. For instance, instead of merely stating that a smartphone has a 4000mAh battery, explain that this capacity allows the user to enjoy video streaming for up to 12 hours without a recharge. This approach helps readers understand how the product’s features can enhance their daily lives.

2. Create a pros and cons list

A balanced review is more trustworthy and helpful than one that leans too heavily in either direction. By generating a clear pros and cons list, you aid readers in making informed decisions. Highlight the strengths of the product, but don’t shy away from pointing out any weaknesses. This honesty not only builds credibility but also helps set realistic expectations for potential buyers.

3. Draw comparisons with other products in the category

Often, consumers are choosing between multiple options in the same category. By including comparisons with other products, you provide a broader context that can help in their decision-making process. Highlight how the product stands out or falls short in comparison to its counterparts. This could involve aspects like price, features, or overall value. Aim to be fair and unbiased in your comparisons to maintain the trust of your audience.

4. Include a proof of use

For AI-generated reviews to be truly effective, they must convey a sense of authenticity. One way to achieve this is by including proof of use, such as personal anecdotes or specific examples of how the product was tested. Even if the review is primarily AI-generated, incorporating human elements can greatly enhance its credibility. Mentioning real-life scenarios where the product was beneficial or fell short can make the review more relatable and valuable to readers.

5. Make sure to provide a clear final decision

After presenting all the information, don’t forget to conclude with a clear final decision or recommendation. This doesn’t have to be a simple “buy” or “don’t buy” statement but rather a concise summary of who the product is best suited for and under what circumstances it would be a good purchase. Your final verdict should reflect a thoughtful consideration of the product’s features, benefits, and any drawbacks discussed in the review.

In the end

It’s abundantly clear that AI has simplified the task of generating product reviews, offering affiliate marketers and influencers a way to create engaging and persuasive content quickly and cost-effectively. By following the outlined approaches, you can harness the power of Narrato AI to bolster your online credibility as a reviewer. This is your cue to get started today!

Narrato AI