How to Use AI for Product Marketing

AI is shaking things up in just about every industry, and product marketing is no exception. Imagine having a content strategist, brand guru, and customer behavior analyst working around the clock to help you market and promote your product effectively—it’s kind of like that. From automating mundane tasks to boosting content creation speeds tenfold, AI for product marketing is fast becoming a game-changer for marketers everywhere. This blog explores practical strategies to use AI for product marketing, ensuring your products don’t just meet the market—they influence it.

Why should you use AI for product marketing?

6 ways to use AI for product marketing

  1. AI for customer research
  2. AI copywriter for product marketing
  3. AI product description generator for compelling descriptions
  4. AI blog writer for product marketing
  5. AI social media post generator for product marketing
  6. AI email writer for product marketing
Narrato AI for product marketing

Why should you use AI for product marketing?

Product marketing is all about getting to know your audience’s unique challenges and then presenting the product in a way that grabs their interest. It’s crucial for both the product launch and the ongoing sales strategy.

But, here’s the thing, almost 95% of new product launches fail! Sticking to the age-old product marketing strategies is not going to cut it. That’s why you need AI for product marketing.

First, AI tools (like YouScan and Insight7) can analyze massive amounts of customer data at lightning speed. This means you can better understand your customer base, identify trends, and make informed decisions quickly.

Next up is personalization. An AI content creation tool can tailor your marketing messages to individual customers, making them feel like you’re speaking directly to them. Narrato AI provides more than 100 AI templates and micro tools to assist with every content creation task in your product marketing workflow. It also comes with features to help you with content planning, optimization, publishing, and project management.

Narrato AI Content Assistant

Narrato AI Content Assistant

This form of personalized product marketing with AI boosts customer satisfaction and also increases conversion rates.

Finally, AI can automate repetitive tasks in product marketing. This frees up your team to focus on more strategic activities, thus maximizing productivity.

To put it simply, AI can make your marketing strategies more efficient, personalized, and data-driven. So, if you’re looking to supercharge your product marketing efforts, tapping into the power of AI can be your golden ticket. Now, let’s explore a few different ways you can use AI for product marketing.


6 ways to use AI for product marketing

AI’s versatility makes it a powerful tool for handling various aspects of product marketing and content creation. Here are five practical ways you can leverage AI to boost your product marketing efforts –

1. AI for customer research

Gathering valuable customer feedback can be incredibly beneficial for your product, yet less than 40% of marketers use customer research to drive conversions. Why? There’s simply too much information to sift through and make sense of. AI tools can take customer research off your hands, and transform raw data into actionable insights. Insight7 is one such AI tool that automatically extracts key points, insights, summaries, highlights, and sentiments from several interviews (max 200) at once. This helps marketing research teams develop growth strategies for marketing the product more effectively. It can also help with sentiment analysis, advanced segmentation, automated insights, and more.

Insight7 for AI-powered customer research for product marketing

Insight7 for AI-powered customer research for product marketing

With AI-powered customer research tools, you can –

👉 Gather all your data in one place

👉 Summarize this data

👉 Understand key reasons behind winning or losing


2. AI copywriter for product marketing

Let’s say you’re launching a new product. Instead of spending hours brainstorming and writing a web page, landing page, or any other copy, you can feed some basic info into the AI, and boom! You’ve got tailored marketing copies for your products in seconds.

Narrato’s AI copywriter has several AI templates for generating everything, from headlines, CTAs, brochures, and landing pages/category pages to product names and ad copy for social media ads, Google Ads, and classifieds. It can also generate customer case studies to highlight how your product solved a problem for a specific customer, complete with compelling narratives and data points that drive the message home.

Narrato AI Copywriter

Narrato AI Copywriter

How it works is simple –

1️⃣ Provide basic details about your product, and fill out all the input fields in the AI template, like so 👇

Narrato AI for product marketing

2️⃣ Get your AI-generated copy 👇

AI for product marketing copywriting

By following these steps, you can create multiple versions of any copy and tailor it to your preferences. This results in more effective campaigns that are dynamically tuned to drive the desired customer action.

Many of the AI copywriter templates are equipped for AI Bulk content generation, and that means that you can use AI to generate any product marketing copy in bulk. This feature is incredibly useful for businesses looking to speed up their product marketing efforts. Instead of crafting individual pieces of copy for each product, you can rely on AI to produce a large volume of content quickly and efficiently.


3. AI product description generator for compelling descriptions

One of the coolest tricks up AI’s sleeve is its ability to generate great product descriptions at the click of a button. You simply feed in a few details about your product in the AI product description generator, and you’ll get a polished, persuasive description in seconds 👇

Narrato's AI product description generator

Narrato’s AI product description generator

This tool is perfect for boosting your product’s appeal with minimal effort. Plus, it helps maintain a consistent brand voice across all of your product listings, making your store look more professional and cohesive.

Narrato also offers an AI bulk product description generator that can create hundreds of product descriptions all at once. Imagine the time saved when you don’t have to brainstorm and write out each description manually!

