How Marketing Agencies Can Use AI to Save on Content Costs & Improve Quality

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in content marketing has completely changed the way marketing agencies create, manage, and deliver content. From automated content generation to sophisticated data analysis, AI in marketing is transforming traditional marketing strategies into dynamic, targeted, and efficient campaigns. Generative AI for marketing agencies, for example, assists in producing written content, videos, voiceovers, and images, drastically reducing the time and resources needed for content production. AI-driven analytics platforms help content managers understand user engagement and content performance through deep data insights, enabling more informed strategic decisions.

AI tools offer marketing agencies the capability to produce high volumes of content rapidly, enhancing their ability to scale operations without a corresponding increase in overhead costs. AI-driven content is tailored through data-driven insights, ensuring higher relevance and engagement rates. Most importantly, AI automates routine tasks, freeing human creativity for more strategic initiatives that drive business growth and innovation. These benefits collectively highlight the transformative impact of AI on the marketing industry. Let’s take a look at how marketing agencies are reducing operational costs and achieving sky-high productivity with AI.

Content planning and research with AI

Automated content creation with AI tools

Curating and repurposing content with AI

Enhancing content quality through AI-driven analytics and revisions

Implementing AI tools in marketing agencies

Monitoring and optimizing AI applications in marketing agencies

Narrato AI Content Workspace

Using AI in marketing agencies for cost-effective content creation

The global market value of AI in marketing is projected to reach $107.5 billion by 2028. Why? Because marketers and advertisers are seeing growth and improvement with the use of AI. Embracing AI not only promises significant reductions in operational costs but also ensures enhancement in content quality. As of March 2023, 84% of marketers said that aligning web content with search intent was the most effective use case of AI and marketing automation. But that‘s not all – 80% also said they improved the UX on their sites and 74% attained better SERP rankings by integrating AI in marketing. Your marketing agency could achieve this too. Let’s explore the ways in which AI in marketing can be a game-changer, providing both efficiency and improved content outcomes.

Content planning and research with AI

The role of AI in marketing agencies kicks off right from the early stages of planning and research for content marketing campaigns. Whether it’s diving deep into keyword research, analyzing competitors, brainstorming content ideas, or strategizing SEO plans, AI tools can significantly speed up the process and enhance its efficiency. These tools provide data-driven insights, allowing marketing teams to make informed decisions swiftly and accurately. By leveraging AI, agencies can not only save time but also craft more targeted and effective campaigns that resonate well with the audience.

AI tools for marketing agencies that can help with content planning and research include AI keyword research tools, AI content idea generators, AI SEO tools, and others. Narrato’s AI Keyword Generator, for instance, can give you a long list of keywords along with search volumes on any topic, cutting down your keyword research time to mere seconds.

Then there is the AI content ideas generator that gives you interesting and diverse topics for any given search term. You can also build topic cluster around a particular theme with these AI-generated ideas.

AI content idea generator on Narrato

You can also generate SEO content briefs for your topics to get suggestions on keywords and keyword counts, questions to answer, references, and more.

Other AI tools for SEO planning that marketing agencies might find useful are Semrush Copilot which can give you AI-driven personalized insights on any website or Alli AI for technical and on-page SEO.

All of these are AI tools for SEO agencies and marketing agencies with unique offerings can completely change the game when it comes to data-driven planning and strategizing.

Automated content creation with AI tools

The power of AI in automating content creation is truly transformative and this is one use case where most marketing agencies are seeing tangible results. From drafting blog posts to creating complex whitepapers, generative AI and machine learning tools can produce high-quality content drafts in seconds. This allows agencies to scale content production without compromising the quality of content or hiring more talent beyond their means. In fact, digital marketing agencies like Site Smart Marketing in Las Vegas are already saving 80% costs in content production and creating content 8x faster with Narrato AI.

AI blog writers can generate entire long-form articles from just a topic or reference URLs and documents. And not only generate articles, but they can also suggest SEO meta titles and descriptions, feature images, social media posts for blog promotion, and more.

AI blog writer and SEO content brief on Narrato

AI platforms like Narrato offer marketing tools that can also generate social media posts, emails, web copy, ads, product descriptions, and more. When content volumes required are high, you can even bulk generate content with AI, producing hundreds of pieces in one go.

AI tools like the AI Content Genie, can automate content creation too. All you have to do here is add your website URL and a few target keywords in the tools settings, and every week it will automatically generate a fresh batch of social media posts and blog ideas for you. For agencies working with several clients, multiple Genie projects with clients’ websites can be set up.

AI Content Genie on Narrato

AI can generate video content, images, and audio too. Tools like HubSpot’s Clip Creator, HeyGen, or Movavi can be great for creating video content using AI, especially if you don’t have a professional video content creator on the team. AI video and audio content tools for marketing content creation can save hundreds of dollars on content that otherwise demands some very specific skill sets.

For AI images, you can try Narrato’s AI Image Generator, Midjourney, or Dall-E. All of these tools help you turn text prompts into high-quality images on various styles, to add to social media posts, blogs, ads, and more.

Narrato AI Content Workspace

Curating and repurposing content with AI

Content curation and repurposing are a significant part of any content marketing strategy and who knows that better than marketing agencies? Content repurposing and content curation can save you loads of time and give you top-tier content without having to start afresh for every piece. But doing this manually can be effort-intensive and agencies don’t always have the bandwidth for it given all the new content they have to create every day. That’s where AI steps in to change things.

