5 Email Writing Examples for Marketers & Sales Professionals (+ AI Email Writing Tips)

Crafting the perfect email can be tricky—one mistake and it might end up in the spam folder. Whether you’re pitching to a potential client, following up on a lead, or simply trying to keep your current customers engaged, the way you compose your emails is key. But let’s be honest, writing isn’t easy for everyone. That’s where we come in! In this blog, you’ll find excellent email writing examples and tips, plus a quick guide to using AI email writer.

Effective email writing and the role of AI

Email writing examples to inspire marketers & sales professionals

  1. Promotional emails
  2. Sales outreach emails
  3. Feedback emails
  4. Follow-up emails
  5. Newsletters

Quick AI email writing tips

Narrato AI email writer

Effective email writing and the role of AI

Every year, the number of emails sent and received keeps increasing. In 2022, about 333 billion emails were exchanged daily worldwide.

Emails have become an indispensable tool for communication today, particularly in the fields of marketing and sales. How you write your emails can make a big difference in whether they’re read or ignored. A well-written email that grabs the reader’s attention and encourages action can help build a lasting connection with your audience. But what makes an email effective? It’s all about being clear, concise, and targeted. Good emails have compelling subject lines, engaging content, and a strong call to action. You’ll understand what we mean when we reach the email writing examples.

It’s clear that effective email writing can make or break your marketing or sales efforts, and AI email writing tools are stepping up as a major game-changer. These tools are great at generating content ideas, subject lines, and even full email and newsletter drafts. They help you maintain a consistent tone and voice, spots grammar mistakes, and even suggests ways to improve your email’s readability.

Narrato’s AI email writer can craft any email content you need. From attention-grabbing subject lines to cold outreach emails, marketing emails and newsletters, this platform has got you covered with over 100 AI templates and micro tools at your disposal.

Narrato AI email writer templates

Narrato also features an AI image generator tool (plus image and GIF search tools) to help create visuals for your emails using AI image prompts.

Now, let’s take a look at some AI email writing format samples for some inspiration on writing emails.


Email writing examples to inspire marketers & sales professionals

In a crowded inbox, your email needs to stand out, and this starts with mastering the basics of email writing. Here are some top email writing examples to guide you in the right direction –

1. Promotional emails

Promotional emails are designed to inform customers about special offers, products, or services. What makes a good promotional email is its ability to capture the reader’s attention right from the subject line. Once opened, the email should have a visually appealing layout with clear, concise and compelling content. At the end, a strong call-to-action helps guide the reader on the next steps. The goal of a promotional email is not just to sell, but to build a relationship with your customers.

Example: This is an example of a promotional email from a social media management tool called RecurPost.

Promotional email writing examples

Why is this promotional email a winner? Right off the bat, the email piques the curiosity of the reader with its subject line – “Our Secret Hack to Grow Social”. Upon opening, the email presents a clean layout and starts with a warm greeting. The email body jumps straight into topic, offering readers an opportunity to multiply social media engagement. It also highlights the key offer – a massive 50% discount – and ties it with a 90-day challenge for posting on social. The whole email makes a persuasive argument for using the product and prompts swift action.

2. Sales outreach emails

Sales outreach emails are messages sent to potential customers with the goal of initiating a conversation, nurturing a relationship, or driving a sales opportunity. These emails are carefully crafted to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to take the next step, whether that’s scheduling a call, attending a demo, or learning more about a product or service. So what do you effective sales outreach emails look like? They are personalized, concise, and provide clear value to the reader, making them feel understood and intrigued by the offering.

Example: This is an example of a sales outreach email from HubSpot.

Sales outreach email writing examples

This email is a great example because it addresses the recipient by name, making it feel personal and relevant. It references the recipient’s recent visit to the website, showing it’s not random but based on the recipient’s demonstrated interest. The sender quickly points out the value of the conversation and ends with a simple call to action, inviting the recipient to a 10-minute call. This low-commitment request increases the chances of a positive response. The email is both persuasive and respectful, aiming to build a connection and offer value instead of just pushing for a sale.

3. Survey or feedback emails

Survey or feedback emails are a great way to gather insights and opinions from your audience. These emails can be used to measure customer satisfaction, understand their needs, and identify areas for improvement. Whatever your goal (refinishing your product, improving your services, or gauging how well you are doing), sending out these emails can be incredibly valuable. Crafting these emails is a bit of an art. You need to be respectful, appreciate the customer’s opinion, and encourage honest responses.

