ChatGPT Prompts for SaaS Founders and Marketers

If you’re a SaaS founder or marketer, you know the importance of connecting with your audience, simplifying complex ideas, and crafting engaging narratives. This is where content comes in – content for marketing, customer communications, sales, and more. Marketing for SaaS requires heaps of content and meeting these demands through manual content creation alone is almost impossible. But with AI for SaaS marketing and platforms like Narrato or ChatGPT in your arsenal, content creation becomes a breeze. In fact, 72% of marketers agree that AI tools help them easily personalize and improve customer experiences, according to a HubSpot report. While on Narrato you will find a pre-built AI template for almost every type of content you need, on ChatGPT you will need to use the right ChatGPT prompts for SaaS founders and marketers. And that is exactly what this blog post is going to offer you.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of using ChatGPT and the best ChatGPT prompts for growing your SaaS business through a variety of content.

Key benefits of using ChatGPT for SaaS industry

Essential ChatGPT prompts for SaaS founders and marketers

Advanced prompt engineering techniques

Narrato AI content workspace

Key benefits of using ChatGPT for SaaS industry

AI tools like Narrato and ChatGPT can serve as a virtual assistant for businesses, particularly in the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry, to streamline their work processes and boost productivity.

Here’s how ChatGPT and AI as a while can be extremely useful for SaaS founders and marketers.

  • Time efficiency: AI tools like Narrato and ChatGPT can handle repetitive tasks such as drafting emails or generating content for social media or a sales presentation, freeing up valuable time. This means SaaS teams can focus on more strategic tasks that need human attention.
  • Cost reduction: By automating various aspects of marketing and content creation with AI, SaaS companies can cut down on overhead costs associated with hiring additional personnel or purchasing multiple tools for these tasks.
  • Consistency: Consistency is critical in maintaining brand voice across various platforms. ChatGPT and AI tools like Narrato provide uniform responses and content that align with the brand’s messaging.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Essential ChatGPT prompts for SaaS founders and marketers

To leverage ChatGPT to its full potential, SaaS founders and marketers need to utilize it for various core functions. That is why we’ve curated the following essential prompts to help you create compelling content and improve communication across different areas.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS landing pages

Crafting engaging landing pages that convert visitors into customers is crucial. Narrato’s AI landing page generator is built for this purpose. This AI template can help you generate impressive landing pages for your SaaS product, with minimal effort. Just provide the tool with a few details about your product and business and the AI takes care of the rest.

AI copywriter in Narrato

The platform also has other tools like AI headlines generator, AI FAQ generator, and others that can help you build high-quality landing pages.

But if you plan to use ChatGPT for this, you must use the correct prompts for your use case. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist. You could use a detailed prompt like this to generate content for the entire landing page –

Generate a complete landing page for our SaaS product called [Product Name], which helps [target audience] with [primary use or function]. Make sure the tone is professional yet approachable, and the content is engaging and easy to read. The landing page should include the following sections:

  • Hero Section
  • Product Overview
  • Value Proposition
  • Customer Pain Points
  • How It Works
  • Customer Testimonials
  • Use Cases
  • Comparison with Competitors
  • Call-to-Action
  • FAQ Section
  • Security and Compliance
  • Pricing Plans

Or, you could use prompts to generate sectional content as follows –

  1. Product overview: Generate a compelling overview for our SaaS product [product name and description] for a landing page, that highlights its key features and benefits for [specific target audience]. The key features to focus on are [list features and benefits].
  2. Value Proposition: Create a clear and concise value proposition for our SaaS platform [name and description] focused on [core benefit or solution].
  3. Customer Pain Points: For creating a landing page copy, describe the main pain points our SaaS solution [name and description] addresses for [specific industry or role], and how our product effectively solves them.
  4. Customer Testimonials: Write a sample customer testimonial for our [SaaS product], emphasizing the positive outcomes like [mention a few outcomes] and specific improvements experienced.
  5. Use Cases: For a website landing page, describe three use cases for our SaaS product, explaining how different types of customers can benefit from it.
  6. Comparison with Competitors: Create a comparison chart that highlights the advantages of our [SaaS product] over competitors like [X,Y, and Z] in terms of features, pricing, and usability. [Provide feature list and pricing of your product and competitors]
  7. Demo Call-to-Action: Craft a persuasive call-to-action encouraging visitors to sign up for a live demo of our SaaS product.
  8. Trial Offer: Generate engaging content for our free trial offer, detailing the benefits of trying our SaaS product risk-free for [trial period duration].
  9. Why Choose Us: Generate content that explains why potential customers should choose our [SaaS solution] over others, focusing on unique selling points and advantages.
  10. FAQ Section: Develop a list of the top 10 frequently asked questions about our SaaS products, along with clear and informative answers.

