How to Win at Real Estate Marketing – A Complete Guide

More than just brick and mortar, selling properties is about selling dreams, lifestyles, and futures. So, how do you make your listings stand out and convince potential buyers they’ve found their forever home? It all starts with a solid real estate marketing strategy.

You see, with the right tactics, any agent or real estate company can grab the spotlight and have buyers lining up, ready to sign contracts. So, whether you are a seasoned realtor looking to up your game or a newbie to the real estate hustle, this guide is just what you need. Packed with practical, actionable tips and some great recommendations for tools, you’ll get everything you need to ace the game of real estate marketing. We’ll also explore how you can use AI for real estate marketing.

TL;DR here’s a quick summary video of this article.


What is real estate marketing?

Developing a real estate marketing strategy

Real estate marketing ideas to enhance your marketing strategy

  1. Create a professional real estate website
  2. Build a real estate marketing blog
  3. Run a real estate email marketing campaign
  4. Use social media platforms for real estate marketing
  5. Leverage digital ads for real estate marketing
  6. Create videos for real estate marketing
  7. Start a real estate marketing podcast
  8. Repurpose content to maximize impact

Track and analyze real estate marketing efforts

AI property description generator on Narrato

What is real estate marketing?

Real estate marketing refers to the strategies and techniques used to promote and sell properties online (and offline). It involves creating comprehensive marketing plans that target potential buyers or renters. The goal here isn’t only to pitch your real estate services but to establish your expertise and build trust. Nearly half (47%) of all homebuyers start their buying process by searching for properties online. You need to give them a reason to choose your agency over another, and the best way to do that is by using content marketing as a means to build trust.

Your real estate marketing strategy should focus on producing and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that will help you connect with your target audience. This can include helpful guides, digital ads, social media campaigns, and engaging with clients through other channels. Using AI in real estate content and marketing could be a smart move. Not only does it offer time-saving automation but also enhances customer engagement, improves decision-making, and refines lead generation. Narrato’s AI Content Assistant, for instance, comes with over a hundred AI tools and templates to help you in everything, from ideation to writing and optimization.

Narrato’s AI Content Assistant

Narrato’s AI Content Assistant

In case you can’t find an AI template for your unique requirement, you have the option to create your own. That too without having to write a line of code. The platform also comes with an AI brand voice generator to ensure consistency across all your content assets. How you can use Narrato for different real estate marketing tasks is something we’ll explore in the upcoming sections.

Why should agencies and agents invest in real estate marketing?

Whether you’re an established agency or a budding agent, investing in real estate marketing can yield immense benefits. Here’s why:

  • With the industry teeming with competition, effective real estate marketing can help you set yourself apart. You can showcase what makes your agency unique and the ideal choice for clients.
  • Consistently providing high-quality content demonstrates your knowledge and competence in the real estate market, assuring clients of your capability to cater to their needs.
  • Relevant and insightful content draws in new clients and also keeps current ones engaged and connected.
  • Successful real estate strategies improve brand awareness and search engine visibility.

Investing time and resources in developing a good real estate marketing strategy can significantly boost your chances of success. With that, let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll provide you with the fundamentals of creating your real estate marketing strategy.

Developing a real estate marketing strategy

Selling a property today goes beyond having a ‘For Sale’ sign on the front yard. Today’s consumers are well-informed and will often do their research before engaging with a real estate agent. So, you need to think about visibility and reach. Effective real estate marketing puts you on the map, providing a wide net to pull in potential clients. Plus, with great marketing, you can command better prices and close deals faster.

To win at real estate marketing, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive and effective strategy. Here are the steps you can take to achieve just that –

1. Research the target audience and identify potential buyers

In order to create a successful real estate marketing strategy, you need to understand your target audience. It’s important to know who your potential customers are and what they desire. Factors like age, income, family size, and lifestyle play an important role here.

Here are some key points to consider when researching your target audience –

  • What kind of properties can they afford?
  • Do they prefer urban or suburban environments?
  • Do they want a condo, townhouse, detached, semi-detached, or perhaps a vacation home?

GWI’s Customer Insights platform could help you in the process. Based on the information gained from this exercise, you can craft a real estate marketing strategy that speaks directly to the needs and wants of your potential buyers.

2. Analyze market trends and competition

The real estate market is constantly evolving and is influenced by many factors. To stay ahead, keep a close eye on current trends like housing supply and demand, interest rates, and economic conditions. You can also gain useful insights by studying your competitors’ strategies. This includes analyzing which properties they are selling, their pricing techniques, the marketing channels they use, and how they interact with their audience. By staying well-informed, marketers can prepare in advance and adapt their strategies accordingly.

