What is an AI Text Generator & How to Use AI Text Generators for Marketing Content

AI text generators have taken the world of marketing by storm over the past few years. And for all the right reasons. Need a 3000-word blog post? An AI text generator can generate the first draft in under a minute, which would otherwise take you at least a whole day. Need some really impactful ad copy but don’t have a copywriter on the team? AI text generators can save the day here too!

Using natural language processing and vast data sets, these tools can produce everything from email newsletters to catchy landing page copy. By automating and optimizing the content creation process, AI text generators not only save time but also elevate creativity and engagement, transforming the way you approach marketing in general. According to a Salesforce survey of over 4,000 marketers, 71% of respondents predicted that generative AI tools like AI text generators are saving them 5 hours of work every week. Whether you’re seeking to boost your brand’s reach through quality content or simply streamline content production, AI text generators are the secret ingredient your marketing team has been waiting for.

What are AI text generators?

How to use an AI text generator for content generation

Using AI text generators for marketing content

AI text generators in different industries

AI text generator - Narrato

What are AI text generators?

AI text generators are innovative tools that combine artificial intelligence with language models to create written content almost indistinguishable from that created by humans. These text generators use advanced machine learning algorithms to understand patterns, grammar, and context from massive datasets and then create content that mimics these styles and nuances of human-written content. This capability makes them extremely valuable in a variety of applications including content creation for marketing, social media, emails, and much more.

How do AI text generators work?

The operation of AI text generators boils down to a few systematic steps that turn raw data into polished textual content. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

1. Training on a vast amount of data

AI text generators are trained on vast amounts of textual data. This data can range from books and websites to articles. Through the training phase, the AI system learns the intricacies of language, patterns, and contextual meanings. This training involves adjusting the AI’s parameters to enhance its predictive capabilities, allowing it to anticipate and generate the next word in a sequence based on the preceding words.

2. Improving and fine-tuning the output

Once basic training is completed, the AI model goes through fine-tuning. This process involves additional data exposure and parameter adjustments to improve the precision of the output. The end goal is to ensure that the generated content is aligned with the intended context or specific needs.

3. Generating logical and relevant text

When presented with a prompt, which can be as simple as a topic or a sentence, the AI uses its gathered knowledge to generate coherent text.

4. Continuous improvement based on user feedback

The journey, however, doesn’t end at generation. AI text generators continuously evolve through user feedback and additional training updates. This iterative process ensures that the AI becomes more sophisticated over time, improving its output’s accuracy and relevance.

So, AI text generators are not just predefined algorithms but dynamic systems continuously learning and adapting to new data and feedback.

How to use an AI text generator for content generation

Using an AI text generator to generate content is pretty straightforward. The AI tool requires your input. For tools like ChatGPT, your input would be a well-crafted ChatGPT prompt for content creation. Or, if you’re using a platform like Narrato with pre-built AI templates, the inputs can be as simple as just a topic, a keyword, or a URL.

AI text generator templates on Narrato

Once you’ve provided your input and hit generate, the AI tool will process the information and generate a logical sequence of words, be it just a sentence or a complete article. The AI-generated content can be reviewed and further improved upon, and AI can help you with this as well. On Narrato, for instance, the in-line AI writing assistant is designed to help you edit and enhance content faster. You can select the text you wish to change and choose from a list of actions like improve text, simplify text, expand text, and so on. Or you can make custom changes too using the Ask AI option on the tool, providing a simple prompt.

AI content assistant - Narrato

Using AI text generators for marketing content

Imagine being able to draft engaging blog posts, captivating social media updates, or persuasive email campaigns in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take. That is what AI text generators can do for marketers and content creators.

AI content generators can help tailor your messages to different audiences, ensuring that you strike the right tone and convey your key points effectively. This means more personalized content that resonates with your target market, ultimately driving engagement and conversions. They can also suggest keywords and phrases to improve your SEO, helping more potential customers find your content.

Here are some popular use cases of an AI text generator in marketing content creation that you should definitely try.

