Practical Use Cases of AI in Digital Marketing

The growing impact of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives is undeniable. From recommending the next binge-watch series to building personal playlists, AI is continuously working behind the scenes to make our experiences more personalized and effortless. AI is transforming the digital marketing world too. AI-driven tools like chatbots, predictive analytics, and personalized recommendations improve customer understanding, predict trends, and enhance the customer experience. AI in digital marketing helps businesses excel by guiding targeted marketing efforts and analyzing customer behavior for better results.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, using Narrato AI for digital marketing strategy is essential. It can significantly improve your ROI through personalized campaigns, enhanced customer experiences, and smarter decision-making. In this article, we will discuss everything about digital marketing with AI – its benefits, use cases, limitations, and more. So keep reading!

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Benefits of using AI in digital marketing

Practical use cases of AI in digital marketing

  1. AI text generation for digital marketing
  2. AI-powered search engine optimization
  3. AI for social media marketing
  4. AI image generation for digital marketing
  5. AI in website design and copywriting
  6. AI in digital marketing ad campaigns
Narrato AI

Benefits of using AI in digital marketing

The benefits of AI in digital marketing are many –

Automation improves time and resource efficiency

AI takes center stage when it comes to automation, a feature that hugely boosts efficiency. By automating repetitive and tedious tasks, AI allows you to direct your resources and time towards more strategic initiatives. Email marketing, social media posting, and customer service are a few areas where AI-powered automation is significantly saving time and improving resource efficiency.

AI provides targeted content tailored to your brand and audience

AI’s ability to analyze and interpret massive data sets helps deliver content that resonates with your audience. It examines consumer behavior, preferences, and browsing habits to help you develop highly targeted content. This not only enhances user experience but also fosters brand loyalty by showing customers you understand their needs.

Boosts innovation and inspires new ideas

Another major benefit is the innovation that comes with AI. By identifying patterns and trends in data that humans might overlook, AI sparks new ideas for marketing campaigns and content. In a HubSpot survey, 48% of marketers said that the ability to generate new ideas is the biggest benefit of AI.

From exploring new blog topics to creating first drafts for your web copy or product description, AI is great at inspiring ideas and creativity. AI content idea generation tools are, therefore, a must-have in every marketer’s arsenal.

Practical use cases of AI in digital marketing

The world of digital marketing today is a playground for AI implementation, with so many ways to incorporate AI and automation for better results. Let’s take a closer look at a few ways marketers like you and I can harness the power of Artificial Intelligence.

1. AI text generation for digital marketing

AI text generators are becoming a boon for digital marketers, especially in content creation. Using machine learning algorithms, these tools can generate persuasive and high-quality content for almost all your marketing channels. For example, creating an engaging blog post from scratch can take up a lot of time. But AI-based text generators can speed up this process by giving you a solid first draft tailored to your audience and brand voice.

Narrato’s AI text generator tools, for instance, include an AI blog writer, an AI copywriter, an AI email writersocial media post generator, and more. The AI blog writer on Narrato can create entire blog articles from just the topic, or it can generate outlines, introductions, sectional content, and conclusions separately depending on your process. No matter which AI templates you use, you can speed up your blog writing process by 5x or more using the AI text generator, without compromising on content quality.

Narrato’s AI article writer

Narrato’s AI article writer

And that’s not all, the AI text generator can also help improve and expand your existing content. Using templates like sentence expander, content improver, or simplify text on Narrato, you can add to your content and enhance the reading experience too.

Blog is just one use case of an AI text generator. It can also help you generate awe-inspiring copy for websites, ads, and product listings, engaging social media posts, and much more. Tools like Phrasee also offer AI text generation tools for push notifications and SMS to engage your customers.

2. AI-powered search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of those digital marketing skills that often takes years of practice and learning to perfect. With AI in digital marketing, optimizing your content for the target audience and implementing SEO best practices has become easier. AI can be a very powerful ally for building highly effective SEO strategies. From keyword research to creating search-optimized content, the role of AI in digital marketing for SEO goes far and wide. Google’s RankBrain, for instance, learns from users’ search queries and refines search results accordingly. BrightEdge, an AI-driven SEO platform, goes a step further by providing actionable recommendations for content optimization to improve ranking.

The beauty of AI SEO tools is that they can process vast amounts of data, identify trends, and design effective SEO strategies for optimizing your content for better visibility and ranking. Narrato’s SEO content brief generator is the best example of this tool. This AI-powered tool generates comprehensive content briefs for your search term or topic, and gives relevant suggestions for word count, keywords, and content opportunities.

Narrato’s AI SEO content brief generator

Narrato’s AI SEO content brief generator

You can edit content briefs to add your own keywords, notes, and style guides. To research keywords, there are AI keyword generators that can give you relevant keywords along with search volume data. You can choose which ones to include.