To get some idea about the housing market and trends, you can visit the research and statistics page on the NAR website. You can find articles on housing trends, state and metro data, and several other real estate forecast reports. 

3. Set clear goals and objectives

Setting clear and measurable goals and objectives is another important part of a successful real estate marketing strategy. Know what you want to achieve from your marketing efforts, whether it’s selling a certain number of properties, reaching a specific revenue target, or increasing brand awareness. By having clear goals, you can monitor progress, measure success, and adjust your strategy if necessary.

4. Create a budget for your real estate marketing efforts

Effective budgeting is also very important for your marketing plan. Instead of aiming to minimize spending, focus on making smart investments. Allocate funds to marketing strategies that are working well and providing a high return on investment. Don’t forget to include room in your budget for experimentation. The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and your plan should be flexible enough to adapt to these changes. If a new social media platform gains popularity or an innovative type of content starts trending, you want to have the ability to dive in and test the waters.

5. Choose the right marketing channels and platforms for promoting your real estate business

Today, there are multiple channels and platforms available for real estate marketing. Besides traditional methods like print ads and billboards, you can try digital marketing channels like social media, email marketing, and SEO. Make a choice based on your target audience’s preferences and habits. For example, if your potential buyers are active on Instagram, focus on creating engaging content for this platform.

Tackling these steps one by one, you’ll be able to create a real estate marketing strategy that will get you the results you want. Once you have completed budgeting, audience, and marketing research, and made decisions on which marketing channels to use, it is time to implement your real estate strategy. The following section will guide you on the most effective ways to do so.

Real estate marketing ideas to enhance your marketing strategy

Having a solid online presence is essential for success in the world of real estate. That starts with an effective marketing plan. Here are some marketing tips and ideas to take your real estate marketing strategy to the next level.

1. Create a professional real estate website

Your website will be the first impression potential clients will have of your real estate business. It establishes your online presence and also serves as a valuable tool for showcasing your real estate listings to a wide audience. The key is to make sure it is professionally designed, easy to navigate, and contains all the necessary information that your audience might be looking for, like property listings, contact details, testimonials, etc.

Creating a website is a time-consuming process, typically taking anywhere from 150 to 500 hours. AI can help cut down the website development process to mere minutes. There are AI website builders like Durable and Wix to take care of website design. You can also use AI copywriters in web development projects to generate relevant and engaging content for your website. Narrato’s AI copywriter can create compelling copy 10 times faster than traditional methods. It provides all the tools you need to build a powerful web page or landing page from scratch. Whether you’re in need of catchy headlines, property descriptions, creative ads, brochures, or event promotion pages, this tool has an AI template for every need.

Let’s say you want to populate your real estate website with property descriptions. Instead of spending hours writing a compelling description for each listing, you can outsource the task to the AI property description generator. Give the tool some information about the property, choose the format (paragraphs or bullets) and the tone you want, and specify how long you want it to be. The AI will generate a property description in seconds. Here’s a detailed guide on using an AI property description generator.

Narrato’s AI property description generator

Narrato’s AI property description generator

Similarly, you can use the AI landing page generatorAI copywriter in BAB formatAI copywriter in PAS formatAI copywriter in AIDA formatAI real estate property brochure generator, and AI event promotion webpage generator to create content for your website.

In the busy real estate world, it’s super important to connect with prospects instantly to turn them into customers. To be the best, consider using a click-to-call pop-up like CallPage. This real estate lead generation software helps you get more phone calls from your website. It ensures everyone visiting your website can connect with your agents over the phone in less than 28 seconds!

2. Build a real estate marketing blog

Maintaining a blog is an excellent way to build an online presence. By sharing relevant content, you can educate readers on the nuances of the property market, whether they are prospective buyers, sellers, or lessees. Besides helping you position yourself as a trusted expert in the field, a well-maintained blog also plays a crucial role in improving your search engine optimization (SEO). Through the strategic use of relevant keywords and linking, your blog content can push your website up in the search engine results. This ultimately leads to more footfall on your platform.

If you’re planning to include blogs in your real estate marketing strategy, start small. Maybe two or three blog posts every month. Gradually ramp up your content production to increase the post frequency. Also try creating more long-form content as longer posts tend to get more traffic.

