6 Copywriting Examples with AI Copywriting Tips to Inspire You

A well-written copy can elevate brands, drive sales, and build lasting customer relationships. But many writers get stuck using clichés and repetitive phrases, struggling to create content that resonates. If you want to break free from monotony, this blog has six copywriting examples that are sure to inspire you. There are also some great tips for using an AI copywriter to spark your imagination and give your writing the edge it needs.

The art of copywriting and the role of AI

6 awesome copywriting examples to inspire you

  1. Web copy
  2. Landing page copy
  3. Product copy
  4. Ad copy
  5. Social media copy
  6. Marketing copy

AI copywriting tips you need to know


The art of copywriting & the role of AI

Copywriting is much more than simply putting words in a sequence; it’s about crafting messages that capture attention, stir emotions, and drive action. Whether you’re crafting content for a website, a product, or social media, the end goal is always the same -to drive action. And the key to achieving these goals lies in knowing your audience and communicating in a way that truly speaks to them. At its core, successful copywriting teases and persuades, enticing the reader to continue on a journey towards a desired goal.

While mastering this skill traditionally requires a deep understanding of language, human psychology, and marketing strategies, AI copywriting tools have entered the scene to simplify the process. These AI tools can craft compelling messages in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer.

According to a Hubspot report, marketers using AI tools typically save more than three hours on each piece of content they produce.

Narrato’s AI copywriter provides more than 100 AI templates for creating all sorts of content, including web copy, landing pages, headlines, product descriptions, ads, brochures, and press releases. To top it off, it supports major writing frameworks like AIDA, PAS, and BAB.

With AI’s help, writers can create more effective copy that connects with their target audience and adheres to technical best practices.


6 awesome copywriting examples to inspire you

Now, let’s dive into the copywriting examples, each highlighting a different area where copywriting shines –

1. Web copy

A good web copy grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. It’s clear, concise, and speaks directly to the reader’s needs. The headlines are catchy, the text is engaging, the call-to-actions are strong, and the layout makes everything easier to scan. When you’re writing a web copy, simplicity is key. Every word should serve a purpose, guiding the reader effortlessly through the content, leaving no room for confusion. It should be visually appealing too, with short paragraphs, bullet points, and a logical flow.

Here’s a copywriting example of a web copy –

web Copywriting Examples

Yes, it’s from our own website, Narrato. This SaaS platform offers a ton of different capabilities. Even so, the homepage does an excellent job of summarizing everything into a short, punchy proposition. It explains how Narrato can handle all your content tasks in one place. The writing maintains a friendly and warm tone without ever feeling self-indulgent. They also provide all the relevant information in the form of points, which makes the entire web copy easier to scan through.

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: Use the AI website copywriting tools on Narrato to generate an outline and then a copy for your website.

You can also use the AI bullet point copy generator to build the other sections of the web page.

2. Landing page copy

A good landing page copy is like a magnet for conversions. It’s clear, concise, and straight to the point. Think irresistible headlines that grab attention and speak directly to the reader’s needs, followed up with persuasive, benefit-driven bullet points that highlight solutions and build a compelling argument. Every landing page copy strong, actionable call-to-action that leaves no room for hesitation. The key to building a good landing page is simple. No fluff, no jargon—just an engaging narrative that converts visitors into buyers in just a few scrolls

Dropbox does this brilliantly.

landing page Copywriting Examples

Their landing page copywriting examples addresses a major pain point for every user – storing and sharing files. The landing page is specifically designed for businesses and teams, which is evident from the content. It quickly lists the different ways it would be useful for teams, provides pricing info, and adds CTA at several places encouraging people to try the tool for free.

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: Narrato’s AI landing page generator creates keyword-optimized copy that highlights your product or service’s unique selling points and benefits. It also allows you to customize the content to match your target audience and brand perfectly.

You can also generate multiple landing page copy with the help of AI landing page generator to A/B test different versions. This can help identify which headlines or CTAs most effectively drive conversions, allowing you to optimize for peak performance.

3. Product copy

A good product copy does more than just describe a product—it uses engaging, benefit-driven language that highlights how the product solves a problem or enhances the customer’s life. Key elements include a catchy headline, clear and concise details, and a strong call-to-action. Think of those irresistible Amazon product pages with great descriptions and compelling bullet points; they’re designed to hook you and make you believe you can’t live without that item.

Here’s a copywriting example of a great product copy from Uncommon Goods, an online store selling quirky gift items.

Product Copywriting Examples

The product description page is clear and straightforward. Under the section titled ‘What makes it uncommon,’ you’ll find a list of product features. Additional details are provided next to this section. At the bottom of the page, customer reviews add extra social proof. Not only does this layout make for an easy and enjoyable shopping experience, but it also builds trust and confidence in the product. The clear and straightforward product description caters to the customer’s needs and encourages informed, confident purchases.

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: The Narrato AI product description generator allows you to create one or 100s of product descriptions with just a click. It supports multiple languages, helping you expand your product’s global reach. The unique thing about this tool that it’s great at generating creative and unique content that avoids the repetition often found in manual descriptions. Plus, it seamlessly incorporates important keywords while maintaining a natural flow of the content.

