How to Use AI Ad Generator for Google Ads, LinkedIn and Instagram Ads

When it comes to content marketing, we always appreciate a good hack. However, using an AI Ad Generator for your Instagram and Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, isn’t just a ‘life hack’ – it’s a game-changer. Picture this: Perfectly crafted ad copy every time, tailored to the unique nuances of each platform, freed from the constraints of time and creative block. Sounds incredible, right?

Brace yourself, because we’re about to dive into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its impressive application in ad generation. Trust us, an AI ad generator might just revolutionize how content marketers like you and I approach our campaigns. Let’s get ready to harness the power of AI to create ads that drive conversions!

Our favorite Tips for using the AI Ad Generator effectively include –

  1. Research and choose the right AI ad generator tool for your needs
  2. Provide relevant input to the AI ad generator
  3. Customize and refine the generated ad content for specific platforms and ad formats
  4. Continuously monitor ad performance and use insights to improve future AI-generated copy

Best practices for AI-generated ads on different platforms

TL;DR Here’s a quick video summarizing this


Tips for using the AI Ad Generator effectively

An AI ad generator is an accomplice while you are the real star of your content marketing game. So, it is important that you know what you’re aiming for. As a marketer, you must have a clear idea of the target audience and campaign goals. Understanding who you want to reach, what message you want to convey, and what your ads workflow should be like will ensure that the AI Ad Generator serves you well.

Here are ways to ensure that you are getting the most out of your investment in an AI ad generator and creating campaigns that deliver real results.

1. Research and choose the right AI ad generator tool for your needs

AI ad generators can be a lifesaver when it comes to creating quality ad copy fast. But we get it, there are so many AI tools out there! Some are made for Facebook Ads or LinkedIn Ads specifically, some guarantee conversions with Google Ads, and so on. But how do you pick one that does not just make tall claims but actually serves your purpose?

The key is research. Take the time to explore different tools, read reviews, and compare features. Consider factors like customization options, ease of use, and pricing. By doing your homework, you’ll be able to find the perfect AI ad generator that will take your ad game to new heights.

An ideal AI ad generator would be one that has multiple use cases, allowing you to generate ad copy for all the major platforms. Narrato’s AI writer, for instance, has AI templates for Google Ads, Instagram & Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and even Classifieds. It also gives you customization options like choosing the number of words for your Classifieds ads.

What’s even better is that you can bulk generate ad copy with AI too. All you need to do is choose the bulk generate option on the template, upload a CSV file with the inputs and generate hundreds of ad copies in one go.

AI ad generator on Narrato

Using an AI writer to create content for any channel will only be fruitful if a single tool can give you multiple types of content, increasing your ROI and performance. An AI writing assistant like Narrato not only gives you a powerful AI copywriter for your ads but also other important use cases like an AI blog writerAI social media post generatorAI SEO tools, and more.

AI ad generator on Narrato

2. Provide relevant input to the AI ad generator

When using the AI ad generator, it is crucial to provide relevant input to ensure that the generated ads align with your brand message and target audience. Some key factors to consider while providing input to maximize the effectiveness of the AI ad generator include –

Target audience: Clearly define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and psychographics. If your AI ad generator has an input field for target audience, this information helps the tool understand who the ads should be tailored to. It can increase the chances of attracting the right audience.

Key messages: Clearly communicate the key messages you want to convey through your ads. These messages should align with your overall marketing strategy and goals. For example, if you want to promote a specific product or highlight a unique selling point, make sure to provide this information to the AI ad generator.

Branding guidelines: Provide specific guidelines on your brand’s tone, style, and personality. This information helps the AI ad generator create ads that match your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. For instance, if your brand is known for its playful and humorous tone, communicate that to the AI ad generator so it can create ads accordingly.

Call-to-action (CTA): Clearly define the desired action you want the audience to take after seeing the ad. Whether it is to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or download a resource, the AI ad generator needs to know the intended outcome so it can create a compelling CTA.

Ad format preferences: Specify the preferred ad format for each platform. Different platforms and ad formats require different types of content. For example, Google Ads may require more text-focused ads, while Instagram Ads may emphasize visual storytelling. By communicating the preferred ad format, the AI ad generator can generate ads that are tailored to each platform’s requirements, maximizing their impact. You can use an AI bullet points copy generator wherever you need your ads to highlight the key points as bullet.

On Narrato’s AI ad generator, most of these inputs can be provided in the product and service details field. You can define what the product does, for whom, and how, and the tool will automatically craft a relevant CTA matching your product description. As for ad format preferences, you don’t have to worry about that on Narrato, as it has different templates for Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.

Google AI ad copy generator

Remember that the more relevant and specific information you provide to the AI ad generator, the more accurate and effective the generated ads will be. Continuously fine-tune and iterate your inputs based on the performance and feedback of the generated ads to create higher-performing ads.

Here’s another example of a LinkedIn ad copy generated on Narrato.

AI ad copy generator for LinkedIn on Narrato

Here’s a quick video guide on how to create ads using the AI ad copy generator on Narrato.


You may also create these specific and targeted ads using the AI Chat on Narrato which allows you to provide inputs more flexibly. With the AI Chat or ChatGPT you can provide more elaborate ChatGPT prompts specific to the use case, and define your audience, tone, CTAs etc. in your prompt itself.

AI chat on Narrato

3. Customize and refine the generated ad content for specific platforms and ad formats

Each platform, like Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn, has its own characteristics, user behavior patterns, and design requirements. By tailoring your ads to each platform, you can maximize their impact and engagement.