Crafting engaging blog posts

Creating substantial, engaging blog posts is a cornerstone of content marketing. But let’s be honest, writer’s block can strike anytime. AI text generators can work wonders by providing a stream of ideas and headlines that resonate with your audience. With AI, you can effortlessly develop outlines and introductions, helping you jumpstart your writing process. But that’s not all. AI text generators like Narrato’s AI blog article generator can even give you entire long blog articles optimized for search engines, and with image recommendations too. And all this tool needs as input is either a topic or some reference URLs.

AI text generator for blogs on Narrato

A good AI text generator will also have SEO tools, like the SEO content brief generator and AI keyword generator on Narrato, to help you optimize your content better and improve its ranking potential on search engines.

Generating social media posts

Social media is a bustling market and standing out requires creativity and precision. AI text generators are adept at creating catchy, concise social media posts designed to grab attention. Whether it’s a playful tweet or a thought-provoking LinkedIn post, these tools can generate variations that capture your brand’s voice and message.

Narrato’s AI social media post generator, for one, has tens of templates to create social media posts for different audiences and occasions. It also lets you choose the platform on which you wish to publish the content and the tone or brand voice you want the post to reflect.

AI text generator for social media on Narrato

An even more interesting tool for social media content creation is the AI Content Genie. This AI autopilot for content generation only takes your website URL and a few themes as a one-time input to generate weekly social media content consistently. The auto-generated social media posts can be edited, saved, scheduled, and published directly from Narrato as well.

AI Content Genie on Narrato

Using AI means spending less time drafting quality social media posts and more time engaging with your audience through meaningful interactions and responses, bolstering your brand presence across platforms.

Enhancing website content

Your website is the digital face of your business. AI text generators can refine existing website content or create new landing pages that echo your brand’s ethos. From crafting compelling CTAs to writing persuasive headlines to creating conversion-focused copy, AI can streamline content that retains your audience’s attention and encourages action.

Take Narrato’s AI copywriter for example. This AI tool offers multiple templates for generating landing page copy, headlines, CTAs, and more. It even has an AI case study generator to create customer case studies for your website effortlessly. Need copy in one of the popular copywriting frameworks like AIDA or PAS? It can do that too. A versatile AI text generator with diverse use cases like this can make copywriting a breeze for anyone with even a little knowledge of content marketing.

AI text generator for web copy on Narrato

Incorporating AI in copywriting can ensure your site is not only informative but also engaging, attractive, and designed to foster conversions. With AI, you can also continuously optimize and refresh your content, keeping it relevant and aligned with changing consumer interests.

Creating persuasive sales copy

The art of persuasion in sales copy has never been more accessible. AI text generators can analyze successful patterns from numerous sales copies to produce persuasive content that speaks directly to potential customers. By inputting your target audience, AI for sales content can craft messaging that aligns with the desires and pain points of your audience, enhancing the likelihood of conversion. From sales emails to case studies to brochures, AI for sales content creation can create almost all collaterals you need. Coupled with your sales team’s insights, AI-generated sales copy can significantly boost your marketing arsenal’s efficacy.

AI content workspace - Narrato

Generating compelling descriptions

Description writing is more captivating when it paints a vivid picture. For product descriptions, AI text generators can articulate benefits and features concisely, enhancing your product listings’ appeal. By highlighting unique selling points with engaging and imaginative text, AI can add flair to your descriptions, making them not just informative but also persuasive.

The AI bulk product description generator on Narrato can craft one or even hundreds of product descriptions within minutes. All it needs is some brief details about your product to create descriptions that sell.

Apart from product descriptions, AI description generators can also generate property descriptions with AI highlighting key features and grabbing eyeballs for your real estate business. You can generate event descriptions that generate interest, local business descriptions to get easily found in search, and a lot more.

AI text generator for descriptions on Narrato

Writing persuasive marketing emails

Writing persuasive marketing emails has always been a vital part of connecting with customers and driving business growth. However, the process can be time-consuming and tricky to get just right. AI text generator can solve this for you as well.

