How to Write a White Paper Using AI

White papers may seem like extremely effort-intensive marketing assets to create, but they are crucial nonetheless. According to CMI’s B2B Content Marketing Report 2023, 59% of marketers still create white papers and 43% believe white papers produced the best results for them. But what if you could simplify the process, ensuring high-quality content that perfectly aligns with your business objectives? That’s where the power of AI white paper generators can be game-changing for business owners and marketers. AI can transform the way you write white papers, turning it from a time-intensive task to a mere 15-minute activity.

With effective white papers in your arsenal, you can not only establish thought leadership but also generate leads and inform decision-makers about your product’s competence. But how exactly can you use AI to revolutionize white paper production? This blog will guide you through the innovative approaches and best practices for drafting compelling white papers using artificial intelligence.

What is a white paper?

Foundations of a good white paper

How AI can streamline white paper creation

How to create white papers using AI

How to ensure ethical use of AI in white paper writing

AI content platform Narrato

What is a white paper?

White papers are authoritative reports or guides primarily used to inform readers deeply about a complex issue and present a persuasive argument using facts and research to implement solutions. As a crucial tool in content marketing, whitepapers serve the dual purpose of educating and subtly promoting products and services, or even demonstrating thought leadership and expertise. A white paper is detailed, data-driven, and meticulously researched, intended for an audience looking for in-depth information on particular topics or issues.

Foundations of a good white paper

An effective white paper involves some key components, including –

Clarity of purpose – Before you begin, precisely define the white paper’s goals. Are you aiming to inform, persuade, or generate leads? Your objective will determine the content’s tone and structure.

Deep research – A white paper’s strength and authority lie in the depth of research you conduct. Dive deep into documents, studies, and data to provide a solid basis for the arguments you want to present.

Professional tone – Maintain a professional, authoritative tone that reflects your expertise in the subject, fostering trust and respect with readers.

Logical structure – Organize information in a clear and logical flow, using sections and headers to guide readers smoothly through the content.

Engagement – While the tone is professional, the content should still engage readers. Use real-world examples, stories, and case studies to illustrate points and keep the reader hooked.

Visually appealing layout – Include charts, graphs, and other visual aids to break up text, illustrate key points, and make complex information easier to understand.

How AI can streamline white paper creation

From research and writing to editing and designing, AI tools offer unparalleled efficiencies in the process of creating impactful whitepapers. Here are some areas where AI can help with white paper creation.

Automated research and data gathering

AI can quickly scan a vast array of sources to compile relevant data and trends. This capability allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest research, ensuring your white paper reflects current information. AI tools can also identify patterns and data gaps that might not be immediately apparent with manual research, providing a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.

Tools like the search and repurpose news content template on Narrato can help you curate industry news articles and summarize them for use in your whitepapers, for instance.

Search and repurpose news content AI templates on Narrato

Enhancing white paper content quality with AI tools

AI white paper generator tools can assist in improving the quality of content in several ways. For instance, AI can help refine the tone of the document, ensuring it maintains the balance between being authoritative and accessible. It can suggest different ways to improve readability and help explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. AI can also generate ideas for headlines or subheadings that are eye-catching while also precisely reflecting the content’s focus.

All of these features are offered on Narrato AI, for example. The AI brand voice feature allows you to save and apply your own brand voices to AI-generated content. There is also a readability checker that suggests improvements for your content, helping you simplify it for a wider audience.

Tools like the AI blog outline generator or the AI headline generator can help you get ideas for meaningful and catchy headlines and subheadings for your whitepapers. All you have to do is provide a topic or a search term and the AI does the rest.

And that’s not all, AI tools like AI content repurposing or AI blog introduction generators and conclusion generators can also help you create high-quality sectional content effortlessly for your white paper.

AI-assisted editing and proofreading

Editing and proofreading are crucial for maintaining the quality and accuracy of a white paper. AI tools can quickly identify grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, and improve sentence structure. Beyond basic grammar and spelling checks, AI white paper generator tools can also suggest style improvements and ensure consistency in tone and terminology throughout the document.

The style guide automation feature on Narrato, for instance, lets you save your own brand and writing style guidelines to follow, related to the use of certain terms and phrases, punctuation, numbers, currencies, etc. You can run automated checks on the content and apply these style guide rules with a single click on the content editor.

Style guide automation on Narrato

This level of automated scrutiny helps in polishing the white paper to a standard that resonates with discerning professional audiences.

How to create white papers using AI

Now that the tremendous benefits of using AI for white paper writing have got your attention, let’s dive straight into the process. Here’s a guide to help you understand how to use AI to produce high-quality, informative, and engaging white papers.