AI tools for marketing agencies include AI content repurposing tools like Narrato’s AI content repurposing tool which can transform any content into a different format of your choice. So you can revive old content or reimagine fresh content for distribution on multiple channels, increasing your clients’ reach and the content’s shelf life. So whether you are trying to turn a blog post into an informative social post or a video script, turn a document into a press release, or turn an image into a summary, AI repurposing can do it all.

AI content repurposing on Narrato

AI content curation tools, on the other hand, can aggregate content for you from various sources and in some cases, even turn them into a readable piece with browsable links. Tools like Flipboard let you create mini magazines and add links to your chosen stories and news. Feedly is another AI-powered tool that allows you to aggregate and browse content from your favorite sources, cutting out the nose of irrelevant content.

For curating news articles and repurposing them into other content, you can also use Narrato’s Search & Repurpose News Content AI template. This AI template allows you to search news articles on any topic from the web and repurpose selected articles into social media posts, summaries, blog posts, and other quality AI-generated content.

Search and repurpose news content AI tool on Narrato

Enhancing content quality through AI-driven analytics and revisions

In a marketing agency, you have to agree that a massive chunk of your time goes into editing and improving content. Writers give you a first draft that editors then have to thoroughly review for grammar, spelling, consistency of tone, readability, and more. Could enhancing content quality be as simple as employing AI-driven tools? Yes, you could indeed save hours on content editing and enhancement using AI tools.

AI tools can detect errors, point out areas that need improvements, and even make changes to the content to align with your goals. On Narrato, editors can use the in-line AI writing assistant to check grammar and spelling, improve text, shorten or expand, and even rewrite AI-generated content or human-written content. For any custom changes, the tool has an Ask AI option where you can add your own prompt. This makes content revisions so much faster and more convenient.

There is also a Style Guide automation feature that lets you set rules for writing style, punctuation, use of terms and phrases, etc. Editors can easily use the Style Guide to make recommended changes accordingly.

Here’s a quick video guide on how the Style Guide automation feature works.


Style Guide automation gives you a lot more control over the quality of content that goes out, ensuring that it adheres to the brand guidelines and standards set by your agency or the client.

Narrato AI Content Workspace

Implementing AI tools in marketing agencies

Embarking on the journey to implement AI tools in a marketing agency can lead to revolutionary changes in how content is produced and managed. But how can marketing agencies ensure a seamless transition and effective integration of AI into their existing digital marketing strategies?

Choosing the right AI tools for your agency

Selecting the right AI tools is paramount to enhancing your content marketing efforts. How do agencies assess which tools align best with their operational needs and goals? This involves considering factors like usability, scalability, and integration capabilities with existing systems. Ensuring the tools not only fit with the strategy but also are user-friendly for the team is crucial for technology adoption.

For agencies, it is also important to choose tools that offer an all-in-one solution. Managing everything from content planning to creation to collaboration on a single platform can have a phenomenal impact on productivity. Many businesses like Pearler and Worxogo have achieved 100% centralized content project management using Narrato, which offers powerful workflow automation and content collaboration features. This is all the more important for agencies as they can bring their entire team, freelancers, clients and other stakeholders on one platform for a seamless experience.

Integrating AI with existing digital marketing strategies

The integration process involves not just technical deployment but also a strategy alignment across departments. How can AI tools be synced effectively with existing digital marketing strategies to enhance overall campaign performance? It involves training teams, setting new KPIs, and continuously monitoring the performance of AI implementations. Also, making modifications where necessary is key to achieving the desired outcomes with AI implementation.

Training your team to use AI effectively

As tools evolve, so should the team. Organizing comprehensive training sessions for marketing teams ensures they are well-equipped to use AI tools efficiently and can explore innovative applications in their daily tasks. What are the most effective training methods, and how can ongoing learning be facilitated to keep up with AI advancements? There are options galore. Most AI content platform providers will help with initial onboarding and training, as well as occasional hand-holding wherever necessary. Beyond that, your agency has to foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning within the team to drive better results and encourage the creative use of AI in content marketing.

Monitoring and optimizing AI applications in marketing agencies

Marketing agencies not only have to focus on the implementation of AI but also on its continuous monitoring and optimization, ensuring these tools deliver on their promise of reducing costs and elevating the quality of content produced.

Setting benchmarks and measuring AI’s impact on content quality and cost

Quantifying AI’s impact on operations begins with setting clear benchmarks. Agencies should determine key performance indicators (KPIs) for AI in their workflows, such as time to generate content, cost savings compared to manual production, and improvements in engagement or conversion rates. Regularly measuring these indicators against established benchmarks helps show AI’s effectiveness and supports decisions about further investment.

Adjusting AI strategies based on analytical insights

Data from AI applications provides important insights for making strategic decisions. By analyzing these results, agencies can spot patterns that match or differ from their goals. This ongoing feedback allows them to tweak AI settings—like adjusting content strategies for audience tastes or refining data for better market analysis accuracy. It’s about continually evolving AI strategies based on real-world data, ensuring AI tools boost marketing campaign success.

Wrapping up

AI tools present a plethora of advantages for content marketing, including streamlined workflow, enhanced targeting accuracy, and cost-effective content creation. Marketing agencies using AI can offer more personalized content at scale, potentially leading to increased consumer engagement and higher ROI. The path to AI integration, however, comes with challenges like the initial cost, the need to keep learning new tools, and risks to data privacy and personalized content. Moreover, there is an ever-present concern about maintaining a balance between automated content generation and the creative input that only human marketers can provide. Judicial and ethical use of the technology can ensure that you only reap the benefits without having to worry about any repercussions.

As marketing agencies adapt to these changes, the most successful will be those that manage to blend AI efficiency with human creativity to stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape.

Narrato AI Content Workspace