How to Use AI Content Generators for Bulk Content Generation

AI content generators are the magic wands for businesses seeking to amplify their content creation process. These tools can generate content on a massive scale, with minimum time and effort required and without compromising on quality. Bulk content generation with AI is one of the many boons of this technology that make our lives easier as content creators and marketers.

If you often need to create tons of content for your marketing efforts, like blog posts, bulk product descriptions, ads, or social media posts, bulk AI content generators are an absolute lifesaver. All you need to do is add the required inputs on a sheet, upload the sheet, and let AI work its magic. We’ll discuss how in more detail below. You can have hundreds of content pieces crafted in minutes, which would have taken you days when done manually.

What is AI bulk content generation?

How to carry out bulk content generation using AI on Narrato

Narrato Bulk AI Content Generator

What is AI bulk content generation?

AI bulk content generation uses artificial intelligence to produce large amounts of text, like articles, ads, product descriptions, property descriptions, and other marketing materials, faster than traditional methods. Instead of producing one content piece at a time, an AI content assistant with bulk content generation capability can give you thousands of content pieces in one go. As a result, it boost productivity and allows you to scale content production without any added effort or investment.

TL;DR here’s a quick video guide on how to bulk generate content on Narrato.


How to carry out bulk content generation using AI on Narrato

An AI content generation tool like Narrato is what you need to bulk generate content. Narrato’s bulk content generation feature is available on some of the pre-built AI templates and any custom AI templates that you create. Here’s how you can generate content in bulk using the AI content generator on Narrato. But before that, we have a list of some common use cases where Narrato users apply bulk content generation to boost efficiency.

Popular use cases of AI bulk content generation

There may be many use cases of the AI bulk generation feature in your content creation process. However, there are some cases where it comes in extremely handy. Some great ways to use AI bulk content generation are these.


Generate hundreds or thousands of product descriptions for your online store or catalogs, property descriptions for real estate listing and marketplaces, event descriptions, category descriptions, service descriptions, travel itineraries for travel blogs and websites, and more.

Ad copy

Generate ad copy for promoting multiple landing pages, products, properties, or other promotions. You can generate ad copy tailored for Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, Classifieds, and more.

Content for programmatic SEO

Create hundreds or thousands of keyword-targeted landing pages or articles to boost your site’s SEO, without having to build any programs for bulk generation. AI bulk content generation can prove to be a game-changer for you when it comes to programmatic SEO content.


Generate personalized email drafts for everyone on your contact lists. Just enter recipients’ details in your input data and get personalized versions of the email copy for each recipient.

Social posts

Generate social post captions with URLs for promoting multiple blogs, landing pages or products in one go.

Course descriptions

Create hundreds of course descriptions for your EdTech website or online learning platforms. Generate descriptions in your desired format and style, highlighting the key takeaways for each.

Content repurposing

Repurpose blog posts or webpages into almost anything. Be it social posts, video scripts, newsletters, ads, or something else you need.


Generate answers to FAQs on multiple topics in one go. Generate FAQs for all your landing pages, blog posts, category pages, and more.

Bulk generation using available AI templates

To make this easier for you, many of the AI templates associated with the above use cases on Narrato’s AI Content Assistant already have bulk generation enabled. All you have to do is follow these simple steps –

1. Open the AI template you need. We’re demonstrating this using the “Social media post with link” template. At the bottom of the template, you will find a Bulk Generate option.

AI bulk content generation on Narrato

2. Click on Bulk Generate and download the CSV template. This sample CSV will show you how to add your inputs for each content piece you want to generate.

AI bulk content generation on Narrato

3. Add the inputs to the downloaded CSV file. This is what the sample CSV looks like. However, the data required in each of the columns will vary depending on what type of content you’re generating. Typically, it will need the same details you enter on the chosen AI template to create a single content piece.

Sample CSV file for AI bulk content generation on Narrato

4. Once you’ve added all your input data, upload the CSV file. You can choose to download the generated content in a CSV file as well, or have it added as new content items under a folder on Narrato Workspace.


5. Then click on Bulk Generate. Within seconds, all your AI-generated content pieces will be ready for review. If you had chosen the output format as CSV file, you can download the file with all your inputs and the AI-generated content. If you chose to add it as content items in a folder, a pop-up appears telling you where the content is saved.

AI bulk content generation on Narrato

We clicked on the given folder link and were redirected to the folder with all the items added.


Here’s an example of the AI-generated content from this bulk generation, exactly as we wanted it to be!


Once the content is generated, you can quickly run your eyes through and make any changes where necessary. Then publish it to any social media channel or CMS with Narrato’s one-click publishing support.

Bulk content generation using custom AI templates

When you create a custom AI template it has bulk content generation enabled by default. Custom AI templates are also a great way to save your frequently used prompts as reusable templates for any type of content that you find yourself creating often.

To create a custom AI template, you have to go to the My Templates category on Narrato’s AI Content Assistant. Click on “Create an AI template”, add your prompt as per the instructions on the page, and test the output. If you’re happy with the output of the AI template, you can save it for use. All saved custom AI templates will be available under My Templates both on the AI Content Assistant page and in the AI Writer on a content task page.

Custom AI templates for bulk content generation on Narrato

We have a detailed video showing you how to create custom AI templates on Narrato.


Having custom AI templates saves you the trouble of brainstorming ChatGPT prompts for content creation and allows you to quickly and easily generate AI content with minimum effort. You can create custom AI templates for any kind of content, whether looking to create specific types of social media posts, sales enablement content, marketing copy, or anything else for which there isn’t already a pre-built template on Narrato.

Bulk content generation on Narrato using custom AI templates

We also have a video guide showing you how you can bulk generate content using custom AI templates on Narrato.


When we talk about the future of AI in content generation, we primarily delve into three main areas: advancements in natural language processing, integration of AI content generators with other tools, and the potential impact on content creation and job roles.

Summing up

The future holds remarkable transformations in the world of AI content generation. Harnessing the capabilities of AI writers to generate creative and proficient content at scale is no longer a distant fantasy, but a reality. Bulk content generation with AI can produce content faster than even the most efficient writer and deliver consistently high-quality content, eliminating concerns about fatigue or writer’s block.

This eventually translates to an enormous benefit in terms of cost-efficiency for budget-conscious businesses.

So if you want to scale up your content production without compromising on quality, then investing in AI content generators is surely a profitable decision.

Narrato AI content creation workspace