Crafting the perfect email often requires brainstorming, drafting, and editing – a cycle that can eat up precious hours. AI email writers like Narrato can generate polished, ready-to-send content in just minutes, with little to no editing needed at times.

AI text generator for emails on Narrato

Moreover, AI email writers bring consistency to the table. Humans can have off days; our creativity can wane, and our tone can unintentionally shift. AI-generated content, however, delivers a consistent voice and style that aligns with your brand’s message every single time.

Not just your email’s messages but subject lines and CTAs can also be better when generated using an AI text generator

The AI text generator can assist in A/B testing too, by quickly generating multiple versions of an email to see which performs better. This allows marketers to continuously refine their strategy and achieve the best possible results.

Crafting ad copy that sells

AI text generators can create text content for your ads, tailored to the platform you are advertising on. Narrato’s AI Google ad copy generator, for instance, gives you three versions of ad copy in a format fit for Google Ads. The same goes for its AI LinkedIn Ad copy generator and AI Facebook and Instagram ad copy generator too.

AI text generator for ad copy on Narrato

SImilar to emails, the text output for ad copy can also be used for A/B testing of your ads. Since it is so easy to write multiple versions of ad copy with AI, you can use different versions for different audience segments and see which works best.

Simplifying video production and marketing

How do AI text generators help with video marketing? In more than one ways actually. An AI text generator can help you generate video scripts, video descriptions, and even summarize videos into text.

Narrato’s AI video script generator is an AI text generator that can give you detailed video scripts (with scenes and narration) for videos up to 6 minutes long. You can also choose the number of hosts in the video to customize the script accordingly and drive higher audience engagement.

AI text generator for video scripts on Narrato

The AI video description generator can give you engaging, search-optimized descriptions for your YouTube videos based on just the title and keyword. Thus, an AI text generator can save you a lot of pre- and post-production time in video marketing, allowing you to focus more on the actual content.

AI text generators in different industries

AI text generators are transforming content creation in various industries with their ability to create, analyze, and personalize content.

In marketing and advertising, these tools craft compelling ad copy, engaging social media posts, and personalized email campaigns that resonate with target audiences. By predicting customer preferences and behaviors, they ensure that the content stands out and drives more conversions.

E-commerce platforms are leveraging AI text generators to provide detailed product descriptions, personalized recommendations, and dynamic content that adapts to user interaction, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting sales.

The education sector benefits from AI text generators as well, using them to develop educational materials, summarize research reports, and help edit and enhance study material. These tools help teachers save time and offer students more customized learning experiences.

For the media and entertainment industry, AI text generators assist journalists with writing articles, producing summaries, and even generating entire news reports based on data input. This allows for faster dissemination of information and offers writers more time to focus on in-depth investigative pieces.

In the customer service realm, these AI text generator help create customer-facing sales enablement and support content, equipping support teams with the right answers to customer queries. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and more efficient handling of customer support tickets.

Healthcare is another sector seeing the benefits of AI text generators. They help in drafting patient reports, simplifying medical jargon for patient understanding, and even in creating detailed medical research summaries, thus streamlining administrative tasks and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.

However, in sensitive areas like healthcare or education, it is always important to have manual reviews and use AI only as an assistant. Human oversight in these areas is mandatory to ensure only correct factual information is being circulated.

Wrapping up

AI text generators are rapidly becoming indispensable tools in the marketing world, revolutionizing the way content is created and consumed. By adopting an AI text generator early on, you can streamline your content creation process, improve efficiency, and inject newfound creativity into your content strategy. Whether you’re crafting informative blog posts, quality social media updates, or alluring email campaigns, AI text generators can ensure that your content is engaging and relevant. However, it’s important to remember that while these tools offer powerful assistance, they are most effective when used in tandem with human editing and oversight. By combining the strengths of AI with the unique creativity and critical thinking of humans, marketers can create content that truly resonates with their audience. So, dive in, explore the potential of AI text generators, and watch your marketing content soar to new heights!

AI content creation and marketing platform - Narrato