Understand platform requirements: Familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines and requirements for each platform. For instance, Google Ads may have character limitations for headlines and descriptions, while LinkedIn Ads may prioritize professional and corporate messaging. Instagram Ads, on the other hand, prioritize visually appealing content with an emphasis on storytelling. Understanding these nuances will help you generate content that aligns with each platform’s expectations. If your AI ad generator has different templates for each platform, as Narrato does, then there’s not much you need to do here.

Optimize ad visuals: Images and videos play a vital role in ad performance. For Google Ads, ensure that visuals are clear and relevant, encouraging users to click on your ads. On LinkedIn, you need to focus on professional imagery that resonates with a corporate audience. For Instagram, you require visually creative content that stands out in users’ feeds. Refine the generated visuals to align with the aesthetics and user expectations of each platform. For custom images to go with your LinkedIn or Instagram ads, you can use an AI image generator tool. Narrato’s AI Images tool gives you high-quality custom images based on simple text prompts.

AI image generator for ads on Narrato

Or you can use the CC images tool that gives you access to a vast library of royalty-free stock images too. If you have product images that you’d like to plug into your ads, you can use AI tools like CreatorKit or LightX to edit your product photos, add backgrounds, and enhance them.

Test ad variations: Experiment with different variations of your ads on each platform to identify what resonates best with your audience. Test different headline variations, ad descriptions, visual elements, and even calls to action. Narrato’s AI ad generator will give you three variations of ad copy and headlines every time. You can pick the content you like best, or even mix and match headlines and copy to test multiple versions of an ad. This A/B testing will allow you to identify the most effective combinations and refine your generated ad content accordingly.

LinkedIn Ad generator on Narrato

Customizing, testing, and refining your AI-generated ad content for each platform and ad format, ensures that your ads are tailored to the specific audience, aesthetics, and requirements of each platform.

4. Continuously monitor ad performance and use insights to improve future AI-generated copy

Once you start running your AI-generated ads, it’s important to monitor their performance regularly and gather feedback to make data-driven decisions. You need to know which performance metrics to monitor, what standards to meet, and how to improve your campaigns based on these insights.

Here are some steps to follow in order to optimize your ad generation process –

Monitor key metrics: Keep a close eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, cost per acquisition, conversion rates, etc. Analyzing these metrics will provide insights into the effectiveness of your AI-generated ads and help you understand which aspects need improvement.

Implement new strategies based on A/B test: We’ve already emphasized the importance of A/B testing different versions of AI-generated ads. Once you have the insights from these A/B tests, make sure to use them in building your future marketing strategy. These insights will give you a better idea of what kind of inputs to feed into the AI for copywriting to get the desired output.

Analyze audience engagement: Dive deeper into the data to understand the behavior of your audience. Look at engagement metrics such as time on site, bounce rates, or social media interactions. Knowing how your audience engages with your ads, you’ll understand their preferences and can fine-tune your ad generation process and parameters.

Iterate and refine: Lastly, based on your analysis of ad performance and testing, continuously improve and refine your input parameters for the AI ad generator. Continuous iterations and experimentation will give you the optimal formula for generating high-performing, conversion-focused digital ads.

Best practices for AI-generated ads on different platforms

Even when relying on an AI ad generator to create the copy for your ad campaigns, there are a few things you should closely review and ensure that the AI-generated ad meets the required standards.

Here are a few best practices to follow for your AI-generated ads on different platforms.

Google Ads

  • Optimize ad headlines and descriptions for search intent and keyword relevance. The AI Google ad copy generator gives you three versions of ad copy that you mix and match to get the best version as well. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords for your Google Ads campaigns and use these keywords strategically.
  • Leverage the various ad extensions provided by Google Ads to improve your AI-generated ads. Experiment with site link extensions, callout extensions, and structured snippets extensions to provide additional information and promote specific features or offers.

LinkedIn Ads

  • Tailor the ad content generated by the AI LinkedIn ad copy generator to professional audiences. Emphasize industry-specific language, highlight expertise, and showcase how your products or services can benefit professionals and businesses.
  • Make the most of LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options effectively to reach the right audience. Use accurate targeting factors like job titles, industries, company sizes, and seniority levels to ensure your ads reach the most relevant audience.

Facebook and Instagram Ads

  • Facebook and Instagram are both highly visual platforms, so ensure that your AI-generated ads include eye-catching and appealing visuals. Use images or videos that evoke emotions and accurately represent your brand and offerings.
  • Both Facebook and Instagram provide extensive audience-targeting capabilities. Use this feature to reach the right audience for your ads. Leverage demographic, interest-based, and behavioral targeting options to refine the generated ads for specific segments of your target audience.
  • Storytelling in your ads is great to create a connection with your audience on these platforms. Use the content generated by AI Facebook & Instagram ad copy generator and visuals to tell a story that resonates with users and aligns with your brand message.

Summing up

AI ad generators are a great way to save time and improve the quality of content in your Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. Throughout this blog post, we have discussed several key tips and best practices for using AI ad generators effectively. Providing relevant input to the AI ad generator, such as target audience, key messages, and branding guidelines, ensures that the generated ads align with your marketing goals and resonate with your audience. Customizing and refining the generated ad content to suit specific platforms and ad formats is crucial for maximizing engagement and click-through rates on each platform.

So, don’t hesitate to explore AI ad copy generators and start harnessing their power to optimize your ad campaigns and achieve exceptional ads performance.

Narrato Workspace