This video guide explains how you can generate one or hundreds of product descriptions using Narrato AI👇

You can also check out this blog guide on using an AI product description generator.


4. AI blog writer for product marketing

A regularly updated blog is a fantastic tool for driving organic traffic to your site, improving SEO, and building awareness and demand for your product. If you are struggling to come up with fresh content all the time, an AI blog generator can make your life easier. It takes the hassle out of writing blogs, and optimizes them perfectly for search engines and your target audience.

Generating blog content with AI usually involves a few simple steps –

1️⃣ Enter your blog topic or a keyword in Narrato’s long blog article generator 👇

AI for product marketing blog generation

2️⃣ Get an AI-generated blog brief, with keyword suggestions, target length, tone, and a complete blog outline. You can make adjustments to every element in this blog brief, and even regenerate the blog outline.

AI for product marketing blog content generation

3️⃣ Once you’re done, click generate, and get your AI-generated blog promoting your product, complete with images, SEO meta tags, and a social post for promoting the blog post-publishing. 👇

AI-generated blog

Narrato’s AI blog writer isn’t just good at generating text; it understands the context, follows your instructions, and produces content that’s both engaging and relevant. You can create both short and long blog article using three different methods:

  1. From a keyword/topic
  2. From an AI-generated SEO brief,
  3. From specific articles, studies, or documents

Here’s a quick video explaining how these three methods of AI blog content generation work 👇

Narrato has a ton of other cool AI templates to help you create and perfect your blog. There is an AI content improver, AI paraphraser, AI blog outline generator, AI image generator, AI keyword generator, and many other micro tools. It’s also possible to create several blog articles at once using an AI bulk blog article generator.

Narrato AI blog content generator templates

Narrato AI blog content generator templates

That’s not all, you can also publish your blogs to WordPress, Webflow, and any other platforms with content publishing support offered by Narrato.

So, next time you’re planning your blog content calendar, let AI do the heavy lifting.

Narrato AI content & marketing tools

5. AI social media post generator for product marketing

Social media is an integral part of modern product marketing strategies because it offers vast reach and direct connections with consumers. The key to successful content on social platforms lies in its ability to educate, entertain, inspire, or solve problems for your audience. At the same time, it should highlight your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points. AI social media post generators can simplify the process of creating this content.

Whether you need crisp tweets, eye-catching Instagram captions, or engaging Facebook posts, Narrato’s AI social media post generator can help craft messages that match the unique constraints and user behavior of each platform. You can create social media content from –

  • Web page URLs
  • Notes
  • Themes or quotes
  • Images
Narrato AI social media post generator

Narrato AI social media post generator

You can also create social media content for –

  • Holidays or special days
  • Memes
  • Polls

This blog post on using AI for social media content generation and automation explains it all.

Using any of these AI templates for social media content generation is simple –

1️⃣ Fill out all the input fields 👇

AI for product marketing social post generation

2️⃣ Get your AI-generated social post 👇

AI for product marketing social post generation

The platform also comes with an AI Content Genie that automatically generates posts that are optimized for each platform. Coupled with scheduling features, this tool ensures your social media presence is vibrant, timely, and effective, fostering better engagement rates and increasing brand visibility.

AI Content Genie

Narrato AI Content Genie

Here’s a quick video explaining how AI social media content generation works on Narrato –


6. AI email writer for product marketing

When it comes to product marketing, nothing can email marketing. Even if it is one of the oldest forms of marketing, it still boasts an impressive ROI of 36:1. It’s direct, personal, and can be incredibly effective if done right. Everyone’s inbox is a treasure trove of opportunities, and AI makes it easier to strike gold. With AI, your email campaigns can be personalized to the max—think product recommendations based on past purchases, perfect send times, and high-converting content generated by AI email writer.

From crafting compelling subject lines and CTAs to tailoring the body content, AI email writers help create powerful email campaigns that are more likely to drive meaningful actions. With Narrato’s AI email writing templates, you can send cold emails, promote products and events, create newsletters, offer deals, and do a lot more.

Narrato AI email writer

Narrato AI email writer

The way it works is pretty straightforward –

1️⃣ Enter your product info and fill out all the input fields in the AI email writer template 👇

AI for product marketing email content generation

2️⃣ Click generate and get your AI-generated email copy 👇

AI for product marketing email content generation

With these AI email writing templates, product marketers can not only save time and resources but also achieve better scalability and precision in their email marketing efforts.


In a nutshell

Using AI for product marketing isn’t just about adopting new technology—it’s about transforming the way you connect with your audience. From digging deep into customer research to crafting engaging copy with AI writers and generating appealing product descriptions, AI offers tools that amplify your marketing efforts. Whether you’re writing blog posts, creating social media buzz, or drafting persuasive emails, AI takes your product marketing to the next level, creating content that not only resonates but also converts.

So, if you’re not already riding the AI wave, it might be high time to get aboard. Your customers – and your bottom line – will thank you.
