How to publish blogs directly to WordPress from Narrato Workspace?

With the WordPress publishing integration, you can connect your WordPress blog and website accounts to save, schedule, or publish content from Narrato Workspace directly. You can also copy HTML of your content from Narrato’s editor – a useful feature when publishing content on other CMSes.

All you have to do is connect your blog to your project from the Projects Menu, and authorize Workspace to publish on your behalf.

Here is how you can connect your blog to Workspace:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab under the Projects menu.
  2. Enter the URL of your blog.
  3. Authorize the connection through the WordPress dashboard.
  4. Finally, click on “Connect”.
Narrato content publishing

Once done, you can publish (or save or schedule) one or several content items using the “Actions” dropdown on the Content & Folders tab.

Publishing content on Narrato

You can also publish (or save or schedule) the content item from the item page using the WordPress icon above the editor.

Publishing content on Narrato

Here is an explainer video on how to enable WordPress publishing for your WordPress blog:

Narrato AI content workspace