60+ AI Content and Marketing Statistics to Shape Your Marketing Strategy

Creating a killer marketing strategy is all about staying ahead of the curve, and there’s no hotter trend right now than AI content and marketing. Whether it’s automating your marketing efforts or analyzing customer behavior, AI is changing the game in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. Look at Narrato AI, for example. This AI-powered content platform is helping businesses produce content eight times faster while slashing content production costs by 80%. For businesses and marketers looking to gain that much-needed edge, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest AI content and marketing statistics.

In the past, we’ve explored content SEO statistics, content creation statistics, content marketing statistics, and more. In this blog, we’re going to provide you with some fascinating AI content and marketing statistics to help you refine your marketing strategies and ensure your brand remains a leader in the industry.

AI content and marketing: Why it matters

AI content and marketing statistics


AI content and marketing: Why it matters

Remember those days of spending hours crafting the perfect blog post or ad copy? With AI tools, this has become a thing of the past. Whatever your marketing project, AI can swoop in to save time, generate engaging content, and even personalize it to fit your audience’s preferences. Plus, AI tools can analyze customer behavior faster than we ever could, giving businesses a competitive edge in the market. Having an AI as your content and marketing assistant means more efficient campaigns and better ROI. It’s all about future-proofing your marketing game.

Narrato is an all-in-one, AI-powered platform designed to simplify content creation and marketing. It handles everything from writing blogs and social media updates to SEO optimization and AI image generation. It makes the whole content creation process easier for any project you’re working on by offering useful AI tools at every stage.

🌟AI Content Assistant offers over 100 AI templates and tools, plus custom AI templates creator

🌟AI Content Genie – Get weekly social media and blog content on autopilot, all from a simple website link and your chosen themes!

🌟AI image generator plus CC images and GIF library

🌟Transform any image into text-based content with the AI image-to-text generator

🌟Generate 100s of content pieces in mere minutes with AI

🌟Easily publish and schedule content to any CMS or social media platform

Narrato AI Content Assistant

Narrato AI Content Assistant

Narrato makes it easy to streamline your marketing tasks by eliminating the need for multiple tools and apps. With the AI Content Assistant, you get all you need in one place. If there’s no AI template that fits your specific needs, you can easily create your own custom AI template generator.


AI content and marketing statistics

AI is turning marketing strategies on their heads these days. Check out these AI content and marketing statistics to see how!

Stats on AI content and marketing applications

  • As per Botco.ai’s State of GenAI Chatbots in Marketing report, almost 73% of marketers report that their companies use generative AI to generate text, videos, images, and other types of content, and over two-thirds of them use it for brainstorming.
  • The Botco report also found that almost 44% of marketers use GenAI for email copy, 42% and 39% for social media copy and images, respectively. Then there are 36% of marketers using AI for website images, 35% for SEO content, 33% for blog posts, and 33% for marketing and sales collateral.
  • According to a Forbes Advisor survey, AI is being widely used for things like replying to messages, answering financial queries, planning trips, and creating social media posts, making daily tasks much simpler.
  • A Capterra survey found that 82% of marketers believe AI or ML software creates content that’s just as good, if not better, than what humans can produce.
  • The same Capterra survey also found that almost 63% of marketers consider AI invaluable for email marketing.
  • According to Hubspot’s State of AI report 2023, marketers are using generative AI in content creation for various tasks: finding ideas and inspiration (22% of marketers), summarizing text (21% of marketers), writing marketing copy (20% of marketers), creating images (20% of marketers), and developing outlines (18% of marketers).
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on generative AI use


  • The Hubspot State of AI report also found how marketers are using AI for writing content. Only 5% rely on AI to create full pieces of content. About a third (35%) use AI to gather ideas or inspiration, while another third use it to generate content outlines. Almost 25% of marketers use AI content assistants to write a few paragraphs, which they later expand on.
  • Marketers are using AI to create various types of content. The Hubspot State of AI report says that around 31% use AI tools for social posts, 28% for emails, 25% for product descriptions, 22% for images, and 19% for blog posts.
  • A 2023 survey by Influencer Marketing Hub revealed that 44.4% of marketers have used AI for content production. Beyond that, AI is also widely used in conversion optimization (12.3%), predictive analytics (12.2%), and chatbots/customer service (11.7%).
  • In the same Influencer Marketing Hub survey, respondents were asked about their plans to use AI in influencer marketing campaigns. A solid 62.9% of marketers said they are going to use AI tools, while another 25.4% said they might. AI has become so widespread that almost 90% of respondents are seriously thinking about using AI tools in their marketing campaigns.
  • The respondents of the Influencer Marketing Hub survey were also asked how they plan to use AI/ML in their influencer marketing strategies. The top reason, mentioned by 64%, was to use social media analytics to find the best influencers for campaigns. The second most common use, cited by 13.3%, is to locate and distribute relevant content. The third popular use is to identify fake influencers.
  • The Influencer Marketing Hub survey also found that 77% of marketers feel that automation is crucial in influencer marketing.
  • An AI survey by Authority Hacker has found AI is now a big player in content creation, with 85.1% of marketers using AI article writers. This high percentage highlights how quickly AI has gained traction in the industry.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on popular use cases


