100+ ChatGPT Prompts for HR & Recruitment

Human resources isn’t just about managing paperwork and organizing company events. It’s about finding the right people, helping them grow, and creating a thriving environment. But let’s be honest, HR and recruitment tasks can be time-consuming and sometimes a bit tedious. That’s when you need the assistance of ChatGPT (or even better, an AI writing assistant). AI tools can help breeze through tasks like writing compelling job descriptions, creating onboarding guides, and even compiling HR policy documents. This guide has some innovative ChatGPT prompts for HR & recruitment that can transform how you handle it all.

The role of ChatGPT and AI in HR & recruitment

Best ChatGPT prompts for HR & recruitment

  1. ChatGPT prompts for recruitment
  2. ChatGPT prompts for onboarding employees
  3. ChatGPT prompts for employee engagement
  4. ChatGPT prompts for performance management
  5. ChatGPT prompts for HR policy documents and other materials
Narrato AI writing assistant

The role of ChatGPT and AI in HR & recruitment

AI tools are shaking up the HR and recruitment world in the best way possible. Imagine having a smart assistant that can streamline tedious tasks like writing job descriptions and policies, creating training guides for new hires, and more. That’s what ChatGPT offers. It is a versatile assistant that can help with virtually any written content you need. It doesn’t just add a layer of efficiency but transforms the HR and recruitment processes, making it more efficient for everyone involved.

An impressive 93% of employers who have automated aspects of their talent acquisition process have reported saving time and increasing efficiency, while 67% have seen substantial cost savings.

To save yourself the hassle of crafting new ChatGPT prompts each time you need HR content, Narrato’s AI writing assistant is a great alternative. With its intuitive interface and vast repository of AI templates, you can swiftly generate HR and internal communications content. Whether you need job descriptions, employee handbooks, or interview questions, Narrato has got you covered. It also ensures your content is not only professional but also tailored to your specific needs.

Narrato AI content assistant

In case you want to create HR and recruitment content using AI prompts, Narrato has an AI Chat tool for that as well.


Best ChatGPT prompts for HR & recruitment

Here are some ChatGPT prompts for HR and recruitment that you can try on Narrato’s AI chat tool –

1. ChatGPT prompts for recruitment

Recruitment content refers to the materials and information that organizations and HR professionals create and share to attract and engage potential job candidates. This can include job postings, social media updates, videos, employee testimonials, and career pages on company websites. There are several AI templates on Narrato that can help you generate this content. The AI job description generator can create content for your job postings using a few key details, like the company, job role, qualifications required, benefits and perks.

Narrato AI job description generator

The tool also has an AI social media post generator, and AI blog writer, and an AI copywriter for generating website copy for career pages. And if you want ChatGPT prompts for creating recruitment content, here are some ideas –

  1. Describe an ideal candidate profile for a [job title] role in our company [specify company name].
  2. Create a job description for a [job title] that requires [specific skill or quality] and comes with the following perks [specify benefits and perks]. This job listing will be for our company [specify company name].
  3. Write a short company description our company [specify company name] for use in job listings. Here’s some information about our company: [Add company details]
  4. Formulate an elevator pitch for use by our recruitment team in outbound candidate searches. We’re trying to recruit quality candidates for a [job title] role in our company [specify company name].
  5. Create a comprehensive list of interview questions specifically designed for the [job title] position in our company [specify company name]. These questions should cover various aspects such as [specify the aspects you want to cover].
  6. Suggest follow-up questions for candidates based on their responses to [specific topic].
  7. Draft an email reply for a candidate who has [qualified/not qualified] the interview for [specify role] in our company [specify company name]. Make sure to include the following: [Add specific information you want to include in the email].
  8. Compose a rejection email for [specify job role] that is courteous and encouraging for future opportunities.
  9. Create a social media post announcing new job openings at [Company Name]. Highlight the key roles available: [specify the roles available]. Include a call-to-action for applying, and use relevant hashtags.
  10. Generate a script fort a video showcasing a day in the life of an employee at [Company Name]. Highlight their daily tasks, interactions, and what makes the company unique. Here is some information about the company: [add info]. Include a call-to-action for viewers to visit the careers page.
  11. Create content for the ‘Why Work With Us’ section of [Company Name]’s careers page. Focus on growth opportunities, company culture, and employee benefits. Here is some information about the company: [add info]
ChatGPT prompts for HR and recruitment

2. ChatGPT prompts for onboarding employees

To streamline your hiring processes, you’ll also need content for onboarding employees. This will include all the information, materials, and resources in the form of an onboarding guide and policy documents that help new hires get acclimated to their roles, the company culture, and their work environment. Narrato’s AI blog writer templates can be very useful for generating these guides and policy documents. You can provide a few key details for the guide or document, generate a content outline, and the AI will give you content that you can add your onboarding guide and policy documents.

