How to Use AI for Shopify Product Descriptions

Giving each product on your Shopify store its own unique description is one of those tasks that is incredibly important but also time-consuming and, let’s face it, kind of tedious. There’s good news though – you don’t have to do it alone! AI product description generators are here to help, allowing you to create hundreds of compelling, conversion-focused Shopify product descriptions in one go.

This blog post will explore how AI for generating descriptions can turn bland copy into captivating stories that attract customers. Read on to find out.

What is an AI product description generator?

Using AI for Shopify product descriptions


Tips for creating better Shopify product descriptions

Narrato AI product description generator

What is an AI product description generator?

An AI product description generator is a tool that can help you create engaging web copy for the products listed on e-commerce platforms like Shopify. This AI-powered tool uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality, optimized product descriptions.

Narrato’s AI product description generator lets you generate one or many product descriptions in one click. It supports multiple languages and formats, but what truly sets this tool apart is its ability to produce unique and creative descriptions every time. Plus, it incorporates important keywords naturally, making your Shopify product descriptions search-friendly.

AI product description generators on Narrato's AI Content Assistant

AI product description generators on Narrato’s AI Content Assistant

In addition to the AI product description generator, this platform comes with more than 100 other AI templates and tools for creating other Shopify marketing content. There is an AI Email Writer for running email campaigns, an AI-powered social media post generator for custom posts, and the AI Content Genie for automatic blog and social media content. And if you need something specific, you can create custom AI templates on the platform.

Why use AI to create Shopify product descriptions?

Here’s why you should consider using AI for creating Shopify product descriptions –

  • It significantly eases the repetitive effort of crafting unique descriptions for an extensive product catalog
  • It ensures grammatical accuracy and stylistic finesse, making each product sound appealing to potential customers
  • It also ensures that each description is optimized for SEO
  • It can tailor its descriptions to better match customer expectations and preferences
  • It helps in refining your Shopify marketing strategy to increase conversions

Now, let’s take a quick look at the process of creating Shopify product descriptions with AI.


Using AI for Shopify product descriptions

Investing in a good AI product description generator can change the way you manage your Shopify product descriptions. Here’s how to get the most out of this technology, whether you’re dealing with single or multiple product listings.

How to use the AI product description generator

Using Narrato’s AI product description generator for Shopify product descriptions is simple. You can open the AI product description template from the AI Content Assistant, or directly from the content task page (as shown below).

AI product description template on content task page

AI product description template on content task page

Once you have the AI tool open, input basic information about a product, such as its name, type, key features, and specifications.

Specifying product details to the AI product description generator

Specifying product details to the AI product description generator

You can also set the length, tone, and format for the Shopify product descriptions. For the format, you can choose between –

  • Paragraphs
  • Bullets
  • Paragraphs and bullets

After entering all the basic details, click the ‘Generate’ button. The AI then processes this information to craft Shopify product descriptions that describe the product while also enhancing its SEO potential to attract more visitors. If you’re not happy with the first output, you can always ask the tool to regenerate.

AI-generated Shopify product description

AI-generated Shopify product description

Review the AI-generated Shopify product description for any tweaks and personal touches you might want to add. This step ensures the personality of your brand is well-reflected.


How to use the AI bulk product description generator

For Shopify stores with large inventories, AI can save countless hours. Instead of using AI to generate product descriptions one by one, you can use Narrato’s AI bulk product descriptions generator to whip up 100s of detailed and engaging Shopify product descriptions in just minutes.

The process is pretty simple. You upload a comprehensive list of your inventory. This typically includes product names, features, categories, and any other relevant data. On Narrato, you can download the CSV file template to upload this data.

CSV file sample on Narrato

CSV file sample on Narrato

Here’s what it looks like 👇

CSV file template

CSV file template

After you’ve entered the all details into the CSV file, go ahead and upload it back to the AI product description generator.

Uploading the filled-in CSV file

Uploading the filled-in CSV file

You can adjust the parameters just as you did with the single product description generator. After clicking Generate, the AI will process your input data from the CSV file to create Shopify descriptions, saving them into a downloadable sheet. You can then download this file.

AI-generated Shopify product descriptions in bulk

AI-generated Shopify product descriptions in bulk

Review the AI-generated Shopify product descriptions in batches. You can make edits where necessary to ensure each description meets your standards and reflects your brand’s values. This method is especially handy for seasonal updates or when launching multiple new products. By doing this, you ensure all your products have professionally crafted descriptions that enhance SEO and engagement without the extra hassle.

Narrato AI bulk product description generator

Tips for creating better Shopify product descriptions

Creating good Shopify product descriptions is truly an art. You want your potential buyers to feel they simply can’t go without buying whatever you’re selling! Here are some tips to help you create Shopify product descriptions that grab attention –

1. Make it customer-centric

When it comes to creating product descriptions that really sell on Shopify, it’s essential to focus on the needs, wants, and emotions of your customers. Start by understanding who your target audience is, what problems they face, and how your product can solve those issues. Use language that speaks directly to the reader, using “you” and “your” to make it feel more personal and engaging. This approach increases the likelihood of conversion.

2. Highlight benefits over features

While features are important, benefits sell. Features are the characteristics of your product, such as materials used, technology, and any specific details about how it’s made or operates. Benefits, on the other hand, tell the customer how those features will make their life better, easier, or happier. For instance, if you’re selling a smartphone, a feature might be its 12GB RAM, but the benefit is that the user can enjoy a fast, seamless experience without frustrating lags. Always lead with the benefits in your product descriptions to connect more effectively with potential buyers.

3. Include a storytelling element

Storytelling is a powerful technique in marketing, capable of making your Shopify product descriptions come alive. By weaving a story into the description, you give customers a scenario where they can picture themselves using the product. Tell the story of who created the product, the inspiration behind it, or a problem that was solved with its creation. This can significantly increase emotional investment, encouraging more sales.

4. Add sensory words in the description

Engage the senses to make your product descriptions pop. Sensory words are powerful adjectives related to sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell that can create vivid images in the minds of your readers. For example, describing a blanket as “ultra-soft, luxurious fabric that feels like a warm hug” is more enticing than simply stating it’s made of high-quality material. Sensory words enhance the vividness of the descriptions and can make the potential buyer feel as if they’re already experiencing the product.

5. Make sure it’s scannable

Online shoppers often scan content, looking for the most pertinent information before deciding to read in detail or purchase. Make your product descriptions easy to scan by using bullet points, short paragraphs, and plenty of white space. Highlight key points such as major benefits and unique features. Use subheadings to guide the reader’s attention to the most critical parts of your descriptions. This approach not only improves user experience but also helps in keeping the potential customer engaged and moving towards making a purchase.

6. Don’t forget about SEO

SEO ensures that your product descriptions are seen by as many potential customers as possible. Use relevant keywords naturally within your text to help your Shopify product pages rank higher in search results. However, it’s important to balance keyword use with readability and customer engagement. Don’t just stuff keywords into your descriptions; use them judiciously to ensure that the text remains engaging and natural. You might want to check out this handy Shopify guide on improving your store’s SEO.

Also Read: 6 Product Description Examples & How to Use AI Product Description Generators

That’s a wrap

By now, you’ve seen how leveraging AI product description generator for crafting Shopify product descriptions can seriously kick your e-commerce game up a notch. With AI, your product descriptions can be tailored to precisely match your brand’s tone, while providing customers with the info they need to hit that “Add to Cart” button. Embracing AI means more efficiency and potentially higher conversions, which is a win-win in any online retailer’s book.

Here’s another guide you might want to check out – Using an AI Product Description Generator for Your eCommerce Website.

Narrato AI