How Narrato Helped Rocketlane Scale Demand Generation with Content AI
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How Narrato Helped Rocketlane Get Content to Market Faster to Fire Up Demand Generation

Faster Content Ideation + Briefing

Faster Content Creation + Editing

Resource hours saved

A little about Rocketlane

Rocketlane is a customer-success SaaS platform that makes collaborating on and delivering client-facing projects 10X more efficient and seamless.

What role does content marketing play at Rocketlane?

Rocketlane built its content arm parallelly with the product. Their content and resources are hugely popular among professionals and experts in the post-sales space.

They create blogs, newsletters, webinars, video series, and community-driven content. The content they publish is a key driver for their lead generation and has established Rocketlane as the leading customer success and onboarding platform.

What were Rocketlane's biggest content marketing challenges and how Narrato solved them?

Challenge 1: Getting content to market quickly - from idea to publishing

Content is key to Rocketlane's demand generation strategy and with the rapid growth of the business, they had a pressing need to pace up the content ideation to publishing process. They just had to get the content to market much faster.

Narrato's AI content assistant helped the team save a lot of time spent on editing content. The AI content improver use case helped them match the tone and style of content much faster. Literally tens of minutes crunched into seconds of AI content generation.

Creating snippets of content for introductions, generating paragraphs, and copy from short notes are other use cases of the AI content assistant that Rocketlane team frequently uses to create content faster.

Creating a content brief from scratch for every content piece was a painstaking and time-consuming task. With Narrato's SEO content brief generator, they are able to significantly reduce this time and get started with the content creation much faster. Narrato's AI Content Ideation tool also helped the team come up with new content ideas quicker.

Impact of Narrato AI content assistant on sclaing content production for Rocketlane

"The AI content generator and improver helped us focus our creative energies on work that matters. The AI content brief generator and ideation assistant has greatly reduced the time to get the content briefs to the writers."

- Kirthika S, Content Head, Rocketlane

Challenge 2: Scaling content production to fuel demand generation

Rocketlane is expanding its customer base and venturing into new industries. With this rapid growth of the product and company, they had an urgent need to fire up their content-led-growth and customer acquisition. Scaling content production was the need of the hour.

Narrato stepped in and offered Rocketlane a framework to bring their team and processes together. The platform offered a solid framework for managing their growing content volumes.

Bringing everyone on the growing team together was another major challenge. Coordinating on content projects was not easy without a single collaboration platform. For efficient content marketing, Rocketlane had to make sure tasks were trackable and follow-ups were easy, and everyone could access everything in one place.

Narrato provided them with this platform. It gave them a single workspace where they could add their team members under various roles with custom access. They are able to easily assign tasks and manage the content workflow better. The content briefs and custom templates helped ensure the team members adhere to the standards.

"Narrato offered a framework for us to think about managing content. It offers a single workspace to collaborate and coordinate work."

- Kirthika S, Content Head, Rocketlane

What the Narrato experience has been like for Rocketlane

Rocketlane's content marketing team greatly appreciates the support offered by the Narrato team.

The bi-weekly onboarding calls helped the Rocketlane team discover all Narrato capabilities faster, and the workspace set-up support offered helped them get started quickly.

Scale your content process with Narrato

Many more SAAS companies, like Rocketlane, are scaling their content production efforts and empowering faster content creation and shipping with Narrato. If you would like to fuel your demand generation and content-led-growth too, get in touch with us or request a demo. You will also get personalized onboarding and consultation at zero additional cost. Just doesn't get better!