How to Generate Listicle Articles With AI

Nothing quite says ‘reader-friendly’ like a good old listicle. Quick, fun, and easy to digest, these type of blog posts are a staple in the world of online content. And when it comes to crafting listicles, AI can streamline the process, making it faster and much more creative.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can use an AI article writer to generate listicle articles, enhance your content production, and captivate your audience effortlessly. Get ready to transform your approach to writing listicles with a touch of AI magic!

TL;DR Here’s a quick video summarizing the article –

How to create listicles with an AI article writer


Benefits of using an AI article writer for generating listicle articles

Tips for creating engaging listicles using an AI article writer

AI article writer

How to create listicles with an AI article writer

Creating engaging and informative listicle articles doesn’t have to be a daunting task, especially when you’re armed with a handy AI blog writer. From brainstorming ideas to finalizing the content with images and SEO, AI tools can streamline the process every step of the way. Here’s how.

TL;DR here’s a quick explainer video on this topic.


Step 1: Generate an appropriate title for the listicle

The title of your listicle is your first and perhaps most crucial chance to capture the attention of your readers. An AI topic generator can help generate eye-catching and relevant titles based on the core theme of your listicle.

Narrato's AI topic generator

Narrato’s AI topic generator

Open the tool, and input a general idea of what your article will be about. Make sure to specify that it is for a listicle so that the AI can recommend relevant topics.

Specify the theme of the listicle to the AI topic generator

Specify the theme of the listicle to the AI topic generator

The AI will analyze your input to suggest various unique topics/titles based on the popular trends in that niche. If you’re not happy with the first set of suggestions, you can always click ‘Refresh’ to ask the tool to generate again. But if you like a topic you want to proceed with, click on ‘Add topics to project’ to create a content task for the listicle article.

AI-generated topics for the listicle

AI-generated topics for the listicle

This not only saves time but also provides a creative springboard to launch your listicle article writing.

If you want to learn more, this detailed guide explains the process of generating content ideas with AI.

Step 2: Use AI Chat for researching items to add to the listicle

Once you have your title for the listicle, it’s time for the research. Narrato’s AI Chat can be an invaluable tool here. This AI chatbot works just like ChatGPT, where you can get responses to any query/prompt you feed in. It is a fantastic resource when it comes to gathering information, statistics, and interesting facts for your listicle. You can also search for items to add to the listicle.

To get started with research, navigate to the AI Chat tool from the ‘AI writer’ tab on the content task page. When you have it open, simply feed the AI chat tool with questions related to your listicle topic. Let’s say, you need a list of gardening tools for the article. Simply input the request for the desired list of tools.

Using AI chat for listicle research

Using AI chat for listicle research

The AI Chat will provide you with a relevant response within seconds.

AI chat-generated response

AI chat-generated response

You can use this information to build your listicle article using the AI article writer. We’ll show you exactly how in the next step.

Step 3: Generate an outline with the AI long blog article generator

Using the information gathered in Step 2, it’s time to organize it into a coherent structure. An AI long blog article generator can automatically create an outline that logically arranges the format of your listicle. This AI long blog article generator works in three ways –

  • Blog content generation with a topic/theme
  • Blog content generation with an SEO brief
  • Blog content generation with references or documents

This blog post on using the AI blog content generator explains all these three methods in detail. For creating the listicle, you can choose either the topic/theme or SEO brief method. We suggest the latter, because it tends to simplify the whole search optimization process.

So, first up. Generate an SEO brief on the content task page. The tool will ask you to provide the topic title or main keyword for generating the brief.

Generating the SEO brief

Generating the SEO brief

Based on the topic, it will suggest the ideal length for the topic, some keywords, references, and questions to answer in the article.

AI-generated SEO brief

AI-generated SEO brief

Now, using this SEO brief, you can generate the listicle outline. Click on the ‘Generate content with AI’ button from the SEO brief section.

Clicking on the 'Generate content with AI' button

Clicking on the ‘Generate content with AI’ button

You can also choose the AI long blog generator templates from the AI writer tab.

AI long blog generator templates

AI long blog generator templates

On opening the AI article writer, the tool will ask whether you want to include questions suggested in the SEO brief to create your content outline. Choose and proceed, and the AI will present you with a blog brief (with outline).

AI-generated blog brief

AI-generated blog brief

You can adjust elements in this blog brief, like the word count, keywords, tone, and even incorporate links to be added to certain keywords. You can also make changes in the blog outline, adding elements from your own research in Step 2.

Editing the AI-generated blog outline

Editing the AI-generated blog outline

While AI can draft a basic structure, a human touch comes in to further polish this outline. Editing the AI-generated outline lets you ensure that the flow makes sense and that each point smoothly transitions into the next, making the final content more readable and engaging.

Step 4: Generate the listicle

With a refined outline, the AI article writer can now help you flesh out each section. Leveraging natural language processing, the tool can generate detailed paragraphs that explain each point with clarity and depth. Just click on ‘Generate’…

Generating the listicle using AI article writer

Generating the listicle using AI article writer

… and the AI will generate a listicle article within a few minutes. The AI also ensures that the writing style remains consistent throughout the article, which is crucial for maintaining reader engagement.

AI-generated listicle article

AI-generated listicle article

Now, you can add your own spin to the AI-generated listicle. Consider adding some engaging details, historical data, statistics, or user testimonial excerpts that would pull in the reader. But it is best to keep it short and simple, since that is what listicle readers expect.