1. Define your goals and audience

Before you begin the writing process, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the purpose of your white paper and who your target audience is. Are you looking to inform stakeholders, persuade potential clients, or simply share your research findings? Knowing your audience helps in tailoring the content to meet their needs and expectations.

2. Research and gather data

AI can be incredibly useful in gathering relevant data and research materials. Tools like AI-powered search engines, data analytics platforms, and content aggregators can help you compile the necessary information quickly and efficiently. This way, you can ensure that your white paper is backed by credible and up-to-date data.

There are several ways AI can help with research, from formulating a topic for your whitepaper to gathering and summarizing information. A tool like Narrato’s AI content ideas generator, for instance, can give you tons of topic ideas for any theme. Semrush also has a topic discovery tool that you might find useful.

For collating and summarizing your research, you can use tools like ChatGPT or Narrato’s AI chat. Just ask a question related to your white paper topic and the AI chat bounces back concise and comprehensive answers with seconds, making research a breeze.

A similar use case on Narrato is the AI content repurposing tool that can help you summarize your research with a click. You can repurpose any document or article into a summary with AI repurposing, and even summarize videos, podcasts, and images if you need to.

AI content repurposing tool on Narrato

Search and repurpose news content template on Narrato is another tool that can help you find and summarize news articles to gather data for your whitepapers.

AI content creation tools and templates on Narrato

3. Outline your white paper

Creating an outline is a crucial step in organizing your thoughts and ensuring a logical flow of information. AI tools can assist you in drafting an outline for your white paper based on the topic and data you’ve gathered. These tools can suggest headings, subheadings, and even key points to cover in each section, saving you valuable time.

You can use the AI blog outline generator on Narrato to create outlines for your whitepapers too. All it needs is your whitepaper topic and desired tone of voice to generate a detailed outline to write white papers that are structured and detailed.

AI blog post outline generator on Narrato

4. Write the white paper draft

With the outline in place, you can begin writing the draft. AI writing assistants can help you craft well-structured and coherent content. AI white paper generators will take your gathered data as input and generate high-quality first drafts that might only need minor edits before publishing.

If your AI content platform does not have a white paper generation template, you can still put together a well-written white paper using other AI templates.

On Narrato, you can either generate long-form content based on the outline created and expand on it, or generate content for each section of your white paper using AI.

Generating long-form content with AI for whitepapers

To generate a long article on the topic, you can use the AI blog article from outline template. This template allows you to generate long-form content up to 1200 words. You just need to provide the topic of your article, copy and paste the outline, choose the number of words and the desired tone of the output content, and generate.

AI blog article from outline generator on Narrato

However, whitepapers need to be much longer, which is why they will need expanding. AI can be of help here as well. To expand your content easily and quickly, you can use the in-line AI assistant that offers use cases like improve text, expand text, rewrite text, and more. Simply select the text you want to expand, click on the AI Writer pop-up assistant, and select the action you want to take. You can use the Ask AI option to make custom changes to the text as well.

In-line AI writing assistant on Narrato

Generating sectional content using AI

The other option is to generate content for each section of your white paper separately using AI. Narrato has a solution for that too. The “blog sectional content from topic” AI template comes to your rescue in this case. This template needs the white paper topic and section heading as inputs, based on which it can generate content for that section. In the screenshot below, the highlighted content is generated by AI for the section titled “content creation and curation”.

Blog sectional content generator on Narrato

Creating custom AI templates for generating white papers

The third option for creating white papers in a snap using Narrato AI is creating a custom AI template. Custom AI templates let you save your own prompts for content generation as reusable forms. You can add the variable inputs in your prompts, such as topic, keywords, length, etc. within brackets to create input fields on the template. This gives you a lot more flexibility regarding what you want to include in your whitepapers. You can create custom AI templates to generate whitepapers from outlines, documents and URLs, or just a topic.

Create custom AI templates on Narrato

You could also use the AI content repurposing template to turn your research documents or articles into whitepapers. Simply select the input content type from the dropdown list on the template, and choose “Other” as the output format. This allows you to define your own output type, which in this case would be whitepapers.

AI content repurposing blog to whitepaper on Narrato

5. Incorporate visuals

Visuals such as charts, graphs, and infographics can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your white paper. AI tools can help generate these visuals based on the data you’ve collected. Tools like Canva have tons of AI features to help you create stunning visuals to add to your whitepapers.

Other tools that you might useful in this regard include Graph Maker, Venngage, and AppyPie to name a few.