That’s not all. AI can help with a bunch of other SEO tasks, like internal linking (Link Whisper), anchor text planning (Linkio), and metadata generation (Narrato and Small SEO Tools). There are AI tools for implementing SEO at scale too, like Diib.

Narrato AI Content Assistant

3. AI for social media marketing

In today’s digital world, social media has become an integral part of every marketing strategy, and with AI, social media marketing has taken a giant leap forward. Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way businesses engage with their audience on social media platforms, while also helping them lead their social media activities at scale.

AI tools can automate repetitive tasks, like scheduling posts and personalizing content for different audience segments leading to more engagements and conversions. Narrato’s AI Content Genie is an AI tool that takes this to a whole new level. It requires little to no input from the human user. Once you’ve added your content themes (or provided your website URL), it will generate fresh, relevant social posts (+blog posts) every week, on autopilot. It picks trending topics for the themes you’ve provided, creates the text, adds relevant images, hashtags, emojis, and gives you ready-to-publish social posts. That’s not all. It also comes with automated content publishing support for all the major social platforms, so you can schedule and publish your content directly.

Narrato’s AI Content Genie

Narrato’s AI Content Genie

Another way AI is changing social media marketing is through content curation. AI algorithms can analyze user preferences and behavior, helping brands curate and deliver tailored content that resonates with their target audience. This not only boosts engagement but also helps build long-lasting customer relationships. Quu is one such tool that uses machine learning to curate relevant videos, podcasts, blog posts, and more for you every day.

AI’s ability to analyze massive amounts of data allows marketers to gain deeper insights into their social media strategies. Sentiment analysis, predictive consumer behavior, trend monitoring – these are all possible through AI. Sprout Social, for instance, provides suggestions for optimal posting times using the Viral Post technology.

Narrato AI

4. AI image generation for digital marketing

Artificial Intelligence also has the potential to revolutionize image-based marketing strategies. AI can generate or modify images, enhancing their appeal in advertising and marketing.

Narrato’s AI image generator, for instance, creates custom AI images using simple text prompts. It gives you 4 options for images in the desired style (3D, carton, realistic, anime, and more) and layout (portrait, landscape, and square).

AI Image Generator

AI Image Generator

Then there are AI-based platforms like DeepArt and Deep Dream Generator that can transform standard images into works of art. These tools leverage AI technology to adjust features, like color schemes and image styles, and add creative elements to create completely new images.

These AI image-generation tools help marketers in producing a variety of visuals for blog posts, social media posts, banner ads, and digital advertising campaigns, ultimately boosting engagement and click-through rates.

5. AI in website design and copywriting

AI’s role is not limited to behind-the-scenes data analytics; it’s now playing a significant role in website design and copywriting as well. Narrato’s AI-powered copywriting tools can generate engaging, SEO-friendly content that resonates with readers. This includes everything from website copy and landing page copy to product descriptions. There’s also an AI brochure generator to help you create quick sales or marketing copy.

Narrato also has an AI-powered bulk product description generator that could be useful for e-commerce websites that need to create hundreds of product descriptions at once.

Narrato’s AI bulk product description generator

Narrato’s AI bulk product description generator

With platforms like Uizard, Wix ADI, and Appy Pie, you can create fantastic website designs. These tools leverage AI to generate engaging content and visually appealing layouts tailored to your business and audience.

AI has the power to guide better website experience and design. AI heatmap generators, like Zyro, can analyze user behavior on your website to identify which areas are performing well. Using the insights gained from this, you can optimize the arrangement of elements on your website to enhance conversion rates.

6. AI in digital marketing ad campaigns

Artificial intelligence is the future of advertising. There’s no denying that. Many advertisers are already leveraging AI for audience segmentation, ad content creation, ad testing, and enhancing the performance of their ads through analytics.

Narrato’s AI Ad generator can generate high-performing online ads at the click of a button. The platform provides a wide range of AI templates for creating online ad campaigns that drive sales. These templates are designed specifically for various channels including Google, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other marketplaces. This guide on using an AI ad generator can tell you exactly how it works.

Narrato’s AI ad copy generator templates

Narrato’s AI ad copy generator templates

Al can also predict customers’ buying behaviors and analyze ad performance for improved return on investment. Pecan is an AI platform that offers ready-to-use predictive modeling templates to address common business issues, helping marketers and advertisers make better decisions for the business. The platform offers predictive modeling templates for customer retention, churn, subscription renewal, conversion, high-value customer identification, lifetime value, and upselling/cross-selling. Then there are AI tools like Nexoya which can help you optimize your entire digital ad portfolio.

Closing Thoughts: The importance and future of AI in marketing

These are exciting times. The intersection of AI and digital marketing is constantly evolving, opening up endless possibilities for digital marketers. It’s undeniable that AI has become crucial for successful digital marketing strategies. Looking ahead, we expect this technology to become even more innovative, enhancing precision, efficiency, and effectiveness in marketing, ultimately leading to increased audience and customer satisfaction in the future.

Narrato AI