Correlation between word counts and organic traffic - graph


Narrato’s AI blog writer can be a useful tool to assist you in ramping up your blog writing efforts. The tool has templates for generating blog outlines, intros, sectional content, and conclusion, besides several other tools to help you with the blog writing process, like –


Besides these AI tools for real estate marketing and templates for building a blog section-by-section, Narrato has two AI blog writer templates, using which you can generate a complete blog in one go –

  1. AI Short blog article generator (content under 1000 words)
  2. AI Long blog article generator (content under 3000 words)

With the second one, you would only have to specify the main topic or keyword, and the AI will take care of the rest. It will give you relevant topic suggestions and generate a blog brief based on the selected topic. This brief will contain keyword suggestions, word count, and an AI-generated outline, which you can edit ( and even regenerate) as per your liking.

Blog brief with keyword suggestions and content outline

Blog brief with keyword suggestions and content outline

Once you click generate, the AI tool will have your keyword-optimized, long blog article ready.

AI blog writer for real estate marketing

AI-generated blog article

If you’re interested in learning how to create SEO blogs in under 15 minutes with an AI writer, we’ve compiled two AI content creation workflows in this article.

AI for real estate marketing - Narrato

3. Run a real estate email marketing campaign

Despite being one of the oldest methods of digital marketing, email marketing continues to outperform many other marketing strategies when it comes to ROI. For every single dollar you put into email marketing, you can expect an average ROI of $36. Don’t think you need any more convincing than that to include email campaigns in your real estate marketing strategy.

Email marketing allows you to directly reach out to your clientele and keep them actively engaged with frequent email updates about new listings, market trends, and tips for buying or selling. The key to running effective real estate email marketing campaigns is personalizing your emails as much as possible. Narrato’s AI email writer can help you with that. This tool can help you create effective email marketing materials with a click. Simply provide the tool with some notes or context, and it will generate personalized emails for you.

AI email writer for real estate marketing

Narrato’s AI email writer

Besides cold outreach email template, Narrato offers an AI promotional email generatorAI newsletter generatorAI email subject line generator, and AI event promotion email generator. There’s also an AI translation tool if you want to further personalize the email content. You’ll find an in-depth explanation of the use cases of an AI email writer in this article on Using an AI Email Writer for Email Marketing Success.

The best part about using AI email writers for running your real estate email marketing programs is that you can generate multiple variations for A/B testing, and continuously improve your strategy.

4. Use social media platforms for real estate marketing

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn also offer a great opportunity to expand your reach. Leverage them to interact with your followers, showcase your properties, and build a community. The most important thing here is consistency. On social media, the competition is fierce and people’s attention spans short, so you have to come out with good content consistently to remain visible on people’s feeds. Narrato’s AI Content Genie is a fantastic tool for this purpose. This tool auto-generates relevant social posts (and also blog content) based on the provided themes and website URLs. The input only has to be given once, and the tool will generate fresh posts every week for you to publish, complete with image recommendations, emojis hashtags, and more. You can easily edit and schedule these posts for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn right on the platform.

AI content genie on Narrato

Narrato’s AI Content Genie

You can also create custom posts with the AI social media post generator. There are options to generate social posts using notes, themes, or website URLs. Other AI social media content generation tools include –


While promoting your listings is an important part of real estate social media marketing, constantly posting them may drive followers away. According to NAR research, 46% of buyers seek knowledge about their search areas. So think about diversifying your real estate content. Share information about local events, hangouts, restaurant openings, museums, festivals, and sports. Provide a personal touch and offer fresh insights into the city for your audience to enjoy. You can also create social posts demystifying the real estate world for people, sharing useful information on market trends, or offering advice on preparing for a home purchase or sale.

5. Leverage digital ads for real estate marketing

Investing in digital advertising can significantly boost your visibility. Platforms like Facebook and Google Ads allow you to target specific demographics, locations, and audience interests. This means that your ads will be shown to people who are most likely to be interested in buying or renting real estate. It’s a fast and effective way to get your listings in front of the right audience.

To simplify the ad copy creation, you can use an AI ad generator. Narrato offers AI templates for Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook & Instagram Ads, and Classifieds. You can also customize your Classified ads by selecting the desired number of words.

Narrato’s AI ad copy generator

Narrato’s AI ad copy generator

Here’s a guide on How to Use AI Ad Generator for Google Ads, LinkedIn and Instagram Ads. When creating digital ads for your real estate business, make sure they are visually appealing. Use high-quality images and graphics to grab the attention of potential buyers or renters. You can also use AI image generators to create custom images from text prompts.