Here’s an example of one of the above prompts used on Narrato’s AI Chat.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS landing pages used on Narrato AI Chat

With these prompts, founders can leverage ChatGPT to construct landing pages that captivate and convert more effectively.

Narrato AI copywriting tool

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS content on social media

Looking for ways to enhance your SaaS company’s social media presence? AI can help with that too. Narrato’s AI social media post generator is one tool that takes the stress out of social media marketing. With several pre-built AI templates for creating a variety of social media posts and an AI autopilot for social media content called AI Content Genie, this platform can be a complete package. It even allows you to publish and schedule posts to your social media accounts in a few clicks.

AI social media post generator on Narrato

However, if you plan to use ChatGPT for content creation, dive into these ChatGPT prompts tailored specifically for creating engaging social media posts:

  1. Product Feature Highlight: Create an engaging social media post highlighting [a unique feature] of our SaaS product, [Product Name], and explaining how it benefits users.
  2. Industry Insights: Write a post sharing recent industry trends or insights relevant to [target audience], and how our SaaS product [product name and description] aligns with these trends.
  3. Tips and Best Practices: Create a social media post offering tips or best practices related to the main function of our SaaS product, [e.g., project management, data analytics].
  4. Interactive Poll or Question: Create an interactive post asking followers a question related to their challenges or preferences in [the space we operate in], encouraging engagement.
  5. Company Milestones: Draft a celebratory post about a recent company milestone [such as reaching a certain number of users or launching a new feature].
  6. Special Offer or Promotion: Write a promotional post announcing a special offer or discount for new users, including a clear call to action and time limit. [Add offer details].
  7. Webinar Announcement: Write a promotional post announcing an upcoming webinar on [topic], detailing what attendees will learn and how to register. [Add webinar agenda and registration details].

Here’s an interactive post generated using Narrato’s AI Chat and a ChatGPT prompt above.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS social media content used on Narrato AI Chat

Engage your audience with these creative prompts and watch your social media channels buzz with activity!

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS blogs

Blog posts play a key role in SaaS marketing, but they are time-consuming to create. An AI blog article generator can make this much faster and easier, allowing you to generate complete articles from just a topic or a reference URL within seconds. On Narrato’s AI blog writer, you also get SEO features like the SEO content brief generator with an SEO score, AI keyword generator, etc.

AI blog writer on Narrato

It is possible to create blog articles with ChatGPT too, if you have the right ChatGPT prompts for blog writing. Here are a few examples.

  1. Write a blog post discussing the top 5 trends shaping the [specific industry] in 2023, and how our SaaS solution is aligned to support these trends.
  2. Create a detailed how-to guide for using [specific feature] of our SaaS product, including step-by-step instructions, tips, and screenshots.
  3. Write a case study blog post about how [Customer Name] used our SaaS product to achieve [specific result], detailing the challenges they faced and the solutions we provided.
  4. Generate a blog post comparing our SaaS product with [Competitor’s Product], highlighting the key differences and advantages of our solution.
  5. Write a blog post offering 10 best practices for [specific task or function related to your product], including insights on how to optimize performance using our SaaS solution.
  6. Generate a deep dive blog post into our SaaS product’s [specific feature], explaining how it works, its benefits, and real-world applications.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS email marketing

Email marketing is very much alive and striving. Email is one channel that lets you directly connect with your target customer and actually drive action. But coming up with the right messages for every email at every stage of a customer’s journey is not easy. That’s where an AI email writer like Narrato can help. All you need to do is provide the AI tool some context, and it can generate an enticing email instantly – subject lines and CTAs included.

AI email writer on Narrato

Or you could use these ChatGPT prompts for email writing too.