Narrato AI blog writer

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AI-generated onboarding guide

For FAQ documents, you can take the help of an AI FAQ generator. And if you want to create them on Narrato’s AI Chat tool, here are some ChatGPT prompts for inspiration –

  1. Create a welcome email template for new hires in our company [specify company name]. This email should include [specify what you want to include, like an overview of what they can expect in their first few days, important contact information, initial tasks or meetings].
  2. Give me a list of key company policies that should be included in the onboarding packet for our company [specify company name].
  3. Compose an introduction to our company culture for new employees in our company [specify company name]. Here’s some information about our company culture: [add details]
  4. Create a detailed 30-60-90 day onboarding plan for a [job title] at [specify company name]. This plan should include [Specify what you want to include, like specific goals for each time frame, training schedules, key milestones, performance expectations, integration tasks with the team, and check-in meetings with supervisors].
  5. Draft a FAQ document addressing common concerns of new hires in our company [specify company name]. Topics should include office hours, dress code, benefits, payroll, IT support, how to request time off, whom to contact for various issues, and general workflow processes to help new employees settle in smoothly. Here’s information for the FAQ document: [Add details]
  6. Design an onboarding checklist for new hires at [specify company name]. Include all necessary steps such as [specify the steps like completing paperwork, setting up workstations, accessing company systems, initial training sessions, meeting key team members, and any other essential activities] to ensure a smooth onboarding process.
  7. Generate content for new hire orientation presentation for [specify company name]. This should cover the company’s history, mission, values, organizational structure, key departments, important policies, employee benefits, and an overview of the onboarding process. Here’s information for creating the presentation: [add information]
  8. Develop a new hire feedback survey for [specify company name]. The survey should gather insights on their onboarding experience, what areas they found helpful, any challenges they’ve faced, and suggestions for improvement.
  9. Outline a detailed first-day schedule for new hires at [specify company name]. This schedule should include [specify the elements you want to include in this schedule].
  10. Compose a detailed plan for assigning mentors or buddies to new hires at [specify company name and type]. Outline how to select appropriate mentors, what roles and responsibilities the mentor will have, how they’ll support the new hire during their initial period, and how to measure the success of this mentorship program.
ChatGPT prompt for onboarding employees
Narrato AI Content Assistant

3. ChatGPT prompts for employee engagement

Employee engagement content refers to a variety of materials and activities designed to keep employees motivated, informed, and connected to their work and company. This can include newsletters, team-building exercises, sessions where employees can share feedback and ideas. The goal of such content is to foster a positive work environment, enhance communication, and ensure that employees feel valued and aligned with the company’s mission and values. To create this content, you can use any of the AI templates on Narrato, like the AI newsletter generator.

AI newsletter generator

You can also create custom AI templates for any other content for employee engagement programs. If you wish to use the AI Chat tool, here are a few ChatGPT prompts for HR and employee engagement –

  1. Create a custom message showing appreciation and acknowledgment to employees in [specify Job Title] role for their diligence and commitment. Start by addressing the employee by name and clearly stating the purpose of the message. Highlight specific achievements or contributions by the employee, such as [list the accomplishments].
  2. Generate content for a monthly internal newsletter for employees at [specify company type and name]. Outline sections such as [company announcements, employee spotlights, upcoming events, training opportunities, health and wellness tips, etc].
  3. List X creative team-building activities for remote teams. Ensure activities promote team bonding, communication, and collaboration.
  4. Generate a list of innovative employee recognition programs for [specify company type and name]. Include both formal and informal recognition ideas such as monthly awards, peer-to-peer recognition platforms, milestone celebrations, shout-outs in company meetings, personalized thank-you notes, and rewards for achieving specific goals or exhibiting company values.
  5. Develop a detailed communication plan to ensure employees at [specify company type and name] are regularly updated on company news. Include strategies for disseminating information through various channels such as emails, intranet posts, newsletters, town hall meetings, and team briefings. Outline the frequency of updates, key message points, and methods for soliciting employee feedback.
  6. Draft a script for conducting an employee feedback session at [specify company type and name]. The script should include an introduction to set the tone, guidelines for active listening, open-ended questions to elicit detailed responses, techniques for providing constructive feedback, and closing remarks to summarize key points and outline next steps.
  7. Design a comprehensive wellness program for employees at [specify company type and name]. Include initiatives like [specify the type of initiatives, like fitness challenges, mental health resources, healthy eating workshops, ergonomic assessments for remote workers, and wellness days off]. Aim to support both physical and mental health.
  8. Come up with creative ideas for celebrating important company milestones at [specify company type and name].
  9. Compose a list of questions for survey to assess employee satisfaction and engagement in our company [specify company type and name].
  10. Create a yearly employee engagement survey for [specify company type and name]. Develop questions that cover topics such as [specify topics, like job satisfaction, management effectiveness, corporate culture, communication, career development, and work-life balance]. Ensure questions are designed to gather actionable insights to improve the workplace.
ChatGPT prompt for employee engagement

