How to Automate Social Media Posts with AI

Managing multiple social media accounts can be a daunting task but it is also essential to expand your business’s reach. You need to generate leads and tap into the potential on various platforms. However, that often means spending huge amounts of time and energy on creating content, posting them, and tracking their performance. This is where the magic of AI comes into play. AI-driven social media management tools allow users to automate social media posts, including their creation, scheduling, analysis, and more.

In this blog, you’ll discover how AI can transform the way you manage your social media presence with automation. From scheduling posts at the perfect time to AI-generated content and automated customer service, we’ll cover the essentials you need to streamline your social media strategy efficiently.

TL;DR here’s a quick summary video of this article.


What is social media automation?

Why you should automate social media posts with AI

How to automate social media posts with AI in social media marketing


Tips and tricks for optimizing your social media content with AI assistance

AI Content Genie on Narrato

What is social media automation?

Social media automation is the process of optimizing social media marketing strategies using AI and automation tools. This doesn’t mean turning your social media profiles into robots but rather, utilizing AI-powered tools to handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as content creation, scheduling posts, generating content ideas, and gathering performance analytics. The goal is to maximize your social media strategy’s efficiency and effectiveness while still maintaining a genuine and interactive online presence.

Why you should automate social media posts with AI

Automating your social media posts with AI is beneficial on many levels.

  • AI can help overcome creative blocks by automating content planning and creation
  • By automating the scheduling of your posts, you can ensure that your content reaches your audience when they are most active, without the need to be online 24/7
  • AI can significantly improve your customer service through automated responses to frequently asked questions
  • AI tools can even provide valuable insights into your social media performance, helping you refine your strategy over time for better engagement and growth

How to automate social media posts with AI in social media marketing

Taking a closer look at what aspects of social media marketing can be automated will uncover the vast potential for efficiency gains in your social media marketing efforts. So here are some useful tips on how to leverage automation in your social media strategy.

Automated social media content planning

AI tools have shown tremendous potential in content ideation and planning. An AI content idea generator can be your loyal companion in brainstorming post ideas and preparing your content calendar for months at a stretch. Narrato’s AI content ideas generator, for instance, can give you tons of ideas on any topic, keyword, or theme you provide.

Automate social media posts planning with AI on Narrato

As you can see here, the tool gives us topic ideas for social posts, along with an explanation of what the post could include. And that’s not all, you can even plan your social media video content using AI. You can generate video scripts for your reels, YouTube videos, and shorts using the AI video script generator on Narrato. It gives you the complete script with narration and scene descriptions, making your pre-production work much easier.

Automate social media posts planning with AI on Narrato

To further solidify your research and ideation process, you can use AI for social listening to identify what topics and trends your target audience is following. Sprinklr’s AI social listening tool is one example, that gives you accurate AI-powered insights into trends, audience sentiments, brand mentions, and more.

Alongside content ideation, another important part of planning content for social media is maintaining a social media content calendar. With AI at your disposal, you can have social media post ideas for months at a stretch. Arranging them on a content calendar makes it easier to ensure none of these ideas are lost, and that your content plan is sorted well in advance.

Any good AI social media management platform, such as Narrato, will usually have a content calendar for social. On Narrato, you have a calendar associated with each project as well as one on the AI Content Genie. All your scheduled and published content can be viewed on the social media calendar, giving you more visibility into your social strategy.

Automated social media content creation

Content creation is probably the most dreaded part of social media marketing because of the sheer amount of time and effort it consumes. Social media demands a little extra compared to other channels as it is essential to post consistently and stay relevant. Thankfully, with AI a major chunk of this load is taken off your shoulders. AI social media post generators and content automation tools can be lifesavers, giving you some excellent first drafts to work with.

Narrato’s AI social media post generator, for example, has more than 15 different AI templates to generate social posts from just a theme, URL, or notes. An even more revolutionary tool on the platform is the AI Content Genie which literally sets your social media content on autopilot. This AI tool only requires your website URL and a few themes or keywords you want to target, added to the settings just once. It can then generate fresh social media posts (and blog posts) based on these one-time inputs, automatically, week after week. This means at the beginning of every week you have a long list of social media posts, complete with emojis, hashtags, and image recommendations, ready to publish. In other words, AI Content Genie can act as your content strategist, content creator, and social media manager, all rolled into one intuitive AI tool.

Narrato AI Content Genie - Automate social media posts content creation

You can also generate more posts on-demand, edit and save posts for later, and schedule or publish posts to any social media channel. To add to it, Narrato has an AI image generator to get AI-generated images for social media posts, and a vast library of CC images and GIFs as well.