And here’s how it generates bulk product descriptions 👇

You can learn more about using AI product description generators from this article.


4. Ad copy

Ad copy is an exercise in brevity and impact. It needs to capture attention and spark curiosity in just a few words. A good ad copy grabs attention right from the first word. It’s concise but impactful, using compelling language and emotional triggers to connect with readers. Whether it’s humor, empathy, or urgency, the tone matches the brand’s voice. The key is engaging the reader enough to spark curiosity and encourage them to take that next step.

Here’s a compelling ad copywriting example from LinkedIn –

ad Copywriting Examples

This ad specifically targets agency folks eager to level up their digital marketing skills. Words like “progress” and “levelling up” deeply resonate with LinkedIn’s professional audience. The call-to-action, “Take our free courses,” makes it easy to get started by offering something valuable at no cost. This approach to ad copywriting not only grabs the audience’s attention but also builds trust and credibility.

Also Read: 5 Ad Copy Examples & How AI Ad Copy Generator Helps Create Them

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: You can use Narrato’s AI ad copy generator to get multiple ad variations. This can help you find the perfect combination of words to reach your desired audience. This process speeds up brainstorming and can often suggest angles you might not have considered.

5. Social media copy

A good social media copy is one that makes you want to stop scrolling. It’s snappy, engaging, and delivers a clear message right off the bat. Your posts need to be engaging enough to get likes, shares, and comments, and pack the posts with personality while sticking to platform character limits. And most importantly, keep it simple and to the point; nobody’s got time for a novel on their newsfeed!

Here’s an example of a social media copy that does a great job of grabbing people’s attention.

social media Copywriting Examples

This social media copy expands on the practical tips gives in the infographic. It uses short snappy sentences and bullet points to expand on the thought. It wraps up with a call to action, inviting users to explore Narrato’s tools. Adding relevant hashtags targets an audience interested in SEO and content marketing.

Also Read: 6 Stunning Social Media Post Examples You Can Achieve with AI

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: Narrato’s AI social media post generator lets you create social media posts instantly for any platform. Just give it a URL, note, or theme, and the AI will craft the content for you. Here’s a quick video guide explaining how it works –

6. Marketing copy

A good marketing copy, whether it’s a blog, brochure, case study, or sales page, grabs attention from the get-go. It tells a story, making the reader feel connected to the brand. Visuals and design elements also play an important role here. They enhance the message, breaking up the long-form text and make it more engaging.

HubSpot’s content, which ranges from insightful blogs to detailed case studies, consistently offers value and establishes the brand as an authority in digital marketing and sales. Here’s an example of a case study from the brand –

marketing Copywriting Examples

This marketing copy begins with the story of why Handled’s CEO founded the company and why he chose HubSpot. It mentions the company’s expansion to 121 locations, as a success metric. The marketing copy also blends different media types, featuring a short video with detailed text.

💡 AI Copywriting Tip: Narrato’s AI Content Assistant has several AI tools for generating marketing copy. There’s an AI brochure content generator, an AI blog writer, AI case study generator, and 100 other AI templates for generating this content.


AI copywriting tips you need to know

AI copywriting tools offer a new way to create engaging text for your audience. Whether you’re writing an attention-grabbing ad or perfecting your website copy, here are some essential tips you should know –

1. Start with a clear objective

Every piece of copy needs a clear objective to guide its creation. Before you even think about writing the first word, ask yourself: What do I want this copy to achieve? Identifying your goal upfront will help you and your AI tool focus on the message you’re trying to convey and steer the copywriting process accordingly.

2. Craft personalized content

Narrato’s AI copywriting tool can help you craft more personalized content for your audience. By simply providing the specific requirements in your input, you can guide the AI to generate messages that perfectly match the tone, style, and substance you need. The result is communication that feels more personal, relevant, and impactful, helping you to connect more effectively with your target audience.

3. Use AI for idea generation

Besides generating your marketing copy, AI can suggest topics, headlines, and ideas based on your preferences and the latest trends. For example, if you’re crafting the perfect landing page, Narrato’s AI headline generator can generate a variety of headlines to hook your audience immediately. Like so 👇

4. Use AI to enhance SEO

SEO is critical in ensuring your content gets seen by the right audience. AI copywriting tools excel at analyzing data and providing optimal keyword usage, improving the likelihood that your copy will rank higher on search engine results. On Narrato, you can generate SEO briefs to get keyword suggestions, content references, ad more for your content. There’s also an in-line AI writer that could be useful for integrating keywords in your content.

Bonus: Experiment and Innovate

Ultimately, the best way to use AI in copywriting is to experiment and innovate continuously. Don’t be afraid to try new things! AI tools are regularly coming out with new features, so stay curious and explore them. Mix AI’s efficiency with your creative instincts to produce something truly unique and innovative.


Wrapping up

Copywriting is an art form, and like any art, it requires inspiration and practice. These six examples have shown us how powerful words can capture attention, engage readers, and drive action. By incorporating AI copywriting tools, you can refine your copy and elevate your message to resonate more deeply with your audience. So keep experimenting, testing, and learning. With each piece of copy you write, you’re one step closer to mastering the skill of persuasive writing.