  1. Product Launch Announcement: Write a marketing email announcing the launch of our new SaaS product, [Product Name]. Highlight its key features and benefits, and include a call-to-action to try it out or schedule a demo.
  2. Welcome Email for New Subscribers: Create a welcome email for new subscribers that introduces them to our [SaaS product], provides essential resources for getting started, and encourages them to explore [key features].
  3. Special Offer or Discount: Draft an email promoting a limited-time [special offer or discount] for new or existing customers, and include a clear call-to-action to take advantage of the offer.
  4. Trial Expiration Reminder: Generate an email reminding users that their free trial is about to expire, and include a compelling call-to-action to upgrade to a paid plan.
  5. Re-Engagement Email: Develop an email aimed at re-engaging inactive users, reminding them of the benefits of our SaaS product and offering an incentive to log back in or use a specific feature.
  6. Newsletter Content: Write a monthly newsletter for our SaaS customers that includes industry news, product updates, tips and best practices, and upcoming events or webinars.
  7. Product Update Announcement: Generate an email informing customers of a new update to our SaaS product, explaining the new features or improvements and how they can benefit from them.

We tried one of these prompts on Narrato’s AI Chat, and this is the AI-generated output.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS email marketing used on Narrato AI Chat

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS ad copy

Creating compelling ad copy for your SaaS product can be so much easier with AI. Whether you need short, snappy taglines or detailed descriptions, an AI ad copy generator can do it all. Narrato’s AI ad generator has AI templates tailored for Google Ads, social media ads, marketplace ads, or any other type of short ad copy that you might need.

AI ad copy generator on Narrato

To generate clear, persuasive, and engaging ad copy that resonates with your target audience using ChatGPT, here are some ChatGPT prompts for copywriting for your ad campaigns.

  1. Search Ad (Feature Highlight): Write a Google search ad for our SaaS product, [Product Name], focusing on its key feature [Feature] and how it benefits users. Include a strong call to action.
  2. Display Ad (Brand Awareness): Generate a Google display ad promoting our SaaS product to build brand awareness. Highlight our unique selling points and include a call to action.
  3. Sponsored Content (Thought Leadership): Write a LinkedIn ad for sponsored content promoting a blog post [topic] about industry trends and how our SaaS solution is leading the way. Include a call to action to read the full article.
  4. Sponsored InMail (Webinar Invite): Create a LinkedIn Sponsored InMail ad inviting professionals in [target industry] to an exclusive webinar about [topic]. Highlight key takeaways and include a registration link.
  5. Carousel Ad (Feature Showcase): Write a Facebook carousel ad showcasing multiple features of our [SaaS product], with each slide highlighting a different feature and its benefit. Include a call to action on each slide.
  6. Image Ad (Limited-Time Offer): Design a Facebook image ad promoting a limited-time offer or discount for new users of our SaaS product. Include an eye-catching image, an enticing headline, and a call to action.
  7. Story Ad (Feature Highlight): Create an Instagram Story ad focusing on a key feature of our [SaaS product]. Use engaging visuals and include a swipe-up link to learn more.

These prompts are tailored to help you generate effective and platform-appropriate ad copy that attracts and engages your target audience, ultimately driving more conversions and interest in your SaaS business.

AI ad copy generator - Narrato

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS product descriptions

SaaS product descriptions are not just an overview of your product but also an opportunity to grab your target customer’s attention and interest. A well-written product description can do wonders to lead generation and conversions. This is where an AI product description generator like the one on Narrato might come in very hand. It also has an AI bulk product description generator to generate hundreds or thousands of descriptions within minutes.

AI bulk product description generator on Narrato

With the right ChatGPT prompts for product descriptions you can also generate SaaS product descriptions that drive great results. Here are some examples.