6. Review and edit

Once your draft is complete, it’s extremely crucial to review and edit the content to ensure accuracy and clarity. Whitepapers are all about facts, figures, and data. That is why manually reviewing and fact-checking are imperative to the process. To make this process faster, AI tools equipped with natural language processing capabilities can assist in proofreading, checking for inconsistencies, and suggesting improvements.

Narrato has a host of tools to help you with reviewing and editing, such as the plagiarism checker and grammar checker. The in-line AI assistant helps with editing content too.

AI tools can also help in ensuring that the tone and style of the white paper are aligned with your brand’s voice. Tools like Narrato’s AI brand voices and style guide automation can help you ensure that your whitepaper is consistent and on-brand.

7. Distribute and promote

Finally, once your white paper is drafted, reviewed, and finalized, it’s time to distribute and promote it. Once you have identified the right channels for distribution, such as websites, email newsletters, and social media platforms, AI can assist in crafting compelling promotional content to attract readers and drive engagement.

For instance, if you want to create a landing page on your website where readers can download your whitepaper, Narrato’s AI landing page generator can help you create an impressive copy in your desired format.

Or if you want to promote your white paper on social media, all you have to do is select a template on Narrato’s AI social media post generator, like “social media post with URL” or “social media post from notes”. Then let AI craft engaging, attention-grabbing content within seconds

AI content creation and marketing platform Narrato

How to ensure ethical use of AI in white paper writing

The application of an AI white paper generator or other AI tools in creating white papers does significantly enhance productivity. However, your approach must adhere to a clear ethical framework to maintain high standards of integrity and responsibility. This section will explore crucial practices for preserving authenticity, ensuring data protection, and addressing other ethical considerations when writing white papers using AI.

Maintaining authenticity and credibility

Ensuring the authenticity and credibility of a white paper produced with the assistance of AI begins with transparency. It is essential to disclose the use of AI tools in your research and content creation processes when appropriate, or if it is mandated by the platform where you publish your whitepaper. Here are some strategies to maintain authenticity:

  • Source verification – Always verify the information generated by AI. Use AI tools to gather data and insights but always cross-reference these with credible sources.
  • Human oversight – Involve subject matter experts in the review process to ensure that the final content accurately reflects the intended message and industry standards.
  • Consistent voice and style – Use AI to maintain a consistent voice that aligns with your brand, but also manually review and adjust the content to ensure it meets your standards for engagement and professionalism.

Maintaining human involvement in AI-assisted tasks ensures that the output is not just technically accurate but also contextually relevant and ethically sound.

Ensuring data privacy and security

When using AI for generating white papers, particularly those involving sensitive industry data or proprietary insights, prioritizing data privacy and security is paramount. Implement these practices to safeguard information:

  • Secure AI tools – Ensure that the AI platforms and tools you use comply with global privacy standards and regulations such as GDPR.
  • Controlled data access – Restrict AI tool’s access to data strictly to what is necessary for creating the content. Monitor and control what data is fed into AI systems.
  • Anonymous data handling – Where possible, use anonymized data during the AI content generation process to prevent any unauthorized access to personal or sensitive information.

This proactive approach to data privacy not only protects sensitive information but also builds trust with your audience, who may be concerned about the ethical use of their data.

Ethical considerations in AI use

The ethical implications of AI in content creation also include preventing bias and gauging impact. To responsibly use AI in writing white papers, consider the following:

  • Mitigate bias – Keep an eye out for any inherent biases in AI-generated content and actively work to reduce them by training AI systems with diverse data sets and varied prompts.
  • Accuracy and accountability – Regularly test AI outputs for accuracy and reliability. Establish a system for accountability to correct any misinformation promptly.
  • Social responsibility – Consider the broader social implications of the content generated through AI tools. Ensure that the white paper fosters a positive societal impact and does not inadvertently propagate stereotypes or misinformation.

By integrating these ethical guidelines into your white paper production process, you not only enhance the quality and reliability of the content but also contribute to more responsible and sustainable AI usage practices in the industry.

Summing up

White paper writing is evolving, catalyzed by emerging technologies like AI white paper generators, that tackle time-intensive tasks, simplify complex content creation processes, and enhance the reader’s engagement. So, why not seize the opportunity to create better content faster with minimal effort?

AI tools not only draft content but also provide critical insights into the effectiveness of your white papers, ensuring your content marketing efforts are not in vain. By generating, summarizing, and refining complex informational assets efficiently, AI is setting the new standard for white paper creation. Embracing AI in white paper creation is not just about keeping up with technology—it’s about setting new benchmarks in quality, engagement, and business intelligence.

AI content workspace Narrato