Another amazing tool on Narrato that can help you create social media content in a snap is the AI content repurposing tool. This tool lets you repurpose any content into different formats for distribution on various channels, thus increasing your content’s reach. You can turn your blog posts, YouTube videos, web pages, newsletters, or any other content into engaging social media posts. Just choose the source content and add it through a URL, text or file, and repurpose it into a social media post (or any other format) with a click.

Automate social media posts content creation with AI content repurposing on Narrato

Here’s a comprehensive guide explaining how you can use the AI social media post generator to create social media content.

You may also use Narrato’s AI Chat similar to ChatGPT to create your social media posts, in which case we suggest trying out these ChatGPT prompts for social media posts.

AI will usually give you highly relevant and engaging posts, but remember to add a personal touch or a final review wherever you think it might be necessary.

Automated social media scheduling and posting

To manage the publication of content across various platforms, social media scheduling automation is indispensable. Social media scheduling tools allow you to load your content in advance, schedule posts according to the optimal engagement times for each platform, and ensure a consistent online presence without the need for manual posting.

Automate social media posts publishing on Narrato

If your AI social media post generator already has a post scheduler, as Narrato does, then there’s nothing like it as you can have everything on a single platform. Narrato also offers a social media calendar where all your scheduled posts can be tracked.

If your content creation platform does not have this feature, you can try other scheduling automation tools like Later or SmarterQueue. Later allows you to schedule Instagram stories too, while SmarterQueue is unique in its own way, recycling your content when no new posts are added so your calendar is never empty.


Here’s a quick video explaining all of Narrato’s AI social media tools.

Social media scheduling on Narrato

Automated social media analytics

To measure and understand the impact of your social media activities, you can automate social media posts analytics. Automated analytics tools collect key performance data across platforms. This automation provides insights into post engagement, audience behavior, and content performance, enabling data-driven decisions to refine your social media strategy.

Some good social media analytics tools that can help you across multiple platforms, include Rival IQ, Quintly, and Cyfe. Rival IQ offers analytics for all social media channels including YouTube. Quintly does the same but also includes Snapchat. Cyfe can be integrated with dozens of other marketing tools to collect data, as well as pull reports for your social media accounts.

Automated social media conversation management

Managing your conversations, especially interactions with customers on social media is very tricky. A survey by Sprout Social revealed that nearly 70% of consumers expect brands on social to respond to their messages within a day. When you are managing multiple social media accounts across different platforms, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of the conversations and respond immediately.

This is where automation in conversation management can help. There are several social media management platforms that offer inbox assistants, social media chatbot builders, and other features to help with this.

Sprout Social has a conversation management feature that gathers messages from all your social accounts on a Smart Inbox for easy tracking, and a bot builder for automating your responses. Other than this, Agorapulse is another social media management tool that has an Inbox Assistant that gathers all your messages across platforms and organizes and labels them. ContentStudio and a few other tools also offer a Social Inbox.

AI Social Media Post Generator on Narrato

Tips and tricks for optimizing your social media content with AI assistance

  • A/B testing – Use AI to experiment with different content formats and messages, identifying what works best for your audience. Tools like Hootsuite Social Advertising tool can automate this process of testing different ad copy and CTAs. It can also help you iodentify the best-performing content through its social monitoring dashboard.
  • Audience insights – Embrace AI tools to collect and analyze data on your audience’s preferences and online behavior. This information can guide the creation of more targeted and compelling content.
  • Semantic analysis – Leverage AI to understand the sentiment and themes prevalent in your industry’s social conversation. This can inspire content that is timely, relevant, and engages in ongoing conversations effectively.
  • Scheduling at optimal times – AI can analyze when your audience is most active online, helping you schedule posts for maximum visibility and engagement. SocialChamp has a “Best Time to Post” feature that leverages AI-driven insights and past data to suggest optimal posting times on social. FeedHive is another tool that has a Conditional Posting feature, meaning you can set certain triggers for the AI to fire up posting based on engagement.

By strategically integrating AI tools into your social media strategy, you can enhance content quality, engagement rates, and overall brand visibility.

Wrapping up

Embracing the future of social media marketing with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changing strategy for businesses and marketers alike. Integrating AI-powered social media tools into your marketing strategy offers unparalleled benefits. From optimizing content creation to scheduling, engaging with your audience, and analyzing your performance, AI ensures your social media marketing efforts are more targeted, efficient, and effective. Embrace the future of social media marketing with AI and position your brand for success in this super competitive digital age.

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