4. ChatGPT prompts for performance management

Implementing an effective performance management process can contribute to the success of both employees and the organization. To do this, you’ll need a variety of content, such as goal-setting templates, feedback and appraisal forms, learning management system (LMS) content, training manuals, and more. These ChatGPT prompts could assist you in creating this content for performance management –

  1. Design a detailed goal-setting template for employees at [specify company type and name]. The template should include sections for defining SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), action plans, resources needed, potential challenges, and timelines for review.
  2. Compose a comprehensive performance feedback form for [specify company type and name]. Include sections for self-assessment, manager feedback, peer feedback, and overall performance ratings.
  3. Develop a detailed employee appraisal form for [specify company type and name]. Include sections for reviewing previous goals, assessing performance against key performance indicators (KPIs), identifying strengths and areas for improvement, setting new goals, and planning for professional development.
  4. Outline and create content on performance management for employees at [specify company type and name] for our learning management system. Include modules on [specify what topics you want to cover]
  5. Draft a comprehensive training manual for managers at [specify company type and name] on how to conduct effective performance reviews.
  6. Create an individual development plan (IDP) template for employees at [specify company type and name]. The template should help employees outline their career goals, identify necessary skills, plan relevant training, and set timelines for achieving their objectives.
  7. Develop a performance improvement plan (PIP) framework for [specify company type and name]. Include clear steps for identifying performance issues, setting realistic improvement goals, and establishing timelines for review and follow-up.
  8. Draft a comprehensive manager’s handbook for performance management at [specify company type and name]. Include sections on [specify the sections you want to include in the handbook]
  9. Write a comprehensive self-assessment guide and template for employees at [specify company type and name].
  10. Design an annual performance review cycle calendar for [specify company type and name]. Outline key activities and provide timelines and deadlines to ensure a structured and timely review process.
ChatGPT prompt for performance management

5. ChatGPT prompts for HR policy documents and other materials

HR policy documents and other materials might include a variety of resources such as employee handbooks, code of conduct guidelines, benefits and compensation information, workplace safety guidelines, diversity and inclusion policies, and employee grievance procedures. These materials help keep things running smoothly and ensure everyone knows what’s expected, their rights, and where to find help.

Here are some ChatGPT prompts for HR policy documents and other materials –

  1. Draft a comprehensive employee handbook for [specify company type and name]. Include sections on [specify the sections you want to include].
  2. Generate code of conduct guidelines for employees at [specify company type and name]. Include sections on [specify the sections you want to include].
  3. Write a comprehensive guide on employee benefits and compensation for [specify company type and name]. Also provide information on how employees can access and manage their benefits.
  4. Develop a set of workplace safety guidelines for [specify company type and name]. Include procedures for [emergency situations, general safety practices, reporting hazards, using personal protective equipment (PPE), ergonomic best practices, and maintaining a safe work environment].
  5. Write comprehensive diversity and inclusion policies for [specify company type and name]. Include definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, commitments to fostering an inclusive workplace.
  6. Create clear and transparent employee grievance procedures for [specify company type and name]. Include steps for filing a grievance, the process for investigating and resolving complaints.
  7. Develop detailed remote work policies for employees at [specify company type and name]. Include guidelines on eligibility, work hours, communication expectations, use of company equipment, performance metrics, and reimbursement for remote work-related expenses. Make sure the policies support both productivity and work-life balance.
  8. Create a comprehensive social media policy for employees at [specify company type and name]. Include guidelines on appropriate use of social media in relation to the company, content sharing restrictions, confidentiality requirements, personal versus professional use, and consequences for policy violations.
  9. Draft a guide on the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available at [specify company type and name]. Include details on [specify the details you want to include in your employee assistance program]
  10. Write a comprehensive harassment prevention policy for [specify company type and name]. Include definitions of various types of harassment, reporting procedures, investigation processes, and the company’s commitment to maintaining a harassment-free workplace.
ChatGPT prompt for HR policy documents and other materials

Wrapping up

Using Narrato’s AI tools and ChatGPT prompts for HR and recruitment can significantly improve your processes. You’ll hire faster, find better candidate matches, and let your HR team focus on the human side of things. AI takes care of repetitive tasks, allowing your team to excel in meaningful ways. For both recruitment agencies and HR departments, AI brings efficiency, creativity, and innovation with every use. Try it today and see for yourself.

Narrato AI content creation templates