  • A Salesforce and YouGov 2023 survey found that, among marketers using generative AI, 76% employ it for basic content creation and writing copy. In addition to that, almost 71% turn to it for inspiration in creative thinking.
  • The same 2023 Salesforce and YouGov survey found that 57% of B2B marketers in the U.S. used chatbots in their demand generation programs to get a better grasp of their audience. Ad targeting is also a popular application of AI in marketing, with almost 47% of marketers in the U.K., U.S., Canada, and India using AI for this purpose. Meanwhile, 53% of marketers are using AI for data analysis, according to WebFX survey.
  • According to a Statista survey of marketing professionals from the U.K., U.S., Canada, and India, 42% said they trusted AI for personalizing content in real time. Meanwhile, 39% trusted AI for email send time optimization.
  • Another Statista survey has found that around 32% of marketers globally are using AI to enhance marketing, especially for paid ads and personalized email campaigns. Around 22% of marketers are using AI to personalize subject lines and generate content and product recommendations.
  • The IBM Global AI Adoption study has found that 16% of businesses use AI to conduct sentiment analysis.

Stats on AI content and marketing benefits

  • According to the 2023 Influencer Marketing Hub AI Marketing Benchmark report, 54.5% of marketers are hopeful about AI, believing it will boost their marketing efforts.
  • The same Influencer Marketing Hub report found that 71.2% of marketers believe AI can outperform them at their jobs. When asked what tasks would remain for human marketers when AI takes over, the top responses were decision-making and high-level strategy (almost 42.2%), creativity, and emotional appeal (almost 22.6%). It’s evident that marketers think humans will maintain an edge in creativity for a while.
  • As per Hubspot’s 2023 State of AI report, marketers who use generative AI typically save over three hours on every piece of content they create.
  • The 2023 Hubspot report also found that generative AI helps marketers produce more high-quality content that delivers better results. 67% of marketers also say that AI helps them save time and speed up content creation. Additionally, nearly half of marketers believe that AI boosts content quality, makes it more personalized, and sparks new ideas.
  • According to a Capterra survey, 82% of marketers believe AI content matches the quality of what humans produce. The same thought was echoed in Authority Hacker’s AI survey which found that nearly 65.8% of people believe AI-generated content is as good as or even better than what humans write.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on human-written vs AI content


  • According to a Forbes Advisor survey, 64% of businesses are of the view that AI will boost their productivity. This shows a rising trust in AI’s ability to simplify business operations.
  • Botco.ai’s report on State of GenAI Chatbots in Marketing report found that 58% of marketers using generative AI tools for content creation have seen improved performance as the main advantage.
  • As per Capgemini’s report on Generative AI in Organizations, around 67% of executives think generative AI could boost customer service by offering personalized and automated support.
  • An NBER research article has found that customer support agents see a 14% productivity boost with access to AI conversational assistants.
  • A Statista survey has revealed that 88% of marketers using AI believe the tech has enhanced their ability to personalize customer journeys across various channels.
  • Another Statista survey revealed that nearly 33% of marketers in the U.S. believe that the most notable advantage of using machine learning and AI tools is the time they save.
  • According to research published in MIT Sloan Management Review, a whopping 87% of companies around the world think AI tools will give them a leg up on the competition.
  • Almost 61% of workers say that AI boosts their productivity, as per Snaplogic research findings.
  • A report from Capgemini reveals that 75% of consumers have no problem trusting content created by generative AI. Additionally, 62% are okay with generative AI being used in marketing and advertising, provided it doesn’t negatively impact their experience. Another survey shows that 54% of people think AI can improve long-form content, like what you’d find on websites.
Narrato AI templates