  1. Describe the main features and benefits of our SaaS product aimed at small businesses.
  2. Create a compelling product description for our [product, e.g. cloud-based accounting software], highlighting its ease of use and [key functionalities].
  3. Write a product description for our project management tool, emphasizing its real-time collaboration features and integration capabilities.
  4. Generate a concise but informative summary of how our CRM software can help streamline sales processes for mid-sized companies.
  5. Create a product description that identifies a common pain point in [target market] and describes how our [SaaS product] effectively solves this problem.
  6. Describe the advantages of using our cybersecurity SaaS product to protect sensitive data in the healthcare industry.
  7. Draft a product description tailored to [specific user persona], highlighting the features and benefits of our SaaS product that are most relevant to their needs and challenges.
  8. Write a detailed description of our data analytics SaaS service, including its predictive analytics and reporting features.
  9. Generate a long-form product description that tells a story of how our SaaS solution was developed, its unique features, and its impact on users.
  10. Highlight how our e-commerce SaaS platform can help online retailers manage their sales, inventory, and customer relationships more effectively.

Here’s one of these prompts used on Narrato’s AI Chat.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS product copy used on Narrato AI Chat

These prompts will help to craft detailed and engaging SaaS product descriptions that cater to various industries and functionalities, ensuring potential users understand the full value your products offer.

ChatGPT prompts for SaaS market research

ChatGPT and simlar AI tools can be incredibly useful for conducting market research in the SaaS industry. It can help generate insightful questions and topics to cover various aspects of the market, such as identifying target customers, understanding market trends, analyzing competitors, discovering new opportunities, and evaluating customer satisfaction.

Here are some ChatGPT prompts you can use to streamline your research process and uncover valuable insights with greater efficiency.

  1. Provide a detailed analysis of the top 5 competitors in the [specific industry or market], including their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points compared to our SaaS product.
  2. Generate a survey to identify the most pressing needs and pain points of our target audience in [specific industry or role]. Include questions that help uncover unmet needs and desired features.
  3. Write a report summarizing the latest trends in the SaaS industry, focusing on changes in customer preferences, emerging technologies, and market dynamics.
  4. Conduct a comparative analysis of pricing strategies used by leading SaaS products in [your market/industry]. Include an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of different pricing models such as subscription, freemium, and tiered pricing.
  5. Prepare a detailed customer segmentation report that classifies potential users of our [SaaS product] by factors such as industry, company size, role, and specific needs.
  6. Develop a methodology for estimating the total addressable market (TAM) for our [SaaS product] in [specific industry], including potential market growth rates over the next five years.
  7. Produce a detailed profile for each of our main user personas, including demographics, job responsibilities, goals, challenges, and how they would ideally use our [SaaS product].

Try out these and other prompts to get comprehensive answers or collate research much faster. Just make sure that your prompts are as precise and categorical as possible.

Advanced prompt engineering techniques

Exploring advanced prompt engineering techniques can significantly enhance your interaction with AI models, making them more responsive and tailored to specific needs. These techniques involve fine-tuning prompts to elicit more accurate or creative responses, experimenting with different prompt structures and wordings, and understanding the nuances of how AI interprets various inputs.

Some key points to remember for crafting effective ChatGPT prompts are listed below.

  • Define personas: Use prompts to brainstorm and refine customer personas. Ask ChatGPT to simulate conversations with potential users, digging into their needs, challenges, and preferences. This will help you craft better prompts keeping these audience personas in mind.
  • Identify pain points: Craft prompts that explore your customers’ daily struggles related to your SaaS offering. For example, “What are the top three frustrations you face when using [Product/Service]?”
  • Craft relatable content: By utilizing prompts to create relatable stories or scenarios, you can better connect with your audience. This involves generating dialogues or content pieces that speak directly to their experiences.
  • Feedback simulation: Employ ChatGPT to simulate user feedback sessions. Prompts like “As a user, what improvements would you suggest for [Feature]?” can help anticipate real-world responses.

With these advanced prompt engineering techniques, SaaS founders and marketers can supercharge their productivity and focus more on creating innovative solutions tailored to their customers’ needs.

Wrapping up

In the world of SaaS marketing, effective communication is key. With optimized ChatGPT prompts for SaaS founders and marketers, you can enhance your communication, content, and processes significantly. Whether you’re creating a simple social media post promoting your product or writing an elaborate how-to guide for your users, AI tools like ChatGPT and Narrato take a major chunk of the work off your shoulders.

By leveraging AI’s capabilities, SaaS marketing teams can foster creativity, ensure consistency, and ultimately, better connect with their target audience. Embrace these tools to power up your SaaS growth journey!

Narrato AI content workspace