Example: This is an example of an email survey from Hootsuite.

Survey email writing examples

The email kicks off by making the recipient feel valued and respected and clearly states the reason for the survey. Giving an estimated time (10 minutes) sets the expectation and makes the task feel manageable. The email also addresses privacy concerns upfront helps build trust and reduces hesitation to participate. It highlights that the data will help improve services that the recipient likely uses, making the activity feel meaningful. The closing is friendly and informal, aligning with the overall tone of the email, making it approachable.

4. Follow-up emails

Follow-up emails are messages sent after an initial contact or meeting to reinforce communication, express gratitude, confirm details, or provide additional information. They can be used to maintain the connection and clarify any unresolved points. By using follow-up emails, you can ensure that conversations stay on track, deadlines are met, and relationships are strengthened. When writing these emails, make sure to clearly state the purpose and encourage the recipient to respond or take the next step.

Example: This is an example of a follow-up email from HubSpot.

Follow-up email writing examples

It also mentions the previous interaction and shows an effort to connect. This shows Garima’s initiative and willingness to communicate, demonstrating persistence without being pushy. Asking for the recipient’s preferred time allows them to choose a suitable slot. This leaves room for Akshita to respond freely, showing respect for her opinion and time, whether she chooses to proceed or not. This follow-up email is a great email writing example because it balances professionalism with friendliness.

Narrato AI newsletter generator

5. Newsletters

Newsletters can be an effective way to keep your audience informed and engaged. They allow you to share news, updates, and valuable content with your subscribers. A well-crafted newsletter should be more than just informative; it should captivate your readers. Engaging content might include interesting articles, insightful tips, exclusive offers, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand. It’s a way to showcase your expertise and provide value, encouraging subscribers to look forward to each issue.

Newsletter email writing examples

The subject line hints at special offers and new features, which can increase open rates. It quickly mentions a “20% discount on your first year with Narrato,” providing a strong incentive. A clear expiration date adds urgency, encouraging quick action. The email’s clean, hierarchical structure makes it easy to read, with the main offer at the top, followed by details, and additional content or features at the bottom. It guides the reader smoothly through the content.


Quick AI email writing tips

When you’re on a time crunch, AI can be a lifesaver for crafting emails. Here are some tips for making the most of AI tools –

1. Get attention-grabbing subject lines with AI

The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees—it’s the hook that draws them in. With an AI email subject line generator, you can test various email subject lines to see which ones works best.

AI email subject line generator

2. Craft compelling cold emails with AI

It’s possible to use an AI email generator to create an entire first draft for your cold emails, marketing emails, sales email sequences, and newsletters. These tools can save you significant time and effort by crafting personalized and engaging messages based on your inputs. Whether you’re reaching out to potential clients for the first time or following up with a strategic sales pitch, AI can help tailor your communication to make a great first impression.

AI email writer

5. Personalize your emails with AI

An AI email writer can enhance the personalization of your emails and messages. Generally, AI email generators will ask for some context and information about your audience. Providing a detailed email writing prompt allows the AI to tailor the content more effectively. If you’re looking to send a hyper-personalized email to certain recipients, consider including your audience’s demographic details. This approach helps the AI email writer tailor the messaging more effectively to the needs and preferences of that specific group.

4. Use AI for error-free content

Even the best writers make mistakes. AI tools can help with grammar and content rewriting to ensure your emails are professional and error-free. Narrato’s in-line AI writer can suggest ways to improve readability and clarity and help you deliver messages that are crisp and easy to understand.

Narrato in-line AI writer

5. Do A/B testing with ease

AI email writers can generate multiple variations of email content—from subject lines to call-to-action phrases and entire email drafts. This capability is particularly beneficial for A/B testing, allowing marketers to experiment with different versions of their emails to see what resonates best with their audience.

In summary

Mastering the art of email writing can truly set you apart in the fields of marketing and sales, and with these email writing examples and tips, you’ll quickly notice an improvement in your responses. By refining your approach and continually improving your skills, you’ll watch your email game become a powerful tool in your marketing and sales game. So, start drafting those emails and watch how powerful your email game can become.

Narrato AI