Style Guide Automation - Set Brand & Style Guidelines with Ease

Style Guide

Set and apply your own brand and style guidelines for writers to follow with ease


Automate style and brand guidelines to create consistently great content

Set your own rules for the use of specific terms, phrases, abbreviations and more

Choose from a long list of standard rules around punctuation and writing style for writers and editors to follow

Select preferred formats for currencies, numbers, dates and times to match your brand's style

Easily apply or reject style guide suggestions with one click when writing or editing content

Style guide automation on Narrato

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Get customized style guide suggestions to make writing and editing a breeze with Style Guide automation

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Style guide automation on Narrato allows you to automatically check and apply a defined set of writing and formatting standards, ensuring consistency and quality across all content. This feature helps writers align content better with your brand and style guidelines and lets editors apply these guidelines to content with one click, making review and editing faster and easier .
Style guide automation can save you time by reducing the need for manual editing and proofreading. The style guide suggestions based on the rules you set can be applied with just a click, such as replacing terms, removing or adding punctuations, etc. It helps ensure consistency, enhances content quality, and minimizes errors, ultimately leading to a more professional and polished final product.
Absolutely. Style guide automation is meant to be customized to handle various writing styles and tones, whether it's formal, informal, technical, or conversational, ensuring that all content aligns with your brand's voice and standards.
Not at all. The style guide automation tool on Narrato offers a user-friendly interface and simple setup process. With a few clicks, you can configure the tool to match your specific style guidelines and start benefiting from automated checks immediately.
Style guide automation is designed to complement human editors, not replace them. While this tool can handle routine checks and corrections, human editors are still essential for nuanced judgment, creativity, and ensuring the content aligns with strategic objectives.
The style guide automation tool can detect a wide range of errors, including grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, punctuation issues, incorrect usage of jargon, consistency in terminology, and adherence to specific formatting rules.
Yes, consistency and uniformity in your content are crucial aspects of quality and important for SEO. Style guide automation can also ensure that you use the correct form of a target keyword when it can be spelled in multiple ways or that you use local formats of dates and times, for instance, to speak to a target market. All of these factors add up, ultimately boosting your search engine rankings.
Indeed. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, style guide automation can significantly enhance your content creation process, ensuring consistency and quality. It's especially beneficial for businesses that produce a high volume of content regularly.