30+ High Impact Content Creation Statistics You Shouldn’t Miss

Creating successful content is no easy feat. It’s often challenging to determine how to create content that will resonate with the audience.

According to a recent HubSpot report, creating engaging content is one of the biggest challenges for content creators and marketers today.

The content creation landscape has also undergone a major shift in the last few years. Today, content creation is not just limited to text-based content. From social media content in the form of videos, reels, and carousels to podcasts, webinars, and more, there is no dearth of avenues to expand your business’s reach. This brings up some important questions for marketers –

  • What should our content creation process focus on?
  • Creating what type of content would be most profitable?
  • How frequently should this content be published?
  • What kind of ROI can be expected from different types of content?
  • How will content creation affect our bottom line?

To answer all these questions, we’ve curated some very relevant content creation statistics. These statistics will help guide your content marketing strategy and set your content marketing efforts in the right direction. If you’re looking for some useful AI content and marketing statistics, we’ve compiled a great list in our article.

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Content Creation Opinions and Trends – Statistics

  • The digital content creation industry is constantly expanding. According to some projections provided by GlobalNewsWire, the global digital content creation market size will grow from USD 12,400 million in 2020 to USD 24,160million by 2027, at a CAGR of 9.5% (2021-2026).
  • According to CMI’s B2B Content Marketing Insights 2022 report, 46% of businesses are planning to increase their spending on content creation in 2022.
  • 83% of content marketers feel that it is better to create high-quality content, even if it’s coming out less often, according to HubSpot’s State of Inbound Marketing Trends 2022 report.
  • Creating content for blog posts, success stories, videos, webinars, and case studies brought the best results for content marketers in 2021. Among these, video and blogs were the top-performing content formats for them, according to the Semrush State of Content Marketing 2022 report.
  • The Semrush State of Content Marketing 2022 report found that 53% of companies are creating content for the middle of the funnel stage, 35% for the top of the funnel, and 22% for the bottom of the funnel. The report further stated that 25% of companies created content for retention.
  • According to HubSpot, 27% of marketers say that creating engaging content is one of their biggest challenges. Other challenges cited by the marketers were reaching the target audience, finding ideas for new content, and measuring ROI.

TL;DR here’s a video with some of the key stats from this post.

Planning for Content Creation – Statistics

  • According to HubSpot, the best time to post content on social media platforms is between 6 pm to 9 pm. For Twitter and Tiktok, the best days are Tuesday and Thursday. For Facebook, it’s also Thursday, while Wednesdays are best for YouTube content.
  • More and more businesses are leveraging content calendars to plan and organize their content creation efforts these days. In the CMI/Marketing Profs B2B Content Marketing Report 2022, it was found that 73% of B2B organizations used content calendar tools.
  • Almost 34% of content creators and marketers plan their content creation strategy 1-2 months in advance, 27% of them plan it 3-4 months in advance, and 15% plan it 3-4 weeks in advance. This was found in HubSpot’s State of Media and Content Planning Report 2022.

B2B & B2C Content Creation Statistics

  • According to the HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Trends 2022 Report, most B2B brands prefer to focus their content creation efforts on case studies, blogs, whitepapers, interviews, etc. The report further stated that B2C brands, on the other hand, derive better ROI from short-form content.
  • Effective SEO strategies can help B2B companies in increasing their organic traffic, which can then lead to greater sales. Around 77% of B2C and 66% of B2B content marketers use SEO while creating content, as found in the HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Trends Report 2022.
  • As per the CMI B2B Content Marketing Insights for 2022 report, the most heavily-invested channel for B2B content creation and marketing in 2022 is expected to be video. A DemandMetric infographic, on the other hand, stated that almost 59% of B2B marketers consider blogging to be the most effective marketing communication channel.
  • In the CMI B2B Content Marketing Insights 2022 report, 80% of B2B content marketers said that their organizations placed greater value on the craft and creativity of content creation than on content production.
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Blog Content Creation Statistics

  • According to HubSpot’s State of Content Marketing Report 2022, 56% of marketers say that blog has been the most effective content type for them. The value of blog content creation was also highlighted by an OrbitMedia report, which found that 1 in 5 content creators reported “strong results” with blog content.
  • Research is one of the most important elements of content creation, yet only 41% of bloggers try to do original research while creating content, as per an OrbitMedia survey.
  • According to OrbitMedia’s recent survey on blogging, the average blog post in 2021 contained 1416 words. The data also shows that trend for long-form blog posts (more than 2,000 words) is steadily growing and overtaking short-form blog posts (less than 500 words).
  • The OrbitMedia report also said that bloggers are investing 67% more time on every post (in 2021) than they were in 2014. 33% of bloggers who spent more than 6 hours on a blog post reported “strong results”. It’s evident that the time spent by writers on creating a blog post has increased over the years, with an average blog post taking over 4 hours to write.
  • 42% of bloggers who added more than 10 images to their content reported strong results. However, a significant percentage of the bloggers (47%) add only 2 to 3 images, according to the OrbitMedia survey.

Video Content Creation Statistics

  • According to a CMI report, the types of video content created by B2B marketers have also changed in the last year. CMI found that 51% of B2B marketers focused on creating more webcasts, web series, and webinars, since it gave them the best results.
  • In a survey by HubSpot, 76% of marketers said that creating video content has helped them reach their goals.
  • HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Trends 2022 Report stated that 29% of content marketers are planning to create more long-form video content in 2022.

Social Media Content Creation Statistics

  • In a recent HubSpot survey, it was found that 82% of content creators and marketers are repurposing content for their social media channels
  • According to HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Trends 2022 report, the most effective content types for social media are – funny content (preferred by 80% of marketers), Interactive content (preferred by 77% of marketers), and content that reflects the brand’s value (preferred by 63% of marketers)
  • Marketers are increasing their social media content creation investments in live streaming, short-form video content, experimental content, and live audio chat rooms, according to HubSpot’s 2022 report.
  • The HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Trends 2022 report also stated that short-form video content provides the highest ROI on social media. Other content types with good ROI are memes, infographics, and long-form videos.

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Challenges in Content Creation – Statistics

  • According to CMI/Marketing Profs B2B Content Marketing report 2022, the biggest struggles of B2B organizations are – finding subject matter experts for content creation (42%), creating content that provides value to the readers instead of pitching for sales (36%), and consistency with messaging in content creation (31%), among others.
  • According to Venngage, 36.7% of content marketers say that consistently engaging visual content creation is one of their biggest struggles.
  • A HubSpot survey found that creating engaging content for social media was the biggest challenge for 27% of content creators and marketers.
  • For B2B marketers, the main challenges when it comes to their outsourcing content creation efforts are – finding writers with topical expertise (65%), finding writers who understand their audience (41%), and budget-related issues (40%). This was found in the CMI/Marketing Profs B2B Content Marketing report 2022.

Wrapping Up

Crafting high-quality content consistently is a lot of hard work. Hopefully, these content creation statistics will help you understand what can work best for your brand. Equipped with this knowledge, you’ll be able to focus your energy, time, and resources on the right content creation activities and create compelling content that brings great returns.

Remember, always create content with the intention of being the best answer on the internet, and you’ll never fail.

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