Lastly, keep track of your ad performance and make necessary adjustments as needed. Analyze data, such as click-through rates and conversions, to identify what’s working and what isn’t. For Google ads, you can use Google Analytics and a tool like Hootsuite for social media ad analytics.

6. Create videos for real estate marketing

Videos are a great visual tool for showcasing your properties. Videos are an excellent way to captivate your audience and showcase your properties in a more dynamic way. With the popularity of YouTube, Instagram Reels, and TikTok, creating videos for real estate marketing is a must. You could create house tour videos, neighborhood reviews, or even educational content about the home-buying process.

For long-form videos, YouTube is the best platform. For this platform, you can create videos giving potential buyers a virtual tour of a property, highlighting the best features. Use Narrato’s AI video script generator to create a script, after which you can record your video.

Narrato’s AI video script generator

Narrato’s AI video script generator

If you don’t want to create a video featuring yourself, you can also use AI avatar video generators like Synthesia, HeyGen, and Speechify. These AI tools auto-generate videos based on the script/text you provide them. After you’ve published the video, don’t forget to add a description that includes relevant information such as pricing, location, and contact details. Narrato’s AI video description generator can help you here.

To create short-form videos, you can simply repurpose your long-form video content into short clips with the help of AI tools like or Wisecut.

7. Start a real estate marketing podcast

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, with listenership growing each year. That’s because they provide a fresh, more personal way to engage with your audience. You can use your podcast to share valuable insights, interview industry experts, and provide helpful tips and strategies to your audience. This will establish you as a thought leader in the real estate industry and also create a loyal following of listeners who trust your advice.

To get started, invest in some quality recording equipment, choose a catchy name for your podcast, and plan out your content in advance. You can use the AI video script generator to create the script for your podcast as well. Next, employ an AI podcast editor like Resound to make any necessary final adjustments before publishing.

Resound AI Podcast Editor for real estate marketing

Resound AI Podcast Editor

Taking advantage of modern AI tools can help you streamline the creation and publishing of your podcasts. Just remember to promote your podcast across your social media channels and on your real estate website to maximize its reach.

8. Repurpose content to maximize impact

Finally, one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged without constantly creating new content is to repurpose what you already have. You could turn blog posts into infographics or podcasts, repurpose video content as blog posts, or even convert a webinar into a series of video tutorials.

Narrato offers an AI content repurposing tool to repurpose your content for different channels and formats. It allows you to repurpose documents, webpages, videos, podcasts, newsletters, presentations, press releases, blog,s or any text. You can input the content in the form of a file or text, choose your tone for the output, and also add additional instructions for repurposing.

Narrato’s AI content repurposing tool

Narrato’s AI content repurposing

Repurposing your content not only helps you reach a wider audience, but it also saves you time and effort in creating new content from scratch. So, don’t let your valuable content go to waste.

Track and analyze real estate marketing efforts

To win at marketing real estate business, it’s important to keep a watchful eye on your key metrics that give you a snapshot of how your strategies are performing. Here are a few to keep on your radar:

  • Web visits: Number of people visiting your page
  • Search traffic: Visitors you’re getting for specific keywords
  • Lead Generation: The number of potential clients contacting you
  • Lead Conversion: The percentage of leads that have successfully turned into clients
  • Exit pages: Percentage of website visitors who leave after looking at a single page
  • Customer Acquisition Cost: The overall money invested in acquiring a new client
  • Client Lifetime Value: The predicted revenue a client relationship will bring over its lifetime
  • Referral Percentage: Likelihood of a customer referring your business to their friends and family

By regularly monitoring these KPIs, you can determine which areas of your marketing plan are delivering results and which need improvement. Remember, the goal is to continuously improve. Analyzing your marketing efforts and making necessary adjustments based on these data-driven insights will steer your strategies toward success. So, embrace the power of data, learn, improve, and win at real estate marketing.

Taking everything into account

In this journey to win at real estate marketing, success doesn’t come overnight, and it certainly doesn’t come without effort. Developing an effective marketing strategy is the first step toward a successful real estate business. So take time to refine your strategies, foster close relationships with your clients, and above all else, prioritize your client’s needs above everything else.

Now that you’re equipped with these real estate marketing tips, techniques, and tools it’s time for you to set the wheel in motion. Keep crushing your goals and see you at the top!

Narrato AI