How to Use an AI Landing Page Generator

Let’s talk about landing pages 👏 You know what you have to do—create that perfect, conversion-focused landing page. But the path to get there? It’s often cluttered with a mix of advice, tools, and tech that can leave your head spinning. Fear not! There’s a simple solution to create beautiful landing pages – an AI landing page generator. The beauty of using this AI tool is its ability to tailor content, layout, and even calls to action based on your specific goals and audience.

So, if you’re itching to boost your website’s conversion rates without breaking a sweat, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into this guide for using an AI landing page generator.

TL;DR Here’s a quick video summarizing this article.

What is an AI landing page generator?

Using an AI landing page generator: A step-by-step guide


Tips for maximizing conversions with AI landing page generators

Narrato AI landing page generator

What is an AI landing page generator?

An AI landing page generator is a tool that uses AI for copywriting to craft compelling landing pages that capture leads or drive sales. Rather than spending hours thinking about the perfect sentence structure or the most compelling call-to-action (CTA), you can let the AI landing page generator do the heavy lifting for you. It analyzes your input and applies the best practices in conversion optimization to produce high-quality, persuasive page content tailored to your target audience. These generators are like a dream come true for entrepreneurs and marketers who want to make a strong online impression without the hassle. With just a few clicks, you can have a beautifully crafted landing page that gets conversions rolling in.

Narrato’s AI copywriter offers an AI landing page generator that can generate keyword-optimized landing page copy, accurately representing your product/service’s USPs and benefits. It lets you tailor your landing page copy to your target audience and brand.

Narrato’s AI landing page generator

Narrato’s AI landing page generator

In addition to that, this AI content creation tool has over 100 distinct AI tools and templates, designed to help in creating various types of copy and content. Need a product description? There’s the AI product description generator. Blog post? There’s the AI blog writer? Plus, Narrato’s AI Content Genie is ready to create social media and blog content on autopilot.

Since you’re here to learn about creating landing pages with AI, let’s get back to that. The next section provides a step-by-step guide for creating landing pages using an AI landing page generator.

Using an AI landing page generator: A step-by-step guide

Crafting a conversion-driving landing page copy is now easier than ever with the help of an AI landing page generator. Follow this simple guide to create captivating landing pages –

Step 1. Open the AI landing page generator on Narrato

Your first step is simple – navigating to the AI landing page generator on Narrato. You’ll find it in the AI Content Assistant, which houses all the AI content creation tools and templates offered by the platform. Type in “Landing page” in the search bar, or click on the “Copy” tab to find the landing page templates.

Opening Narrato’s AI landing page generator

Opening Narrato’s AI landing page generator

There are two AI templates for landing pages offered by Narrato – an AI landing page generator and an AI landing page outline generator. The latter creates a content outline for the landing page copy, leaving you to do the actual copywriting. The first one, on the other hand, gives you a ready-to-use landing page copy.

Step 2. Enter basic product/service details

Now, it’s time to introduce your product or service to AI. In this step, enter your product/service name and a brief description. This description should encapsulate your unique selling proposition. It should give the AI a foundation to build upon, ensuring that the generated content accurately represents your offering.

Entering product/service details in the AI landing page generator

Entering product/service details in the AI landing page generator

Step 3. Explain the benefits and features of the product/service

Here’s where you start diving deeper. List down the benefits and features of your product/service. Think about what makes your offering stand out from the competition – is it more affordable, more efficient, or does it come with unique features? This information helps the AI craft a persuasive copy that highlights the advantages of your product, making it irresistible to your target audience.

Entering the benefits and features of your product/service in the AI landing page generator

Entering the benefits and features of your product/service in the AI landing page generator

Step 4. Specify target customers and keywords to add

In this step, you get to define your target customers and the keywords they might use when searching for solutions like yours. Are your customers tech-savvy millennials, or perhaps busy professionals? Identifying your audience helps the AI tailor the language, tone, and content to speak directly to their needs and pain points. Including specific keywords ensures that your landing page is not only compelling but also SEO-friendly.

Specifying your target customers and keywords

Specifying your target customers and keywords

Don’t forget to specify the target length and tone for the AI-generated landing page.

Step 5. Get your AI-generated landing page copy

After feeding all the necessary information into the AI tool, hit the “Generate” button and give the AI a moment to process your inputs. Almost instantly, you’ll get your AI-generated landing page copy, complete with a compelling headline, engaging subheadings, persuasive body text, and a strong call-to-action (CTA).

AI-generated landing page copy

AI-generated landing page copy

Review the content to ensure it aligns with your expectations. And that’s it! You’re done.

Here’s another guide on using an AI copywriter for website development projects you might want to check out.

Narrato AI copywriter

Tips for maximizing conversions with AI landing page generators

Follow these tips to ensure your landing pages not only capture attention but also drive conversions.

1. Research your audience

Before you even start working on your landing page, it’s crucial to know who you’re creating it for. Understanding your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points will allow you to tailor your content and design to speak directly to them. Use audience analytics tools or conduct surveys to gather as much information as you can. An AI landing page generator can then help you fine-tune the messaging and design to match your audience’s expectations, but it all starts with solid research.

2. Focus on simplicity and clarity

When it comes to landing pages, less is often more. Your main goal is to guide visitors towards a specific action, whether that’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a resource. An overloaded or overly complicated page can distract or even overwhelm visitors. Use the AI landing page generator to create clean, simple designs with clear, concise text. Make sure the value proposition is front and center, telling visitors exactly what they’ll get by taking action.

3. Make sure to use strong visuals to complement the text

Humans are visual creatures, and the right images or videos can instantly grab attention and convey complex messages much more efficiently than text alone. Use an AI image generator to integrate strong visuals that reinforce your message and resonate with your target audience. Whether it’s a high-quality image, an infographic, or a short video clip, make sure it’s directly related to your offer and adds value to the page.

4. Make sure there’s a clear CTA

Your call to action (CTA) is the heart of your landing page. It’s what you want your visitors to do, so make it impossible to miss. Use an AI call to action generator to experiment with different CTA wording, and also play around with the colors and placements to see what stands out and encourages clicks. Be specific with your CTA text—instead of generic phrases like “Click here,” use action-oriented language that describes what visitors will get, like “Get my free guide now!” A well-defined CTA can significantly increase your conversion rates.

5. A/B test to find out what works best

Even with the most advanced AI landing page generator, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to creating high-converting pages. A/B testing, or split testing, allows you to compare different versions of your landing page to see which elements perform best. You can test different headlines, CTA buttons, images, or page layouts. By analyzing the results, you can continuously refine your landing pages to maximize conversions.

That’s a wrap

So, there you have it—a step-wise guide on using an AI landing page generator. By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to use one to create high-converting landing pages with ease. Remember, the goal is to engage and convert your visitors, and with the advanced capabilities of AI, you’re more equipped than ever.

So, go ahead, give it a spin, and watch your website conversions soar.

Narrato AI