Tags : content strategy


A common misconception linked with affiliate marketing is that it’s easy money. Affiliate marketing is definitely a great way of generating passive income, but it does not come easy. If not done right, your affiliate marketing campaign could end up being a waste of your valuable time and effort. Knowing what to do is important..


Content is the mainstay of any affiliate marketing campaign. Be it a blog, website or newsletter, it’s the content that sells your affiliate product. As an affiliate marketer, understanding what types of affiliate content you can work with and how to use them to their best advantage, will give you a competitive edge. Here’s a..


Ask content marketers what they’re up to and they’re likely to be thinking about the next piece of content they plan to create. As content marketers, we’re all so busy running behind producing a “new” piece that we fail to realize that we might already be sitting on a goldmine of content.  This is where..


Businesses today cannot sustain without an online presence. No matter how big or small your business is, having platforms to interact with existing and prospective customers online is imperative. Just having a website or a blog is not enough anymore. With such immense competition, you have to ensure that your website and blog stand out…


Every blogger has good and bad days. If you have been running a blog for a while now, there surely has been a point where you have experienced a writer’s block. Finding topics for your business blog that will keep your readers engaged is not easy. To add to it, there are hundreds of other..


According to Pew Research, 26% of US adults are online almost always, and 77% of adults are online several times a day. Although 72% of marketers believe content marketing increases engagement, 65% of content marketers still find it a challenge to produce engaging content; and 62% don’t know how to measure ROI from their content..