Stats on AI adoption in marketing

AI Content and Marketing Statistics on AI adoption


  • According to a 2022 study by Deloitte, almost all surveyed business leaders—94% to be exact—believe AI is essential for their success in the next five years.
  • Forbes Advisor reports that 97% of business owners think ChatGPT will benefit their business. About one-third plan to use it for website content, and 44% for creating content in different languages.
  • In Authority Hacker’s AI survey, it has been found that almost half of marketers, about 49.5%, use AI tools several times a week or even more frequently.
  • As stated by research by Insider Intelligence|eMarketer, generative AI has been adopted faster than smartphones and tablets in the US. Since most people already have the necessary hardware to try out generative AI, and with many of the tools being free, it’s no wonder it’s spreading so quickly.
  • According to an Influencer Marketing Hub report, 61.4% of the people surveyed have already tried using AI marketing tools in their marketing efforts. Meanwhile, 36.6% haven’t yet explored how AI in marketing.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics about marketing operations


  • According to eMarketer & Insider survey, around 83% of executives globally see chatbots like ChatGPT as the most important application of generative AI. Additionally, 75% are excited about using generative AI for data, and 71% are interested in its potential for text generation.
  • According to a 2023 McKinsey survey, 22% of participants report regularly using generative AI in their jobs.

Stats on AI content and marketing trends

  • According to a Statista report, the global revenue for AI software will hit $126 billion by 2025.
  • According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global AI market is projected to reach $407 billion by the year 2027
  • By 2025, Gartner estimates that generative AI will be responsible for 10% of all data creation, a significant jump from just 1% in 2022.
  • According to an AI expert, Nina Schick, ChatGPT will transform how digital content is created. She predicts that by 2025, AI could be behind 90% of digital content. (As told in a Yahoo Finance interview)
  • A World Economic Forum report predicts that AI will create 97 million jobs and contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. It’ll also take over repetitive tasks, allowing workers to focus more on creative activities.
  • According to the eMarketer and Insider Intelligence survey, the largest group of generative AI users in the U.S. are people aged 25 to 34, making up more than a fifth of all monthly users. Since many of them are working professionals, they are the main users of AI technology.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on Generative AI users


  • According to a 2023 Insider Intelligence eMarketer Forecast, over 100 million folks in the U.S. will be dabbling in generative AI by 2024. Fast forward to 2025, and that figure is projected to grow to 116.9 million.
  • By 2025, eMarketer forecasts that over 50% of people in the U.S. between the ages of 12 and 44 will be tapping into the power of generative AI.
  • As per Capgemini’s report on Generative AI in Organizations, generative AI is now a topic of discussion for 96% of organizations in their boardrooms.
  • Global data from the IBM study shows that big companies are twice as likely to use AI compared to smaller ones. However, 41% of smaller companies are working on their AI strategies.
  • Executives predict that customer satisfaction and engagement will increase by 9% over the next three years, thanks to the adoption of generative AI, as per Capgemini’s report on Generative AI in Organizations.
  • According to Gartner, by 2025, AI will generate 30% of the marketing messages sent out by large companies.
  • Almost half (50%) of Americans are curious about how generative AI operates within social media, according to The Pulse: Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) survey by Big Village.
  • Generative AI has the potential to boost the global economy by $2.6 to $4.4 trillion each year across various applications, according to a McKinsey report.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on generative AI economic impact


Stats on AI content and marketing budgets

  • According to the 2023 Influencer Marketing Hub AI Marketing Benchmark report, 19.2% of surveyed people allocated over 40% of their marketing budget to AI-driven campaigns, while 11.2% allocated between 30-40%. Those who spent 20-30% made up 14.2%, and 15.1% designated 10-20%. Meanwhile, 40.2% used less than 10% of their marketing funds for AI-related initiatives. It’s clear that many companies are experimenting with AI, and it’ll be intriguing to see if they ramp up their efforts in the future.
  • A Gartner survey revealed that 45% of professionals have boosted their AI investments due to ChatGPT’s growing popularity.
AI Content and Marketing Statistics on generative AI investments


  • In 2024, 54% of leaders anticipate AI will bring cost savings, according to BCG’s survey. Among these leaders, about half expect to see savings of more than 10%, mainly due to increased productivity in customer service, operations, and IT.
  • In the WebFX survey, 29% of marketing professionals mentioned they intend to use AI down the road.
  • A McKinsey survey reveals that 23% of professionals report AI contributes to at least 5% of their organizations’ earnings before interest and taxes.

Wrapping up

Looks like we’ve uncovered some pretty fascinating insights into how AI is shaking up the content and marketing game. From simplifying content creation to personalizing customer experiences on a whole new level, AI is proving to be a real MVP. Businesses tapping into AI’s potential have an opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and set a whole new standard. As the stats show, those sticking to old-school methods might want to reconsider if they don’t want to be playing catch-up.

If you are interested in getting started, try Narrato AI, the complete AI content workspace for all your content creation and marketing tasks.