Step 5: Add images and graphics as required

No listicle is complete without visuals. Images and graphics help break up texts, provide relief, and can also help illustrate points more effectively than words alone. But finding relevant images for the content is not always easy. Stock photos are a good option, but you might not get exactly what you’re looking for. Fortunately, there’s a way around this problem. Narrato’s AI image generator. With this AI tool, you can create customized images and visuals for your listicle.

Navigate to the ‘AI images’ tab from the content task page, and it’ll open the AI image generator. Type in your prompt, select the image style and orientation, and click generate to get unique images customized to your needs.

Narrato's AI image generator

Narrato’s AI image generator

Using this method, you can add a few images to your content without even having to leave the platform. This guide explains how you can use AI image generator for best results.

Narrato AI image generator

Step 6: Optimize for SEO

Now that you have crafted an engaging listicle using the AI article writer, it’s time to optimize it for search engines. Why? Because you want your article to be easily discoverable by readers who are searching for related topics. Here are a few tips to help you enhance your listicle’s SEO:

Choose a compelling title: Done ✅

Write high-quality content that provides value: Done ✅

Include both internal and external links to relevant sources to boost your article’s credibility: Done ✅

Now, all that is left is to ensure that you have included some relevant keywords throughout the article, in the headings, subheadings, and body of the listicle. Remember the SEO brief you had generated. This is where you go back to it to see how well your listicle article has been optimized for SEO. The keywords that are not highlighted are the ones you can still include in your content. Yellow-highlighted keywords indicate that the keyword count is not met (and could be increased), and green-highlighted keywords are the ones that you’ve already included. As you keep adding the keywords, the SEO score will keep going up. Try to aim for an A+, or at least an A rating.

Optimizing the listicle article for SEO

Optimizing the listicle article for SEO

Lastly, craft a meta title and meta description that accurately summarizes your listicle and include relevant keywords. You can do this in seconds with the help of Narrato’s AI SEO meta description and title generator.

Benefits of using an AI article writer for generating listicle articles

Embracing AI tools for article writing, especially for formats like listicles, offers several advantages that can improve both the efficiency and quality of your content creation process.

👉 Also Read: Generating how-to guides using AI

1. Save time on research, planning, and writing

AI dramatically speeds up the research phase by quickly gathering and processing information from diverse sources in its database. This rapid data collection allows you to move swiftly to the planning and writing stages. Not to mention, AIs can generate coherent and focused drafts in seconds, which significantly cuts down the overall time spent crafting the article.

2. Ensure consistency in writing style and tone

Maintaining a consistent style and tone throughout an article can be challenging, especially under tight deadlines. An AI article writer, however, is programmed to adhere to specified guidelines regarding voice and style, ensuring that each part of your listicle matches in tone and readability. This is particularly crucial when aiming for articles that resonate well with your target audience.

3. Creative inspiration for listicle articles

Sometimes, the hardest part of writing is simply getting started. AI can generate various content ideas and angles that you might not have considered on your own. By providing numerous suggestions and perspectives, AI can spark creativity, giving your articles a fresh and unique angle that stands out in crowded content spaces.

5. Improved SEO

AI tools are adept at optimizing content for search engines. Narrato, for instance, both suggests and includes keywords naturally throughout the text to enhance SEO without compromising the reader’s experience.

6. Multilingual capabilities

If your audience is global, translating content into multiple languages can be cumbersome. Narrato’s AI article writer can generate and translate articles into 20+ languages accurately and quickly. This not only broadens your audience but also ensures that translation nuances are maintained, keeping the content’s original tone and context intact.

Tips for creating engaging listicles using an AI article writer

Creating engaging listicles using AI doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow these tips to create content that keeps readers hooked and wanting more.

1. Structure and formatting is key

Creating an engaging listicle with the help of an AI article writer starts with ensuring a clear structure and thoughtful formatting. The order and flow of your list should make sense logically or thematically, guiding the reader through your content smoothly.

  • Start by defining your headings and subheadings clearly — this not only helps in organizing thoughts but also in making your content easily scannable, which is crucial for web readers who tend to skim through articles.
  • Bullet points are your friends in listicles, as they break down information into digestible chunks. Make sure each point stands out by keeping them concise and impactful.
  • AI tools can help in varying sentence structure, ensuring that your list doesn’t become monotonous.

2. Make sure you provide value

When using an AI to generate listicles, focus intensively on the value each point offers to the reader. Content that solves problems, provides new information, or entertains is more likely to engage readers and keep them coming back. For each item in your listicle, ask yourself: What can the reader take away from this? Is it insightful, helpful, or entertaining?

With AI, you can scale up the content creation process by quickly generating different angles and perspectives on a given topic. However, it’s your job to sift through these and select the most relevant and valuable points. This might involve a little more research to ensure accuracy or to enhance the depth of the information provided by your AI tool.

3. Incorporating visuals and multimedia to break up the text

Listicles filled with blocks of text can be daunting and dull. Visuals such as images, infographics, charts, and videos not only make the page more visually appealing but also help in illustrating points and breaking up long stretches of text. This is especially important in a digital age where visual content often determines whether a reader will stay on your page or move on.

Embrace AI article writer for generating listicles 10x faster

In wrapping up, using an AI article writer to create listicles can streamline your content creation process and enhance productivity. AI does not only help in brainstorming fresh ideas but also ensure that the content is structured, coherent, and tailored to engage your audience. By integrating AI article generators into your workflow, you can produce compelling, SEO-friendly articles ten times faster than traditional methods. Make the most out of AI capabilities to stay ahead in the digital content game.

AI blog writer